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Beta version v6.0.90 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Dec 31, 2020.

  1. BREY

    BREY Member

    у меня тоже эта проблем - периодически сброс интерфейса с 1080@60 на 4К АВТО. и это меня просто бесит. но я кажется понял что проблема не в фиксации интерфейса, а в том что после просмотра видео в некоторых случаях интерфейс не возвращается на 1080 , НО выключатель зафиксирован и уже начинают применяться настройки фиксации 4К . то есть мне кажется что не фиксация не работает , а переключеие ( возврат в исходное ) разрешение интерфейса после остановки воспроизведения!
  2. Kritjuu

    Kritjuu Member

    I can also confirm that there is stuttering with streaming of UHD High bitrate mkv files with Dolby atmos and DD over the network. I tried NFS and Samba.
    When I copy the movie to the internal harddrive the movies play flawless.
    Maybe a problem with the Realtek networkdrivers?
  3. Tomasek

    Tomasek New Member

    Greetings, I would like to ask how it is now with the funky mkv Dolby Vision. I read that playing MEL is no longer a problem. How about playing FEL in the future or better off playing NVIDIA shield.
  4. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    Is VS10 elevated blacks fixed with this firmware?
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No I'm afraid not.

    It's been an issue since day 1 but I've had zero feedback on it so I don't think the devs quite understand the problem.
  6. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    Its a shame, I had a unit and sent it back because of this. Would get one again if it was sorted.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I know - it's a real shame since that's the whole point of VS10. This problem restricts the use of VS10 to Dolby Vision TVs only.

    I'll post a thread if it ever gets fixed.
  8. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    As the latest Beta is only published as a OTA i ask myself if a Flash Image of the UHD3000 Fimware can be found somewhere? The corresponding "Howto Flash" Thread in the SUPPORT / ABOUT FIRMWARE Section is missing for the UHD3000.
  9. Kritjuu

    Kritjuu Member

    Wat do you mean by this?
    I tested LG Dolby vision demo files on my LC9 tv. At first no picture and a black screen. But when I switched on Compatibility mode the Zidoo plays most files flawlessly.
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That's not what we're talking about - that's VS10 in Dolby Vision mode.

    The elevated black floor and incorrect black/white clipping are evident when in VS10 HDR or VS10 SDR mode (ie using "Dolby VS10 engine" with an HDR10 or SDR only TV)
  11. gogo789

    gogo789 Active Member

    You just said you use the "Always LLDV" for your settings, how did you managed the incorrect black/white clipping issue ?
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Again this issue occurs when you use the VS10 engine to output SDR or HDR not DV or LLDV.

    The effect is much worse in VS10 SDR than VS10 HDR.

    If you want to replicate the issue, plug the Zidoo into either an HDR TV (not DV) or ideally an SDR TV (because as I say the problem is much worse in SDR) and select "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine" in HDR settings.

    It's a shame because I think the VS10 engine has the potential to do an excellent SDR or DV to HDR conversion and also HDR or DV to SDR conversion but the levels are all wrong at the moment.

    The VS10 engine is supposed to be a "Universal Playback Solution" but at the moment it can only be used effectively to output DV or LLDV.
  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    To give you an idea what this looks like, this is with an SDR EDID so simulating connecting to an SDR only TV with Zidoo HDR set to "Auto" (so this outputs Realtek Rec.709)


    And this is with the same EDID but changing the HDR setting to "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine" (so this outputs VS10 Rec.709)


    A similar thing happens with an HDR only EDID but not as pronounced.

    In addition to this, the black and white clip are incorrect for VS10 SDR and VS10 HDR modes:

    VS10 HDR (using HDR10 1000nit test pattern)

    Black Clip = 64 (0%) - correct
    White Clip = 817 (86%) - incorrect - should be 723 (75.2%) since I used a 1000nit test pattern

    VS10 SDR (using HDR10 1000nit test pattern)

    Black Clip = 77 (1.5%) - too high but not too bad, should be 64
    White Clip = 723 (75.2%) - very bad: should be 940 (100%) since HDR to SDR conversion

    VS10 SDR (Using SDR 8-bit test pattern)

    Black Clip = 16 (0%) - correct
    White Clip = 235 (100%) - correct

    Although the clip for SDR footage is correct, the black floor is still very raised in all instances
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
    Bertrum likes this.
  14. Gilles

    Gilles New Member

    You right ! Zidoo need to correct this issue soon. Until that vs10 is useless most of the time (especially VS10 SDR : to enhance 1080p movies SDR to "seems like" HDR).
  15. Bertrum

    Bertrum Member

    Mark, Those posted screenshots are exactly what is still happening with my HDR10 only Samsung Tv.
    At the moment I am using the Mapping HDR10 mode but am waiting to see what happens with this elusive Dolby Vision VS 10 engine.

    So far all is running well with both 1080 and 2160 mkv content.
    Occasionally I was having the Mapping HDR10 revert back to Auto mode, but the lock resolution option seems to have fixed that.

    Music player is still a bit 'meh' but is passable for the moment.
    Keep up the good work and maybe a little hassle to get the DV VS10 engine black levels sorted :)
  16. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    Please Zidoo fix the VS10 black levels!
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That shouldn't happen.

    It's a different problem completely if you're seeing that washed out look using "Mapping HDR10".

    When you set "Mapping HDR10" the gui changes to Rec.2020 primaries, PQ gamma with Max/Min Mastering Display Luminance of 500/0.005nits and MaxCLL/MaxFALL of 0/0. You would get a dull grey lifeless image if you view that with Rec.709 primaries and a standard power gamma.

    In "Mapping HDR10", when you then play SDR content it is converted to HDR by the Realtek engine (quite badly!) with the same parameters above.

    If you play HDR content then that plays with the parameters of the file unless those parameters are missing (not all studios use them, particularly MDL) in which case the defaults above are applied.

    In all cases the Zidoo sends a correct HDR SEI (Supplemental Enhancement Information) message to switch the display into HDR so if you see a washed out colourless image that means the display hasn't recognised that SEI message and is still in "SDR" mode.

    A Samsung TV should have no issue reading the SEI so I'm not sure what's going on there - are you using an amp or soundbar?
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Another point to make over the VS10 issue is that if this gets fixed it will allow users of HDR10 and SDR TVs to play Dolby Vision files with the correct luminance.
    leonkoum likes this.
  19. leonkoum

    leonkoum Active Member Beta test group

    Let’s hope Zidoo team can fix it
  20. Bertrum

    Bertrum Member

    Mark, what I meant was that I get the same result when choosing the VS10 engine.
    Using the Mapping HDR10 mode the picture is a little dark but pretty good!.
    Sorry for the confusion.

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