Beta version v1.0.86 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    I've only ever needed HDMI power injectors for AOC cables when connecting them to splitters/switchers that don't supply power.

    My main run from the video matrix in the garage to the receiver in the theatre is a 50 meter HDMI 2.1 cable, that's 165 feet and it works absolutely perfectly.
    KJC and Deano86 like this.
  2. zimbo

    zimbo New Member

    Заметил,что в zidoo uhd 5000 сильно греется процессор,это нормально?
    Screenshot_20240630-060133.png Screenshot_20240630-060911.png Screenshot_20240630-065129.png Screenshot_20240630-065904.png
  3. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Guys, I'm still confused. a 15m long HDMI cable or wireless HDMI transmitter? Which option is safest?
    As some suggested 15m cable without HDMI extender(voltage) is not safe and might affect the circuit board on long term use.
  4. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Bug report: Occasional hung-up that reappear:
    Z9XPro fw .86: Playback of movies or TV series files stop around 45-50' of run. Not always reproducible.
    The HT doesn't freeze but play button doesn't respond and need to quit and restart the box.
    Edit: The freeze time is imprecise and occurs after a while of playback. Now it happens once every movie.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
    xskip likes this.
  5. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    You need a 15 meter fibre HDMI cable.

    Wireless HDMI is universally awful and only useful for making a presentation in a classroom or boardroom.
    KJC likes this.
  6. AlbertoMolano

    AlbertoMolano New Member

    Hi a couple of days ago as my Z9X Pro was asking for it, I updated the firmware to the latest v1.0.86 and as many others have reported here, the machine does not find one of my hard drives.
    Has this been reported to Zidoo moderators? and has there been any answer from Zidoo about this and the other many issues please?
    I did try to install a previous firmware version but a message says this is not allowed! I wish this was easy.
  7. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    I mentioned this bug months ago, but was ignored. Zidoo claimed they fixed it a few firmware's ago, but did not fix a thing. Looking for a fix or trying to get actual help on here is like pulling teeth. people are too busy wasting people's time with claims that they have no problems instead of trying to help. People are more interested in bragging that their boxes work fine and like to insinuate that you must be mistaken or doing something wrong to have this bug. It's seriously sickening!
    Tarantula likes this.
  8. AlbertoMolano

    AlbertoMolano New Member

    Thanks for your reply Nicholas.

    I have contacted the retailer where I bought it from and I am waiting for their response.

    I know a lot of people who are more savvy than me and have the time to fiddle around with these devices can probably fix it quickly, but I have a full time job, family, washing, supermarket, cleaning and lots of other responsibilities and a product that is bought at a retailer and that is distributed worldwide and presents as a totally legitimate device, should not have these bugs at all.
    A new firmware to fix this newer one or the easy ability to revert to a previous version would be a very easy thing to do, to at least make it work again.
    Please Zidoo act on this.

    So let's see what fix the distributor offers and I will post back here.

    Damn I know it is more expensive and has less features but buying physical media and a reliable player will always be more satisfying than these machines.
    They still have a long, long way to go!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Just to be clear, I ignore most of your posts because they're simply inelegant rants and childish tirades.
    bowlingbeeg, geebolt and xskip like this.
  10. AlbertoMolano

    AlbertoMolano New Member

    Hi Mark, I am wondering if there has been any word from Zidoo about this latest firmware issue? Thanks.
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Can you describe the issue exactly including details of the hard drives, how they are connected, how they are formatted etc.

    In order to fix issues like this is we need to be able to replicate them and generally most people don't provide this information.

    And then you get our Mr Hewitt blithering on, muddying the waters, which helps no-one.
    NewGuyWithQuestions and xskip like this.
  12. AlbertoMolano

    AlbertoMolano New Member

    Thanks Mark.
    Issue is I have 5 hard disc drives directly connected to the Z9X Pro via USB cables that come standard with the HDDs.
    3 HDD connected via a basic portable USB hub. The other 2 including a 5TB are connected directly, so no USB hub.
    All HDD have been formatted from new as FAT32. The HDDs contain a main folder called "Movies" and inside folders per each letter of the alphabet.
    One HDD is 5TB, all others are 4TB and one of them 3TB all done in exactly the same way.

    No problems whatsoever for the last 6 months, as ALL drives were recognised by the Zidoo Z9X Pro and could be seen in the folders and they were all accessible and used by the Home Theatre application too. The machine was working perfectly and I was very happy with it as there were no glitches at all.

    Then last week the machine was prompting me to update to the latest firmware v1.0.86.
    Sadly I did and now it DOES NOT recognize the 5TB HDD ONLY regardless of the type of connection. This one HDD is invisible to the Zidoo.

    None of the connections have been changed at all. But this one drive does not appear anywhere in the Zidoo. I have done the standard isolation test. Remove the 5TB HDD and check in the computer for anything unusual and also check for drive errors, etc Nothing.
    Connect the 5TB to a different USB port on the Zidoo, Nothing.
    Connect the 5TB through the USB hub, Nothing.
    Changed cables, Nothing.

    All other HDD drives continue to be read as usual, no matter the configuration or the use of the USB hub.
    All I can point to is the latest firmware v1.0.86

    I then attempted to re-install the previous firmware available on the website, but as the machine starts to do it, it stops and says a downgrade on the firmware is not allowed.


    Ps: Yes I have done the factory reset too and the problem persists.
  13. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    Of all the electronic components I've ever owned that use firmware, the Emotiva MR1 AVR is the only one that allows you to go back to previous versions of its firmware. So it is possible. Why it's not allowed is beyond me.
    AlbertoMolano likes this.
  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ok, I'll pass this on and see if the devs can find anything.

    Problem with issues like this is that they're very hardware specific, so difficult to replicate and with the greatest of respect, this way of dealing with storage is rather haphazard. With that amount of storage you would definitely benefit from network storage rather than relying on the vagaries of USB.

    I assume all these drives have their own power supplies and likewise the hub, otherwise your power supply, and more to the point, the voltage regulators on the motherboard would probably have melted by now!

    If you plug the 5TB drive into a USB 3 port (blue one) on its own and remove all other drives/hubs, what happens then?
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's purposely disabled because of hardware differences in different batches which could potentially brick a device if the wrong firmware is chosen.
  16. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    You can downgrade Z9x Pro but via reflashing the box to the initial 0.52 firmware using USB stick in FAT32 + the 0.52 initial firmware + pressing the reset button at the box. Then you can upgrade again to the firmware version all was working ok for you (e.g. to maybe 0.75).[ld]Tt7VF[ld]+Leq7k9e[ld]3ulg==.html

    P.S. You will lose all your data and settings via this procedure... and there is some risk you can brick your box... and you must use the initial 0.52 firmware (if talking about Z9x Pro) . This procedure is actually the last chance to revive the box if is bricked, but it can brick the box itself.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
  17. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    wouldnt this be causing issues

    Drives should be formatted to NTFS

    USB hub for multi drives ,should be a powered one that can power all the drives attached
    it should also be switchable ,so only drive being used is on

    i use 2 non powered usb drives attached on my z9x pro and z9x before that and have no issues
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Must admit I ignored that as a typo, but yeah, they might all be just really small movies!!

    But even though it's useless for movies, FAT 32 discs should still be recognised.
  19. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    A workaround tip that works for me. Whenever HT doesn't load graphics, or a video won't start playing, I hit the Home button and go to Cleanup and clean up whatever it is that gets cleaned up. Usually about 72% worth, then go back to HT and everything works smoothly.
  20. Jonathan amat

    Jonathan amat New Member

    Hello, do you know if the rescue.bin file exists for a z2000 pro, I want to try to recover my z2000 pro by uart as explained in a z9x thread but I would be missing the rescue.bin file for z2000 pro

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