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My Zidoo Z9X....

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by OlivierQC, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Letmein likes this.
  2. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member



    Change your speech, it's always the same trying to pass for the victim

    I agree with you, that's not the problem

    We hope that you will see them and take it as a wake up call

    PS : your message also indicates that you don't seem to take into account our feedback and it's worrying for the future


    There is nothing mean in our messages, you are the first to want user feedback but when it doesn't suit you you try to look like victims.

    Personally I have always supported Zidoo (and I don't think anyone will say otherwise) and with my use I don't have any major problems even if I find the last 2 FWs to be messed up.

    You voluntarily ignore feedback on problems that have existed for a long time and only talk about your new features as if you were trying to put meat around a bone because you have nothing else to offer.

    Irritants are grouped in the excellent Nice Monkey thread and some that are major for many users don't seem to be in your "to do" list or you are too proud to say that it's beyond your competence...in this case be honest with your users and we will move on.

    I've said it many times before and I remember Nice Monkey making the point several months ago in one of his posts with this generation or the previous one, could you please take a step back and go back to the basics of what made you successful....

    Of course the audiophile side is trendy nowadays but what made your success at one time is the video part and you are abandoning it (except for the DV).

    It took you a long time to get known and partly thanks to different people who talked about your devices but you are not safe from deterioration and loss of confidence among users and especially on eventual buyers and I think it would be sad.

    This is my opinion and I'm sorry if my English is approximate.

    From a Zidoofan

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
    Letmein, VANLUC and rozel like this.
  3. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    In response to an opinion given by movie 78 about me and to clarify the situation

    At the same time I am not surprised by his reaction when I see the comments he leaves on the Zidoo forum since he came back... he seems to be bitter but this is just another opinion from me and I forgive him

    To see his opinion about me, it's here



    Of course zidoo have sent me devices in the past and it never stopped me from telling Mirror or other people from Zidoo who are not on this forum how I feel about their devices or software.

    I think I have always been objective and some members do not hesitate to blame me and say that I have no place on this forum by saying bad things about Zidoo and that does not bother me on the contrary

    I have enough people who thank me through differents forums to see that I am objective about Zidoo devices and that I am not talking nonsense.

    You don't see it but I push Zidoo as best I can (and with my means) regularly to change their plans and correct certain problems as quickly as possible so that as many users as possible are satisfied and sometimes it has to be said in public if nothing happens
    but most of the time it is in private and not especially with Mirror which is only a cog in the Zidoo company.

    As anyone can read on my discussion threads I have no major problems with Zidoo and I am satisfied with it, (even if I find that the last 2 FWs are of lower quality, personally I prefer to be in 6.2.5) with my way of using it and I have no reason to say otherwise.
    On the other hand, this is not the case for everyone and I indicate it in my threads of discussions too.


    You must to know that what we see on the forum is like an iceberg with the tip sticking out that everyone sees and everything else that is underwater that no one sees...

    Again last night I received an email from Zidoo and I replied this morning (local time) with what I think is the best response for a majority of users who report irritants on several forums I frequent.

    I often remind them that they can ban me from the forum if they wish or cut ties with me, I don't mind because I don't work for them even if they could send me samples contrary to what you seem to think

    (and in between us they are stingy contrary to Egreat ( Thanks Rita) who had sent me their entire range at the time)


    For all those who read my last message on my 2 threads, know also that if Zidoo fixes some old irritants, I will be the first to say I was wrong and apologize on the forums and social networks because it will mean that many users will have a better experience with their Zidoo device and that I will have achieved my goal.

    For your information, I'm going to spread this message on differents forums I frequent and on Facebook too.

    Personally I am satisfied with what I do

    sorry for my poor English

    See you soon
    Letmein, xskip and Markswift2003 like this.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Well said Olivier.
    JohnG and rozel like this.
  5. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    The success of zidoo today depends on the constructive suggestions put forward by people like you and mark. What I said the other day doesn't want to cause any controversy. I just want to say that we didn't ignore any opinions.
    Let's stop this meaningless argument. Back to the essence of things
    OlivierQC, McBluna and Markswift2003 like this.
  6. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Totally agree with you, Let's move on :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  7. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    And as I said in a previous message I am waiting for your next FW to see what you propose to fix various problems
    JohnG and Letmein like this.
  8. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello all,

    My Atmos 2018 demo disc works fine but my other 3 iso's (DTS vol23/vol24 and atmos 2016) don't work or crash HT 4.0 or it works in one out of every two.

    it is not stable and it is like Russian roulette


    An another example with my Indiana Jones UHD collection and my Tranformers UHD collection, the BDmenu doesn't work or sometimes yes it's random and really frustrating. (I have other ISO/ISO DV that have the same problem)



    obviously there are other problems and not only the BDmenu one


    I have nothing against Zidoo, but with Nice Monkey's review about the new Dune HD vision, it seems to me that for my use the Dune HD Vision seems to be a better choice now.

    There is a lack of stability with some features that are not corrected and that spoils the experience.

    Some corrections they announce in their changelog are not...

    I have been waiting and hoping for several months but nothing is happening.

    I think it's time for me to look elsewhere, I'm still hopeful that Zidoo can fix/improve some of the features that they promote on their website.

    I'm not opening a debate and this is only my opinion.

    See you soon

    Good continuation to Mark and all the others

    I asked to have my Beta Tester logo removed several days ago, could you please do so, thank you.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
  9. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member


    I hope you are well,

    I have just created a Facebook GROUP to talk and help new users in choosing their multimedia box and in particular zidoo devices of which I have been a big fan for a long time


    So do not hesitate to come and participate and become a member if you wish.

    Of course, Zidoo employees are also welcome

    Owners of Dune HD Vision or Shield TV devices are also welcome

    I will be adding content regularly about my Zidoo devices with the new FWs and posterwalls.

    Link :

    see you soon
  10. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    I can just say that I am happy to see the many fixes and quality improvements constantly made to the Zidoo line of media players.
    My own reported problem list is getting shorter and shorter with these updates too.

    Let's keep up the spirit and concentrate on advancing this already excellent player. ;)
    I don't see the need to remove the Beta test group banner seen the amount of time we spend on testing and reporting. Some always will give negative reactions. Who cares!

    I do take my Z9X already along on my longer holiday journeys with a pair of JBL bluetooth speakers (old FW for Stereo L/R pairing). :p
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
  11. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello Nice Monkey,

    on my side and with the installation of the last FW, I have several problems which appeared.

    I followed your advice by doing a reset and/or restarting my box even the problems are still there.

    I also deleted and redid my sources to see if it was coming from me but the problem is still there.

    On my side and I say it without animosity, it is not as positive as for you

    See you soon


    It doesn't matter if you remove the beta tester logo or not, but at the same time it's not complicated to do so.
    Why remove it, well because I am not a beta tester simply

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  12. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Zidoo is working hard on improvements and are also clearly listening to customers. I have no clue why the Menu processing is not improved?
    It for sure can be done but I am not so sure it can be done (easily) keeping the many typical Zidoo options also available during playback with menus?

    This is the big differentiation point of the competition which handles playback with menus as if it is a disc based player with only matching features of such a player plus the optional features provided by the disc itself (java driven)
  13. Chuck M

    Chuck M New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I have a Z9x connected to a synology NAS.

    I am using NFS. its for movies only.


    1) I can add sources from the nas (with no issues after setting up nfs permissions in the synology)
    2) Folders appear to scrape fine. not more than 100 files per folder
    3) I can play files via Media center (from the NAS) with no problems
    4) a subfolder is created in the nas by the zidoo for posters. (i setup the zx9 to use this custom directory)


    not a single poster/background/image displays in HT 4. tried editing an individual film to test, but again nothing displays in ht4 artwork wise..

    the films are listed. just not the images...

    tried intelligent & tmdb scrape to no avail

    Its driving me barmy. :(

    Can anyone offer any help?

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
  14. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member


    Maybe try a reset?

    I had a lot of problems when I switched to 6.3.22 with my Z9X (see my facebook page)

    I gave up because it didn't give me anything positive no matter what I did (reset, recreate my sources, etc...) and yet I only installed the new FW, it's turned off and I'm using the Z1000PRO which didn't have any major problem when I installed the new FW


    See you soon
  15. Chuck M

    Chuck M New Member

    thanks very much.

    actually a simple reboot fixed everything.

    all working great now
  16. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  17. kergaz

    kergaz New Member

    How can I delete all data of movies, posters etc. already scanned in Home Theater 4.0 menu?

    I want to re-scan everything from the beginning

    I have the Z10 pro
  18. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello kergaz,

    A member of the forum with experience will probably be able to answer you,

    I have a way to do it, I don't know if it's the best method but it works

    it is available on my facebook group
    kergaz likes this.
  19. muha

    muha Active Member

    Open HomeTheatre settings
    Library \clear data
    additionally you can delete cash file from storage, open media center, in settings set show hidden files on, and than delete .HomeTheatre folder from the root.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
    dr4go and kergaz like this.
  20. kergaz

    kergaz New Member

    After the latest update (6.3.40), Zidoo Z10 Pro can't download subtitles. Neither in English nor in the 2nd language I have chosen (Greek).

    My ISP has forbidden access to opensubtitles.org.

    Is-there any way to override this restriction?

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