HDMI CEC Volume control now works for me with the Sony HT-ST5000 soundbar on this firmware. HDMI CEC also works when turning on Zidoo, and the...
I second this, exactly the same issue with a Sony soundbar. HDMI volume control now finally works, but powering of Zidoo, does not switch off the...
Same here. HDMI CEC volume control still does not work with a Sony Soundbar. Please solve this.
I second that. Please!
That is not the point here. If something is broken or non-functioning, it should be reported and hopefully it will be repaired.
I am glad to read that finally the issue of non-operational HDMI CEC Volume with amplifiers and soundbars has been brought up. It gives hope that...
First, try to format the HDD in NTFS by connecting it with SATA to your computer. Then connect it to Zidoo. I had the same problem with WD 4TB Blue.
Ok, for a minute I thought you've got HDMI CEC volume working on Sony soundbar... Does HDMI CEC work with your LG TV directly without the soundbar?
You have a Sony soundbar and it works for volume control from the Zidoo remote when HDMI passthrough is selected in Zidoo audio options? I have...
That seems to be the same problem with HDMI CEC not working on AV receivers and soundbars. I have asked about it here:...
It adds a shortcut to any file/folder in the "all apps". The shortcut opens that folder or file in the media center.
Z10Pro has nicer front display (same as on Hi-End models - bigger and a bit more informative) if that is important to you. Ability to remove wifi...
@nice-monkey Thank you. As there is no separate list of inconveniences, I was asking to add it to the problems. While completely I agree with you...
HDMI CEC volume control for AV receivers still not working and another bug - In settings change the function of up/down keys from default "chapter...
I have also discovered that MP ignores tags, but it accepts info from a cue file located in the same folder.
Separate names with a comma.