Yes I agree it looks like a sync issue. Yes it is set to Auto(3840x2160p 30Hz). Standard would not allow higher output or should not.
I haven't got an LG C6 EDID to look at, but 4K30 RGB 8-bit certainly shouldn't cause any sync problems - I think we need another C6 owner to check in...
And what about the SMB problem, nobody gives any feedback on this problem with the new FW ? Those who were not able to watch the first minutes of a movie, is it okay now ?
I'm going to test it tomorrow, a terribly sleepy day in Warsaw Gemini Men still cuts slightly, but less than before
Yes it's much better now at least in my case was pretty much fixed in the test firmware. This new version will take some time to test properly but it had gone from multiple stutters a movie in 0.90 to one stutter in 5 movies in 0.98 and that could have been unrelated.
Anyway, I prefer to play movies from a usb drive than via the network, I have a 14 TB wd elements connected to z9x and I watch movies from it, and I use the network only to cheat movies from pc to wd elements
converting Black Panther Fel to test out SMB playback soon been holding off on testing since we knew .90 wasnt a fix and didnt get the pushed update from Mirror when i sent my mac addy on PM ill post later in the day
run on zidoo from smb server on windows 10 (not specialized NAS) LOTR part. 1 with dolby atmos and vision, has been playing for an hour and no cuts: D had a tendency to do so on the previous firmware works perfect
I already had one very tedious experience downgrading after installing a very poor quality beta, I don’t want to go through it again... watching this thread with keen interest.
The link to download the firware is not working Keep saying charging and nothing happend. about:blank
You can download the firmware from my site ->