@bovirus here is the string of aeolous modified @aeolous κατεβασε το αρχειο σου απο μενα και δες αν ειναι σωστο
Θα το κοιταξω φιλε τι λεει καλα εισαι? Σε μενα φαινετε σωστα στην ελληνικη γλωσσα Just check it and looks fine in greek language.
Please use Notepad++ or a text file editor compatible with UTF. Your file contains very stranmge not ascii codes. Please check <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <string name="app_name">OnkeyRoot</string> <string name="install_root">Åíáñîç Root</string> <string name="cancel">Áêõñùóç</string> <string name="root">Root</string> <string name="unroot">Áðåãêáôáóôáóç root</string> <string name="please">Ôï óõóôçìá îåêéíáåé root, ðáñáêáëù ðåñéìåíåôå ...</string> <string name="please_un">Ôï óõóôçìá áðåãêáèéóôá ôï root , ðáñáêáëù ðåñéìåíåôå ...</string> <string name="has_root">Ôï óõóôçìá óáò å÷åé root</string> <string name="root_faile">Root áðåôõ÷å</string> <string name="root_faile_un">Áðåãêáôáóôáóç root áðåôõ÷å</string> <string name="root_success_msg">Root åðéôõ÷åò, åðáíåêêéíÞóôå ôï óõóôçìá óáò.</string> <string name="root_success_msg_un">Áðåãêáôáóôáóç root åðéôõ÷çò, åðáíåêêéíÞóôå ôï óõóôçìá óáò.</string> <string name="root_success_restart">åðáíåêêéíçóç</string> <string name="root_hint">Åéóôå óéãïõñïé ïôé èåëåôå íá êáíåôå root óôï óõóôçìá óáò? Ìåôá ôï root, ôï óõóôçìá äåí èá ìðïñåé íá áíáâáèìéóôç , ç íá ðñïêõøïõí áëëá ðñïâëçìáôá. Ç åõèçíç åéíáé áðïêëåéóôéêá äéêç óáò!</string> <string name="unroot_hint">Åéóôå óéãïõñïé ïôé èåëåôå íá áðåãêáôáóôçóåôå ôï root óôï óõóôçìá óáò? Ìåôá ôçí áðåãêáôáóôáóç ôïõ root, ìðïñåé íá ðñïêõøïõí áëëá ðñïâëçìáôá . Ç åõèçíç åéíáé áðïêëåéóôéêá äéêç óáò!</string> <string name="hint">"Óçìáíôéêï: Ìåôá ôï root, ôï óõóôçìá äåí èá ìðïñåé íá áíáâáèìéóôç, ç íá ðñïêõøïõí áëëá ðñïâëçìáôá. Ç åõèçíç åéíáé áðïêëåéóôéêá äéêç óáò!"</string> <string name="hint_un">"Óçìáíôéêï : ìåôá ôçí áöáéñåóç ôïõ root áðï ôï óõóôçìá óáò, ìðïñåé íá ðñïêõøïõí áëëá ðñïâëçìáôá. Ç åõèçíç åéíáé áðïêëåéóôéêá äéêç óáò!"</string> </resources> Downlaod the english master file that I posted Open it with Notepad++ Translate the string that I explained Save the .xml file. Upload strings.xml here. Please use only english language in posts. Not greek. Thanks.
@nakata The greek language file is ok now. Thanks. This afternoon i will recompile the app including greek language and you could test it.
@aeoluous @nakata There are some errors in greek translation. You translated also some reverved variabled names. I fixed it. I posted the new greek language on post #2 and the app with eng/ita/grk language. Thanks.
@bovirus There is no way to choose the Greek or the Italian language, or i am wrong? btw here is your own file with some tweaking can you please add this one
It works for the Italian language but not for the Greek language. Please test it. /Settings/Language&input/Ελληνικα
@nakata Update greek language and apk (with eng/ita/greek language) on post #2 http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...-1-0-add-remove-root-fuction.1686/#post-10271 Now any update will be placed always on post #2. @HoneCharles Made some changes to the master English language In original master English language there some not useful tab (\u0009 codes) that create mis-unalignment. Please remove tabs codesit in next release. Please check my new master English file. In your apk there are some errors in the codes. The messagges "Root success" and "Remove root success" are hardcoded in .smali files (and are untranslated). The .smali file codes should point to text strings variables defined in strings.xml file.
Thanks ,it works like a charm,but there is a problem,it seems you use the file (strings) you posted on post #29 and not the file (Zidoo-OneKeyRoot-1-1.2-strings-greek-r3) you posted post #2 ,can you please fix it.
@nakata Thanks for the report about greek language. Please test apk eng-ita-grk r3 (posted on post #2). Please consider if you want also to translate this new apk http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/release-naskit-for-x6-test-only.1327/page-2#post-10522 the translation is very short.
@HoneCharles Could you please describe the differences between version 1.1.0 (title and first post) and the version 1.1.2 that you posted after? There are some problems about version 1.1.2 and untranslated strings. The strings are untranslated because your developer made the strings hardcoded in program codes and not use strings.xml - File HomeActivity.smali const-string v2, "Root" - File HomeActivity$1$1$1.smali const-string v2, "Root success" - File HomeActivity$2$1$1.smali const-string v2, "Remove root success" Please ask to your developer to fix theese problems.
@spring Thanks. Please take care that I posted a translation and new apk in NAS Kit thread. Please consider my propsoal when you posted a new utility to post always in first post the English master strings to encourage other guys to help you to translate your tools. If you want, you can contact when you will release a new app and I can translate (and if you need to rebuild it) adding Italian language. As you can see we already add Italian and Greek language to your original OneKeyRoot. Please sue it for next release. What are the differences between OneKeyRoot 1.1.0 and 1.1.2?