Beta version v1.0.75 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. browelly

    browelly New Member

    v1.0.58 Software has been fine for me but I'd put my requirements at the low end of what others probably need it to do. .75 isn't being offered to me via OTA and I don't think I'll rush to install it.
  2. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    @Markswift2003 Where is the link of a 3D movie that you wanted me to try? Seems like you have deleted the post? :(
  3. Azreil24

    Azreil24 Member

    If there would a risk in downloading incorrectly to a USB drive, then the same could happen with an OTA download also.
    You don't even need a USB drive necessarily. I downloaded the update and accessed it through an SMB shared folder like I do with my movies. The software is cool in this way, it can update from any source as long as it can reach it.
    jeb0921 likes this.
  4. Azreil24

    Azreil24 Member

    If you don't have any issues, don't bother to update. Although I did not have issues in the first days of use either, it started developing issues on the go, lol.
    sandyj and browelly like this.
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    KJC likes this.
  6. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Well that may explain the lack of the Zidoo automatically detecting your 3D files. Top/Bottom or SBS 3d are in essence normally half resolution 3D. Whereas 3D from actual 3d bluray discs are MVC -AVC frame packed full resolution files with the resolution being 1920* with your wonky resolution of 3840*1080 I assume these must be "created" 3D files in an attempt to circumvent the inherent half resolution of SBS or T/B files? I do a have few 3D demo files in a folder that I believe are SBS or T/B and they also are detected and played properly... I will check their mediainfo's to see what their reported resolutions are .... All I know, is that if you rip your own 3D movies, you will have no problems playing them on a Zidoo... at least up the Z9x... Unfortunately, I have seen plenty of posts regarding users stating that 3D has been a problem on the new Z9x Pro.. but not sure if those are with disc ripped frame packed MVC-AVC format or just other SBS or TB files as well.
  7. Jazz Fiend

    Jazz Fiend New Member

    The Home Theater 4 part of the new update is a piece of garbage. I have a Z2600 and am using a Synology NAS to store my videos. I currently have approximately 600 iso files loaded on the player. There are a couple of 4K iso files and several blu-ray files, but the majority are DVD iso files. On the poster wall every iso file is listed as either UHD or BD despite the fact that well over half are DVD. When I click on an entry in the poster wall, the info tells me correctly what type of iso file it is. When I attempt to press the play button for a DVD iso file nothing happens for in excess of 1 minute when suddenly the player starts playing the file. When I do this with a blu-ray iso file the response is almost immediate. When I do this with a UHD file it again takes more than 1 minute before there is any response from the player. For all three types of iso files when I press on the button labeled BD which is supposed to bring up the menu, I don't always get the same results. For a DVD file, it starts to do something then dies. For a blu-ray it works like I think it is supposed to and brings up the menu of the blu-ray iso file. For UHD there is a noticeable and frustrating lag in response, but again it eventually works. As for the posters themselves, they are loading at an incredibly slow glacial pace. I have yet to see any cover art or background when I click on an entry in the poster wall even if it is one of the very very few entries on the poster wall that does have the cover art populated. Home Theater 4 is supposed to be a major selling point for this product. At present for my purposes, it is totally worthless. I am far better off simply using the file manager function to access my videos. Also, when I loaded the iso files on the system, a large number did not catalog correctly. The part of the software to rematch entries and bring them out of the unmatched category is very very clunky and difficult to use. Many of the items did not match correctly for no obvious reason as when I attempted to use the rematch function with the same file name unchanged, the rematch function correctly matched the file. This is the third beta version of the firmware I have attempted to use. Home Theater 4 has been a total disaster in every one, and is definitely not a selling point for this product. It is more like false advertising.
  8. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    I'm using
    I'm using LG OLED E6 for playing 3D movies which indeed supports "Frame Packed" 3D. Also all my 3D MKV files are ripped from 3D discs by myself and not pirated or downloaded from anywhere. I have ripped them as a TAB 2160p to show Full 1080p each frame.
  9. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Here we go...
    Tried both the test files. None played in 3D but in two separate images.
    What does this prove? Please tell me. Tried everything including renaming to SBS/ TB but no luck.



    Usually the Zidoo support team would respond to me within 12 hours, but they haven't replied since the last 3 days, just because I'm asking them whether they have fixed this 3D not supported issue.
    The only support I'm getting is from some good kind hearted people from here like @markswifts, @blenky, @KTR etc.
    Thank you guys for trying to help me, showing interest in the issue I'm facing.

    I'm still not able to find out what might be causing this "3D:Not supported" issue. :(

    Really annoyed.
    ""Zidoo Z9X pro might be the worst product they're selling right now that has lots of software issues/bugs to be the not so good customer support...""
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024
    emy110, cbnbmore and supermood like this.
  10. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    is the first post here still the correct link for the 75 version?

    why no ota? I ask again.
    Marc you said yourself it will probably always beta. for what reason is ota implemented if not used.
  11. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    to my understanding Marc is working for zidoo? if there would be not one from zidoo this whole journey would be a complete joke
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ok, here's what's happening.

    The problem is there is no "metadata" associated with SBS and TAB 3D and they can only be played in one of three ways.

    1. The TV recognises that the file is SBS or TAB and engages its 3D mode - this requires the TV to detect the "edge" between the two images. Some TVs do this, some don't. The ones that do tend to make mistakes on occasion.

    2. You manually switch the TV into 3D when playing an SBS or TAB 3D file

    3. The player converts the SBS/TAB file to Frame Packed 3D and sends it to the TV - because this is the standard 3D format, it is recognised and decoded by the TV.

    If you play a file that has "SBS" or "TAB" in the filename, the Zidoo recognises that and sends a Frame Packed 3D signal - ie each eye image is expanded to full frame and sent consecutively. Unfortunately your TV does not support Frame Packed 3D.

    If the file does not have "SBS" or "TAB" in the filename, the Zidoo sends the file natively, without any processing and unfortunately your TV does not recognise that the file is either SBS or TAB either.

    Because your EDID shows that Frame Packed 3D is not supported, the Zidoo shows that 3D is not supported in the EDID screen - but as I keep saying, this is only for information and it does not affect anything.

    Put simply, your TV neither supports frame packed 3D nor recognises SBS/TAB files via HDMI.

    The reason the files work via USB is because the TV uses a different mechanism which is not governed by its HDMI capabilities - probably the filename.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024
    KTR and xskip like this.
  13. Staff49

    Staff49 New Member

    I still have problems with the DV, and even more so with version 1.0.75.
    I sent my edid to zidoo I am waiting, I hope they can resolve the problems otherwise I will be forced to return the product and stay on sheild tv pro 2019 and apple tv 4k 2022.
    after having also been disappointed with dune hd pro vision 4k solo.
  14. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    is the first post here still the correct link for the 75 version?

    why no ota? I ask again.
    Marc you said yourself it will probably always beta. for what reason is ota implemented if not used.
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, first post still correct.

    OTA is used occasionally - sometimes to target particular MAC addresses - eg to send a beta to one box - sometimes it's rolled out to all.

    I've no idea of the logic behind whether it's used or not - probably depends who compiled the firmware and which way the wind's blowing...
  16. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Marc, There are some users that I know are using Z9X(not pro) with LG 3D OLED TV which detects 3D automatically. How come its working with older Z9X and not with newer pro model?

    In my case absolutely none including SBS, TAB, HSBS, HOU playing in 3D. They all show two frames. Even if I rename it it will still not trigger 3D.

    The test files that you wanted me to play on my TV have names TAB and SBS respectively but even then it wont trigger 3D. Even I tried renaming some of the 3Dmovies as HSBS and HOU but luck....there is no way that my Z9X pro will trigger 3D.

    Are you sure that its not firmware but my TV?
    You can google yourself that LG E6 do support frame packed 3D.

    If you're working with Zidoo team then you must help me out. :(
  17. jt5298

    jt5298 Member

    I ordered my Z2000 Pro from Amazon Jan 1st. still hasn't shipped? I hope mine comes with the 1.0.52 firmware.
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I can't be 100% sure it's your TV as I'm not there to test, but what I can tell you is that if SBS or TAB is included in the filename then the Z9X and the Z9X pro both output Frame Packed 3D. (I checked the Z9X and behaviour is the same as the Pro)

    If SBS or TAB are not included in the name then output is native SBS or TAB.

    The EDID you sent clearly does not support Frame Packed 3D. I checked with another EDID editor to make sure I wasn't mistaken.

    It's possible that Frame Packed is supported by USB only.


    This is a frame packed sample file to try:
  19. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    I'm shocked as many of them own LG 3D TVs (C6, E6, and G6) and are using them with Z9X, claiming that 3D really works effortlessly. How come my E6 doesn't support Frame Pack 3D and theirs does? Should I factory reset my TV? might It help?
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    What happens if you play that file?

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