New Linear Power supply upgrade for DMP A-6

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by audio58, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    Me too.
    And I did it all. Because a good friend of mine is an absolute audiofool man, spending thousands of euros in his equipment. Silly things like different sounding cables and so on...
    I took all his silly things, cables, filters, switches, linear power supplies etc. and changed that all against my consumer products in my setup. And? What should I say? Nothing changed, nothing happened.
    There was no wider soundstage, no blacker black background, no arier hights, no deeper base and also there was no courtain pushed away. The only one who heard differences in all things was my audiofool friend himself!
    All this is mindset and nothing real. That`s all bullshit bingo.
    Nutul likes this.
  2. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    I would look at the screen. The same as I listen to choose a sound system. That is what I say. Sounding cables, filters to eleminate noises no one has ever heard, some little bridges made of wood to take the speaker cables from the ground because they will be negative affected by the underfloor heating, or some pyramides made of whatever to put them on top of every piece of the sound system reduce resonances. Best of all in my oppinion are sounding network switches. As I said, I took it all from my foolish friend, heard myself nothing changed, but he heard significant changes in all cases. Bullshit!
    FunnyChap and Nutul like this.
  3. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    It's not a matter of using measurements to listen, or not, to music. It's using measurements to avoid spending time and money on BS.
    Jonsc and Robert Crawford like this.
  4. Qwin

    Qwin New Member

    Just acquired an A6ME so joined here.
    The LPS is available from a third party, not Eversolo, its sold by "" in collaboration with LHY Audio.
    Beatechnik are a subsidiary of Vinshine Audio.
    LHY Audio are a subsidiary of Jays Audio.
    Jays Audio, as in the well respected CD Transport manufacturer.
    Its a well designed and made linear power supply using quality parts, not a back street lash up.

    Has anyone on here actually got one of these?

    All the reviews and comments I've seen from owners, say it gives a noticeable improvement in sound stage, bass detail, top end smoothness and midrange timber.
    No mention of audible noise reduction, even though measured noise on the linear supply is ten times lower than stock SMPS.
    There are several Youtube reviews and comparisons.
    I will be adding one to my A6ME in the not to distant future, I added an internal 2TB SSD this morning, still running everything in and learning to navigate the GUI.

    I wish there was an A8 product, as just a streaming DAC, without the analogue Pre Amp feature.
    I feed a Pass Labs Pre Amp with my DAC/Phono stage outputs.
    By all accounts, the A8 is a better DAC but its Pre AMP would be redundant in my set up, so its a pimped up A6ME for me.
    It replaces an Okto Research DAC8 Stereo/Streamer.

    Will watch this thread with interest.
    FunnyChap likes this.
  5. Rex

    Rex Member

    I'm due to receive mine next Wednesday. I'll post my thoughts shortly afterwards.
    Nutul, fofocho and Qwin like this.
  6. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    I installed the LPS-A6 into a standard DMP-A6 and reported in this thread. Others have also given their opinions, just check this and other threads. Some posters think such power supply alterations are unnecessary and that people who report audible changes are deluded. Since no-one has the luxury of having two DMP-A6s side by side, one modified and one not, easy comparison is not possible but depends on audio memory of what it used to sound like. By all means add the power supply and tell us what you think.
    FunnyChap and Qwin like this.
  7. Joost

    Joost New Member

    Installed the LPS-A6 in my Eversolo DMP-A6 last friday. I am using it solely as a streamer to my Gustard A26 dac. The following opinion is of course very subjective: LPS creates a bigger picture, soundstage is wider, bass is fuller and more accurate. Music sounds also a lot quieter (blacker background), while maintaining the energy. In my opinion a very big upgrade compared to the investment of " only" 309 euro's for the LPS.
    Stopeter44, Dusty, Qwin and 3 others like this.
  8. fofocho

    fofocho Active Member

    I would think that the LPS would have an effect using the DAC/preamp, but as a transport to another DAC??
    Nutul likes this.
  9. Joost

    Joost New Member

    Really, it does (but you don't have my ears and my system, you have to find out yourself)
    Desmodromic likes this.
  10. Joost

    Joost New Member

    For example: before the Eversolo I had the Ifi Zen Stream, a dedicated streamer only. Replacing the standard SMPS with a better one (Ifi Ipower Elite) made a relatively huge improvement in sound.
    atomic garden, Jjb067 and Desmodromic like this.
  11. fofocho

    fofocho Active Member

    The ones and zeros are better powered now, right?
  12. fofocho

    fofocho Active Member

    Believe is the word, agree

    Using DAC/preamp I would kinda agree more
    Nutul likes this.
  13. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    To have any validity you need two A-6 units one with the standard and one with the ‘upgraded’ power supply.
    Level match the output and compare unsighted, you must ask someone else to switch between units.
    If you can reliably pick one with a high degree of probability then you might be on to something.
    Remember this is not to decide a preference merey to decide if an actual audible difference exists.
    octavius likes this.
  14. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    All emotions put away and logically thougt as a grown adult...

    ...there can not be real emprovements.


    It is well known that faith moves mountains.
    Stopeter44 likes this.
  15. Joost

    Joost New Member

    This whole "hobby" is very subjective. For me the investment was really worth it, and that is what counts for me.
    FunnyChap and Fergus like this.
  16. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    I can corroborate this. I have the Zen Stream and tried it with 3 different power supplies : the one provided, an iPowerX, then the Elite. All sound different, the difference is not small. So streamers can sound different at least to my ears depending on how they are powered. Anecdotal, subjective yes but real.
    Joost and Fergus like this.
  17. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    Ultimately purely subjective individuals enjoy what they enjoy, but your situation isn’t subjective you have simply failed to implement any controls on your comparison and you have believed the BS that is rife on the internet.
    If you had looked at the actual measurements of the A6 ( over at ASR) you would have seen that the units regulation/filtration is properly designed and as such as a separate power supply could not make the slightest difference.
    octavius likes this.
  18. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    I imagine these were all sighted comparisons using just the one unit.
    I am not particularly a fan of Goldensound ( or ifi for that matter) but the measurements for the stock unit look pretty good.
  19. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    I can assure you the iFi Zen Stream sounds different with different power supplies. Why not buy one and listen, or use an AP analyser and actually do some measurements yourself ? GoldenSound does not give measurements of the Zen with different power supplies I think. I would be interested in measurements of the A6 with and without the LPS-A6 mod as well seeing you a dealer and in an ideal position to compare 2 units side by side ?
  20. JamOne

    JamOne Active Member

    Kind of funny said from someone who would spend money to buy a cables break-in machine ;).

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