New firmware v1.0.30 for ZIDOO X6 release

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by mirror, Jan 14, 2016.

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  1. portokali00

    portokali00 Member

    Same to me. Only bs player shows 1 byt letter are too small.
    Using kodi shows only the chosen one. (I am still in 1.0.26) and wondering if it is time to update to 1.0.30 ...
  2. Paulus

    Paulus Member

    And, by the way, there is still the ASCII CharSet decoding problem on "yellow" subtitle already reported also in MediaCenter ( beginning/end of sub and "?" instead of ò,è,à .....). Zidoo Team, could you please check on this ?
    Some other "minor" reports:
    1) Kodi at startup is already reporting that Jarvis beta 5 is online. Hope that in .31 firmware tha final K16 will be implemented
    2) sometimes I got some on MediaCenter/Theater "unable to play" on some videos (that worked on previous fw). By the way trying another time to start them, they work fine.
    3) Kodi plugin download issue. I really hope that in .31 this will be fixed.
    4) some difficulties (random) in RC use as "mouse function". Cursor sometimes disappears.
    5) It seems that "Zidoo cache cleanup " doesn't properly work. Tried yesterday to clean 240Mb cache, but after that, they were still there. Cleaned without problem with CCleaner.
    6) Some general instability switching from an APP to another

    Thanks for support.
  3. agmarco

    agmarco Member

    On this new FW but still "Cannot play movie" for all formats I try when running in Zidoo Theater. Someone any idea???
  4. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Hi,pls clean the zidoo theater app data in apps Interface(focus on zidoo menu on remote),then try again.if still cant do this.pls give me a screenhot when play a video.
  5. agmarco

    agmarco Member

    Deleted cache, etc. No luck. IMG_20160115_170406.jpg
  6. EAVS

    EAVS New Member

    Voice will become scratchy sound when using Usb audio.
    USB audio chips are XMOS.
    Some people know that this is what reason?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  7. dorol

    dorol Member

    Audio: UNKNOWN for DTS-HD, TRUEHD - no sound

  8. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    Thanks - this was a great update!

    Now I can use one official media streaming app, which earlier detect Zidoo v1.0.27 as a Rooted OS (even UNROOTED version was installed). There is still one media app which is not working, but it's not working at most of the AndroidTV's (because it detect most of those as ROOTED).

    If somebody is wondering about Kodi's version -> in v1.0.30 Kodi is based on v16 beta 4, not the latest beta 5 (which Kodi recommends to be upgraded).

    I'll continue testing!
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  9. dorol

    dorol Member

    What about smashing my box with a hammer and post video on youtube?:mad:
    But wait.... whitecream porn addon works fine in Kodi.
    Decisions, decisions...
    Awaiting votes.
    Buddym likes this.
  10. grummel2005

    grummel2005 Well-Known Member

    link? ;) SCNR
  11. ats

    ats New Member

    Zidoo Home Theater is fine. Recognised 400 out of 700 movies in 5 minutes time.

    Yes there are still several, mostly minor, bugs in v.30, but the box in total is just fine.
    Zidoo, keep up the good work. Do not listen to all the professional grumpies.
  12. agmarco

    agmarco Member

    Recognizing is not the problem in my case. Not sure why but every movie format I want to play gives "Cannot play..". But Kodi runs fine so I am finem
  13. Steve

    Steve New Member

    I have a bug with my box when using Netflix, very often the image will freeze and the audio continues. Only happens with my zidoo x6 :( All of my other devices never experience this issue.
  14. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    My first report on 1.0.30:
    - For the first time Native Explorer give an "unknown error" trying to access a SMB share. Until 1.0.28 no problems using it.
    - Zidoo Home Theater see my SMB share, collect files more faster then first version, but still too much for me. Strange behaviour on recognizing files, some are wrong, some with image in unknown language, TV series are almost all not recognized. The player seems the same of Native Explorer, runs fine, all video I've tried was played well.
    - First test of Kodi Debug was strange, audio level was very low. So I've uninstalled Kodi, extracted the original from 1.0.30 and reinstalled. Now audio OK, but configuration lost. In this case Kodi on first launch downloaded some addon. I'll check is someone gave an error.
    Then I have reinstalled Kodi Debug. Audio OK. Strange...
    Anyway, watching an HD (720) video, on both versions there is some stutter.

    Any advice?

    Something more to test?
    Keep in mind that my TV is an old SD (Standard Definition) one and connected through AV out... :p
  15. jbv

    jbv Member

    Hi dorol,

    I noticed in an earlier post that you had your Sound [Audio Output] configured to be a [x] HDMI BitStream
    From this, I can only guess that your Theater is connected to your Television.

    I have no idea if this is related to your problem or not, but on my Samsung equipment, the TV/Monitor will not pass any Dolby or DTS audio to the Samsung Theater player. Even though everything is from the same top of the line models and generation, the TV just doesn't pass-though. The end result of this is that if I try to pass-though any "encoded" audio from the TV the Theater unit, I get no sound. It seems to me that this may be what you are experiencing.

    Fortunately, my Theater setup has multiple S/PDIF Optical inputs, so I use an optical connection for all audio inputs, and I don't route any sound to or via the TV.

    I only unpacked my X6pro yesterday. I updated it to v1.0.30 and was messing around with it last night.
    As a lot of people have been making complaints about issues with Digital Dolby, DTS and the like, these were the first things I tested.
    I had not used Kodi before so it took a few minutes to get it setup and work out how to drive it :), but everything worked.
    I started to throw very high bitrate AV files at it and it ran everything just fine. There were no problems with Dolby or DTS.

    I did notice that with a few files Kodi reported the Audio Codec as being unknown, just as in your screenshots, yet the Audio Output was definitely correct and my Theater was defiantly playing it as either a Dolby or DTS as appropriate.

    If you have an optical input (and appropriate cable), I suggest you try that and change the audio setting to S/PDIF
    If that works, it would pretty much point to you being bitten by the same pass-though issue I have with my TV/Monitor.

    I'm still playing so I rally can't comment on anything yet, but I hope this helps.

  16. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    can you send us a simple file?we tested the blueray all of them can pass through DTSHD,TRUEHD
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  17. gridlock

    gridlock Member

    thank you team zidoo for the effort ;
    my comments ;
    - minor video playback stutter using any player (mx player , kodi and zidoo theater...)
    - continuous video playback stutter in YouTube.
    - WHEN USING ANY USB HUB WITH 2 HARD DRIVES ATTACHED (due to the fact that that zidoo x6 has only two usb inputs : any video KEEPS ON PAUSING BY ITSELF during playback)

    thank you.....
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  18. Juri

    Juri New Member

    I need a date when
    green/pink screen problem
    will be fixed.
    tienlequoc likes this.
  19. dorol

    dorol Member

    Can you post some screenshots, like me, or a video to see that DTS-HD, TRUEHD audio really working?
    I am the one who was stoopid enough to pay for this. My money are in your pockets.
    Please give me what you advertise.

    Right now i have Q5 4k3D and DTS-HD, TRUEHD works fine in android and kodi.
    Right now i have H8 OCTACORE and DTS-HD, TRUEHD works fine in android and kodi.
    Right now i have Zidoo X6 and DTS-HD, TRUEHD not working in android, only in kodi.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  20. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    plse check pm ,and test it.
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