Have you tried utf-8 encoded subtitle files? By default, windows encoding is used. Both of them should be supported though
Sorry, but it's not only my problem, but many other, from different parts of Europe, reported the same on external subtitles using Zidoo Theater. And, by the way, the very same subs work great on ZDMC.
I uninstalled and installed the original kodi 16.0. If I upgrade will the new zdmc replace kodi, and will I lose my settings. Also to update to a newer original version of kodi (eg 16.2) do I uninstall the older version first or do I just install the new one, and will it keep my settings/addons replacing the older version?
I don't see the point to try the original KODI erasing ZDMC, loosing optimizations done by Zidoo, now that most of the ZDMC issues are solved (comparing KODI, of course). If someone wants to try something "different (fork)" (just a little), better to try SPMC. It has the same level of support of Kodi (no RK at all), but it can coexist with ZDMC without loosing anything. And, more important, rumors are that it will be developed longer then Kodi (on Android).
@spring A quick report-back: 1. Disabling the USB option in AUDIO devices works like a charm. Thank you! My Air-mouse (MELE F10 PRO) works without having to "hack" it. 2. ZDMC - For some reason all my audio is in sync! Thank you!
From some reason, your audio was alwyas in sync. Unfortunately, it's for you and for any others audio is out of sync. So your report is not really useful here. Either your audio is really in sync or you are unable to see 250 ms difference.
Please, speak for yourself, and in case for others that have this problem. The ones that don't have this problem are not here flaming. This absolutely don't mean that you are a liar, of course... Coming back to the issue, may be that it manifest itself on some kind of external HW, and not on other ? cyber7, could you schematize your environment and devices, and do some snapshots of the various X6 configuration pages that give you a satisfying results?
I have seen many reports saying audio out of sync. The only person I have ever seen who don't have this problem is cyber7. There are many reports even on Kodi forum. ZDMC, Kodi, SPMC. Alle versions/forks affected. Also, he said: Sorry, there is nothing to thank for. There was nothing changed regarding to audio issues. It works the same as before. I will say "thank you" twice once they even try to fix that! Moreover, now I'm experiencing audio sync issues with MXPlayer, which was not there before. I need to use HW+ (not HW) in MXPlayer to get audio in sync. Groving incompatibility with most widely used Android apps really annoys me.
@PacoRabanne I am at work at the moment, but will show you guys EXACTLY what I did to get my device in sync 100%. What I can tell you is that I: Flashed the system to 1.34 (IMG file) Did a USB upgrade of the 1.36 release. Disabled USB audio, to get my MELE F10 Pro working. Started ZDMC, to create the KODI directories. Added my "custom" advancedsettings.xml to the kodi directory. Now, what does my custom advancedsettings.xml look like, you ask? Well, first of all I will have to explain what is INSIDE mine... I sync via a mysql server because my TV/Movie/Audio sources is about 4TB in size. All my sources happens to be on SMB shares. I set the Rockchip temperatures of ALL my devices (I have a couple of RK units throughout my house and then also some OpenElec devices and even some RPi devices...) totaling about 12 devices. So, without any further ado, here is my "advancedsettings.xml": NOTE: Personal details have been commented with {} HTML: <advancedsettings> <videodatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host>{EDIT}</host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass>kodi</pass> </videodatabase> <musicdatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host>{EDIT}</host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass>kodi</pass> </musicdatabase> <videolibrary> <importwatchedstate>true</importwatchedstate> <importresumepoint>true</importresumepoint> <dateadded>0</dateadded> <recentlyaddeditems>400</recentlyaddeditems> </videolibrary> <video> <playcountminimumpercent>90</playcountminimumpercent> <ignoresecondsatstart>180</ignoresecondsatstart> <ignorepercentatend>8</ignorepercentatend> <audiodelayrange>.025000</audiodelayrange> </video> <network> <buffermode>1</buffermode> <cachemembuffersize>104857600</cachemembuffersize> <readbufferfactor>4</readbufferfactor> </network> <pvr> <minvideocachelevel>60</minvideocachelevel> <minaudiocachelevel>60</minaudiocachelevel> </pvr> <cputempcommand>echo "$(busybox sed -e 's/current cpu_temp://' /sys/rockchip_thermal/temp) C"</cputempcommand> </advancedsettings> PS: Although the "audiodelayrange" value is set, I run it also without and can not see a difference. WELL, actually, in the previous releases I could not see a difference, it could be that in this release ZDMC honors the value.
@cyber7 now it's clear. You applied audio delay range 0.25s in advanced settings. So you don't need to do the same at gui side. However, problem sitll exists, this is only workaround. You can either apply 0.25s delay in video settings or do the same via advancedsettings, like you did Try to remove Code: <audiodelayrange>.025000</audiodelayrange> And you will see the truth
yes thats what i see too - this we discussed in another thread as well, so i cannot understand why @cyber7 is blaming people not to have this problem and he has every thing right at the moment i do not have this problem as well, because i set the delay in ZDMC as well - in SPMC i did not set the delay and do not have the delay in general settings why writing such things? - headshaking ...
Hi @Xoxi Xiola , I read from KODI, this is a standard fix. So it does seem like the setting has been added to rectify the delay, not only on RK devices, but on any device having this problem. My question here is, why is the setting available in Kodi if: Kodi does not officially support RK chips. This, to my knowledge, then points to an inherited flaw within the Kodi and the way Kodi works. There is very little, or none, documentation on this setting, no discussion, no explanation, nothing! This, again points to an inherited flaw within Kodi! The problem does not occur in native format, that is, within the native programs of Android, so why only in Kodi? I am of the understanding and belief now that Kodi is flawed, not fixed and they (kodi development) know of the problem, does not want to address it and gave the "advancedsettings" fix... i also believe that the problem within Kodi is of Kodi's own making and the ability to rectify the problem will mean a complete re-write, something Kodi development irks about every-time the RK-issue comes up... Just my 10c, but then I am getting pretty peaved with Kodi and their management styles!
Actually, problem is starting to occur in MXPlayer, read my above post. Also, you must understand: no specific support for RK should be needed. There are some Android apis, which are used to do all the things. Kodi uses them right way, but there are bugs/not implemented things at system side on Zidoo. This is the only reason of all the problems. So, you should not say "I don't have audio sync issues from unkown reasons". Reason is known, you just applied audio delay in settings.
Actually, I only saw (when I pulled the "advancedsettings" file off my server) this morning that the setting was injected. I will suggest you do same. It is not a "hack-fix" it is a standard setting within Kodi... I have "other" makes of RK devices with the same kind of "settings" applied. As a last point, the advancedsettings file is there for your customization. If I did not have it i would not: get to sync my library of media. get my device to recognize "watched" states of media. and, guess what...?, keep my media in sync. These settings should be set-and-forgotten. It is a Kodi thing and I think nothing we can do about it. (Almost like Internet Explorer being the tool to download Google Chrome, you need to have it to get Chrome, nothing you can do about it... )
Sorry Gents, but I'm trying to see where exactly cyber7 is blaming someone in his post: @@spring A quick report-back: 1. Disabling the USB option in AUDIO devices works like a charm. Thank you! My Air-mouse (MELE F10 PRO) works without having to "hack" it. 2. ZDMC - For some reason all my audio is in sync! Thank you! Now, that we have clarified the delay issue (on cyber7 configs) could we please go back to "technical discussions" ? I understand that in the next FW release there will be some very important fixes on both ZDMC and Zidoo Theater. We will see. In the meantime, I will test a lot of things (including the video issues on CVBS output, I didn't forget PacoRabanne ). And, again, the "system snaphot" idea of PacoRabanne should be a standard when someone post a new issue or "solved" issue, just to have a clear picture of environment and avoid misundertandings between people here on forum and, at the end, to help ZTeam to improve our X6. Thanks to everybody.
I can only report about the HD audio because that's what's most important to me. In Kodi, it is totally out of sync but when i set it on pause and disable "enable passthrough" and then enable it again it seems in sync. Now the stock player. In firmware 1.35 the picture was not in the center but that seems to be involved in 1.36. Dolby Atmos seems to work but not all my Blu-ray folders starts to play.(they do in Kodi)Just 25% starts. However if i don't choose for playing the blu-ray folder and choose for open the folder and go to the m2ts file then it will play.