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OneKeyRoot ( root fuction)

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by HoneCharles, May 31, 2016.

  1. HoneCharles

    HoneCharles Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    OnekeyRoot_v1.1.0 (old)
    Upgrade list:
    1:add remove root function

    Upgrade list:
    1:add Italian based on v1.1.0

    The tool can be used in ZIDOO_X6 Pro、ZIDOO_X1II、 ZIDOO_X5(v1.0.10 or higher)


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
    Benny Koh likes this.
  2. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group

    Please consider always multi-language approach.

    For anyone that wan to translate I attached the languages

    - Master English strings to translate.
    - Italian language
    - Greek Language

    If anyone can provide strings in other languages I will update the app.

    I attached also the apk rebuilt with three languages:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  3. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Very good!
    To Zidoo developer team: did this (1.1.10) version, during unroot, remove all su, superuser and busybox traces?

    Thanks in advance for replay.
  4. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group


    The translation showed in screenshot is very very bad. Is not Italian.

    In rpevious post I uploaded the file. But it was wrong file.
    You could just notify that is not the right file (contains only ensglish strings) and I will update it.

    Please use my translation (strings uploaded).
    Please next time contact me in advance and I will help you with Italian.
    Please don't translate "OneKeyRoot". It's a program name.
    I believe that it should remain in english.

    I uploaded

    - New app rebuild with the right italian strings
    - English language file (fro other translators)
    - Italian language string file (for Zidoo - to add to the repository)


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  5. HoneCharles

    HoneCharles Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Sorry for my translate,I am not found any Italian words about your translation
    Please translate and upload here and I will ask the engineer to build it
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  6. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group


    I added the Italian language file to the post.
    Please provide it to your engineer.
    If you will release new app that can be translated please contact me in advance (before to release the app) and I will help you with the italian language.

    I already rebuild the app (with Google standard tools) and inside it I updated Italian language file.


    Could you please test the new Italian app evrsion?
  7. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    bovirus, I upgrade my X6 today, and test OneKeyRoot.
    HoneCharles, I also absolutely agree that is better to NOT translate app name.

    P.S. also translations from chinese to english in your app(s) are often not... fine.
    Automatic translation are often "hilarious"
    For example, "The system is root, please wait ..." should be "System rooting in progress, please wait ...", or "Your system has root" should be "Your system is rooted" (or "Your system is now rooted", but depends on the original meanings)
    Of course mine is not the best possible translation (I'm italian and I don't speak english so well), but if you ask in the forum, many user (like bovirus) skilled in "technical english" could correct your text for you.
  8. aeolous

    aeolous New Member

    Translation in Greek language

    Attached Files:

  9. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group

    You greek translation contain many chinese strings.
    Could you please get the english file from my latest post, translated it in greek, and upload greek translation?
    I will rebuild immediately the app and you can etst it.
  10. HoneCharles

    HoneCharles Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    TKS very much,if you have time to translate all the zidoo official app in italian, then I can provide it to our engineer be build all of them in the next release fireware.
  11. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group


    We can try step by step, depend by time requested.
    One small request.
    When you post a new small tool, please post always the master english language to encourage other guys to help you with translation.
  12. HoneCharles

    HoneCharles Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    TKS,I have post the new version on the top 1.
  13. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group

    Sorry but I have some doubts and I want to avoid misunderstanding.
    The last version posted by you is 1.1.2 but you posted on post 1 the version 1.1.0.
    What's the matter? 1.1.0 and 1.1.2 are the same?
    In first post the first (apk) file contains only english language.
    My apk version (italian) include english + italian.
    Then it can create misunderstanding.
    I beleieve that you have to leave just one unique vesrion that contains many languages as possible.
    Then as I posted before please add in first post the zip of master english xml file (for translators).
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  14. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    bovirus, just upgraded to 1.0.38, no root after boot, used your modified OneKeyRoot (needs to remove previous version before, else it doesn't install), then good!
    Only footer notes not well aligned ("Notes:" on one line and relevant text on another, not a big deal of course!), and (not fully tested, of course I don't want to unroot) selecting "unroot" a little "clerical error" on footer notes.
    As "Clerical error" I mean
    dopo aver rimosso il root, potrebebro verificarsi altri problemi."
    Of course, nothing really important.
    Thanks for your effort!
  15. aeolous

    aeolous New Member

    From post#4 will do so then will have it ready by tomorrow
    One question do i have to translate all english to greek right?
  16. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group

    Get master english file. Decomrpess it.
    Except first line (program name - highlight in red) Onekeyroot that you cannot tarsnalte, you should translate text between > and </strings>.
    Ex. the text to translate is in black/bold/Italic

    <string name="app_name">OnekeyRoot</string>
    <string name="install_root">Start Root</string>
    <string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
    <string name="root">Root</string>
    <string name="unroot">Remove root</string>
    <string name="please">The system is root, please wait ...</string>
    <string name="please_un">The system is remove the root, please wait ...</string>
  17. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group

    @HoneCharles @PacoRabanne

    I updated teh files in post #3


    I revsied teh Italian langauge.
    I correcetd the rror reported by PacoRabanne (thanks)
    I delete all tab chars not suefull in notes.

    I rebuild the apk and i mentioned in apk file name that has English+Italian language.

    Coudl you please test the new localzied version (1.2.2 r2)?

    What do you think to open an unique single thread for OneKeyRoot (now there is one for 1.0.6 and one for 1.1.0) an maintain first post updated with laetst OKR vesrion?
    Coudl you please explain differences between version 1.1.0 and 1.1.2?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  18. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    bovirus, fine.
    Text are correct and well formatted.
    If done both unroot and root (today I'm generous... and risky)
    One note: after unroot and reboot, I've checked root status using "Root Verifier" (open source available through F-Droid), and says
    not rooted
    but also reports
    detected SuperSU version 2.6.5 and Busybox Version 1.24.2
    so root intolerant apps may still don't runs or apreciate.

    To Zidoo developer team:
    Is it so difficult to build a flash script to deep remove root and any trace of it for those (not me!) who needs a really unrooted machine?
    Something like a ultraminimal OTA flash file that do remove SuperSU and Busybox traces in a clean and secure way?
    In the same way you can do a "ReRoot" procedure.

    If this is or is not feasible, please give a feedback anyway. THANKS!
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  19. aeolous

    aeolous New Member

    Good morning to all @bovirus i hope i get it right this time here is the greek translation

    Attached Files:

  20. bovirus

    bovirus Member Beta test group

    As your first try pelase check your strings.xml file inside rar file that you posted.
    Contains many strange characters and japanese strings.
    Which text editor do you use to revise strings.xml?

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