OK there it is as indeed predicted from the start. Does it match my specifications? For a big part it does: - It is wider but not full 19" what I would have preferred and done. - It supports WOL so turning ON using the APP should work too with that. - It got a Hybrid PSU (LPS only for the DAC section) which worked well with various Zidoo models. - It got a truly high end DAC with now the AKM AK4499EQ + AK4149EQ DAC chips which is often rated just a bit higher than SABRE. It in fact is as good as it can get using standard available market components. Unfortunately AKM is not really well-known for stable deliveries/production. - It got an unspecified DSP (up to 192 kHz) integrated so a configurable equalizer is expected to come for sure. May we hope for optional Dirac Live here? - It got an Integrated pre-amplifier (but no headphone connections). It probably can be used at least with some headsets? - It comes with a remote control bundled as it should. Not foreseen: Eversolo comes with a Stereo only model this time meant for those preferring/having an expensive dedicated stereo setup. That is a different market section. Maybe a dedicated MCH DMP-A12 comes later? There is market for that one too. Still have some questions: - Can Digital + Analog Outputs now be used concurrently? - Can external digital inputs be directed to the DAC (Only HDMI ARC input is specifically mentioned here). Moved this to a new Topic which will be updated over time by me. This is frozen now.
It is interesting for me because I like AKM DACs better. But if it is going to cost 1.500-2.000 USD, I think it would be better for me to add an external dac like SMSL DO300x to my A6
Confirmed, $1.999 https://summithifiusa.com/collections/zidoo/products/zidoo-eversolo-dmp-a8-streamer
I was just typing that it would be a killer product if competitively priced as the A6, possibly under the 2.000$ threshold. Of course the A6 will remain the real bargain for the price and some design decisions for the A8 might look a bit overkill (double digital inputs, R2R volume control, etc.) but the main core upgrades are very appealing: power stage, AKM DACs and XMOS processor are expected to provide a tangible improvement sound wise.
It is overkill for me, I would not use most of the extra features. Adding a SMSL DO300x (AKM 4499EX) it is only $450 difference (plus a I get color sounds)