KODI - ZDMC - MATRIX 19.5 - NEXUS 20 - 21

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by DELUCAS, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    As I mentioned. it seems as though the issues extends beyound ZDMC - http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/z9x-pro-internal-samba-server-problem.95949/
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Oldpainless likes this.
  3. ostybe

    ostybe New Member

    Is there any way to output DSD, HighRes Audio etc. in in its native digital format with zdmc? I stream with Asset Upnp from a Syn. NAS to the UHD3000, than passthrough to a McIntosh 8900. On zdmc - No matter what I try the McIntoshs DAC shows always 48Khz. I could use the UHD3000 dac but I think ZDMC doesnt access the sabre-chip like MusicPlayer 7.0, it does more like a software D-A Conversion.
    Anyway to call musicplayer 7.0 for audio like zdmc does call the internal video player for future updates?
  4. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Short answer - no.

    Long answer - no lol.

    It's a limitation of android, which the Zidoo music player bypasses using it's own code. I have asked in the past if they could add the same logic for music by passing it off to the native zidoo music player in the same way they do with video content, so time will tell I guess.
  5. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    They don't ever listen or even care about features as far as ZDMC goes..... there are important features like saving movie and TV show progress in ZDMC that have been ignored for 3 or 4 years in fact all ZDMC improvements suggested by the community have always been ignored. Yet they release an updated ZDMC with the exact same problems every time.
  6. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    ZDMC v20.3? Can I have a download link?
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    azon1951 likes this.
  8. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    @Markswift2003 : You seem to be well connected to the Zidoo folks working on HT and ZDMC. There are some strange posted in the "ZDMC for Zidoo" section of this forum saying something about ZDMC 20.2 (no typo!).
    Do you happen to know if this is an official version released by Zidoo??
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Official is probably the wrong word to use, but yes, that version is from Zidoo.
  10. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    ....thank you for confirming! I really wonder why they do not promote their own achievements.
  11. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    Nicholas Hewitt likes this.
  12. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    is this 20.2 a release from zidoo? I don't understand cause you say you changed the number of the release. so is it 20.1 or 20.2?
  13. Edworld

    Edworld Member

    I think what he meant is that he updated the link to see if 20.2 was available and it worked.
  14. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    Ok thanks!
  15. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    Kodi's broken YouTube app with "content not available..." message has been fixed with an alpha release: plugin.video.youtube-unofficial-7.0.2.alpha7
    Trailers back working fine again, with ZDMC :)
  16. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    Do you have a link?
  17. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

  18. LenniePaz

    LenniePaz Member

    Is there a way to use the Zidoo player when using video add-ons? I tried long pressing on a video and selecting the Zidoo player, but it still seems to be using the Kodi player.
  19. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    Nope. They don't allow it! They just like that! They don't want Kodi fans to be happy! "Zidoo is a media player not a streaming/Kodi device" like they said...
  20. LenniePaz

    LenniePaz Member

    Damn, I might have to ditch my Z9X and go back to MadVR on my HTPC.

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