Very good! And with the free version! Thanks for your report! I hope now (some) italian users will be able to do the same and to finally use those "pesky" app that don't run if device is rooted. Only a doubt: after this "Full unroot", is it still possible to gain root access again with "One Key Root" or in any other way (except reflashing IMG) ? Any experience?
@PacoRabanne Yes, I have tried unrooting with the method mentioned above and then rerooting and One Key Root still works just fine.
Thanks! Now I'm waiting reports from italian X6 users that want to use apps like "mediaset play", "sky go". P.S. any other app do add to this list, even not for "italian" services?
Enter in SuperSU settings and go the option shown in the photo posted by Arctic Ace (Full unroot), then follow every step shown by the program itself, all needed details are there.
I'm on 1.0.33 firmware. I know I'll have to update manually to 1.0.36. Is it worth upgrading, or should I wait? Especially considering 1.0.33 is working ok, does the 1.0.36 upgrade to a newer version of kodi?
Installed Rootchecker and checked existing (1.0.36) for root. It reported no root access. checked for busybox and it reported busybox IS installed. So firmware HAS partial root which some apps will refuse to run. Installed and run zidoo onkey root. re-booted and checked for root. rootchecker reported root access. The onkey root tool DOES root the system. The notification area (top of screen, accessible by trebleclicking when in an app) reported supersu binary needed to be updated. It does not update. Tried reboot and update again, unsuccessful so ignored. I ran the supersu app and selected the full unroot, let it run and then rebooted. Ran a Rootchecker and root was removed! BUT checked for busybox and that was still installed so only a PARTIAL UNROOT! so a complete waste of time, back where I started.
I'm new to all of this. What is the difference between rooted and non-rooted? Did my box come non-rooted?
To make a long story short, have a rooted device is like to get administrator rights on a PC. You can delete/modify also system files, not only apps. So, if you (or any app) want/need to modify some system files you must root the device. There are also some CONS; the most important is that in a rooted device any "malicious" app can get the control of the device itself. But (mostly in our case) some official TV streaming apps will NOT work on rooted device, considering it "not safe". About X6, it depends on which firmware you have installed (Zidoo released in past both rooted and unrooted FW) of if you have rooted it using the tool provided by Zidoo. By the way, you can easily check. There are a plenty of apps on Google Play store that can verify it (i.e. root check, but also CPU-Z)
I watch a temporary freezing of .36 was forced to go back .33 but unfortunately the problem remains but rarely seen. This fact is very unpleasant and difficult to use this device, I regret that bought this unit to X6
For me HBO GO doesn't work too. It says exacly "Please disconnect the external display to continue" NC+ doesn't work for me too it's just going back to home screen or somtime its shows error 123 ... I have Z4 too on firmware UGOOS MOD V1.2 and NC+ works OK but HBO GO have the same problem as ZIDO
I have same firmware but when I try to update OTA, why does it say I have latest version when 1.0.36 is available?
If you were on 1.0.35 then you could update OTA, but because there are a few updates since 1.0.33 you have to update manually. That is what I was told.
So. there is no way to use HBO go on zidoo ? , i have the same problem "please Remove the other display to continue playback" . HDMIdeception does nothing
Thanks Paulo but as I said, I have firmware 1.0.33 and I cannot find how to update manually. I am not that tech savvy and do not want to make my box unusable by doing anything wrong. I need the idiots guide to do anything technical.
HBO Go was bundled-in with my cable/satellite subscription. Since I cancelled those, I purchase HBO Now seperately for the same monthly fee from the Google Play Store. I have no problem at all watching Game of Thrones on my rooted X6 Pro, without the need to hide root or the HDMI connection to my TV. So long as your box, cable, and TV are HDCP compliant, you should have no problems with either HBO app. But there definitely is no problem running the HBO Now app on the Zidoo X6.
I've upgraded to 36 on my rooted device and it works perfectly. No audio delay, HBOGo works excellent, and ZDMC is flawless. As usual, amazing work, by an amazing Dev team.
probably ther's a problem with HBO go Romanian version. will try to find apk for " normal " one So the normal one is region blocking.. so meh.