New firmware v1.0.42 for ZIDOO_X6 Pro release

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by warren_wh, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    Does Zidoo update anymore X6 PRO? What happened about the long term commitment to provide updates and new features?
    nice159 and isten like this.
  2. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    They are working on X10 :D
    I bet it's gonna be the next crap device...
    sir07 and isten like this.
  3. freeroc

    freeroc Active Member

    Updated the support page.
    A5/A5s will not open a new sub-forum. Issue reports please contact
  4. isten

    isten New Member

    I feel cheated by zidoo where the promised updates? very disappointed
    nice159 likes this.
  5. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
  6. Carpenter1

    Carpenter1 New Member

    Just received my box and had no issues with the new update, downloaded it and installed as described using an SD card, thanks for the support
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
  7. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    Wow great!! :D
    Please share some more experience...
  8. Carpenter1

    Carpenter1 New Member

  9. Shallowbit

    Shallowbit New Member

    I've Been having problems with Ethernet as well since this update. It is intermittent. I think it may have something to do with the dhcp client because I've seen dhcp error messages in my modems error logs for this host. I subsequently tried to switch to static ip config but to no avail. I may be totally wrong here. I'm just throwing it out there to see if there is any more verification. I've also had to switch to wifi which is very inconvenient.
  10. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    Just announced, there will be a new firmware update this week
    Oliver70 and isten like this.
  11. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    Can't wait to see the "changelog" :D
  12. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    Don.t expect much. Probably small bug fixes and tweeks.
  13. EHB

    EHB New Member

    Yay. I will have to dig out my long Ethernet cable again. :)


    There are news on the new firmware?
  15. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    not yet
  16. alitriple

    alitriple New Member

    plz release Full image
  17. Bogdan

    Bogdan Member

    Should happen the right way, meaning with Kodi 17.1 stable.
    "More and more streaming sites are moving to HTTPS, and older versions of Kodi do not offer HTTPS support. This means that at this point you really have no choice but to upgrade to Kodi 17.1 Krypton."
    Otherway it's pointless with UI and minor improvements.
    isten likes this.
  18. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    not sure what's up with the update, seems it's letting itself waited , probably not done yet
  19. ron

    ron New Member

    Anybody experience when playing movies in kodi krypton. the sound and video is out of sync?
  20. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    You can't use kripton in x6. IT has custom code for video sync. Wait for update, stick with zdmc till then.

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