Maybe we could all add our app feature requests here so that eversolo team can implement them. My Top Ten Requests:
I've finally received my new A6 and have been playing around with it over the last couple of days. The player itself is wonderful and I really have no complaints at all. Because we tend to interact 99% of the time with the app, there are a few suggestions for improvements that I would love to see. I appreciate that we all use these things differently and not everything will suit everyone but hopefully some of my suggestions will be appreciated by others and the great software team at eversolo can implement some of these in a later update. I can't see the year displayed anywhere. Seems strange, maybe I just missed it but it would be nice. I like to browse via genre and currently it just brings up a list of tracks in that genre. This is way too messy if you have thousands of them. Can we get an option to choose genre and have it display all albums from that genre in the nornal album view style. It would be cool if we could have a full screen mode for album viewing. Have the left sidebar collapsable and also an option to remove text from underneath albums/ We all know what the album is from the cover and half of the info is cut off anyway. I think the current display of album artwork is way too small and leaves a lot of space wasted on the left side of the screen. I would really like to see the app being used full screen and not seeing any androind info (battery, time etc) maybe just leave the bottom navigation if needed. As far as I can see, the current way of handling multi-disc sets is to display each disc separately. This seems silly for several discs just seeing the same cover. Can we have the album art display just once then have each discs tracklist as pictured above. I must just thank the team at EverSolo for such a wonderful machine and really great app. I hope that they keep updating it in the future with feedback from us users. It has the potential to be the best way to enjoy interracting with our music collections. For me these streamers live & die by their apps. That is what we use 99% of the time so it is important to get it right. .....I must just mention that everything I've requested above is for local file playback from a connected hard drive. I don't use this as a streamer (heresy, I know) though I presume it applies to other areas of the application.
When browsing by album, if you click on an album it takes you to the middle screen below. I would like an option to go straight to the bottom screen as the middle one seems pointless, at least to me
When you click the cover image. Currently it zooms out to full screen, hiding the playlist. Could we get an option to zoom to fill the left side and stay there until touched to shrink back.
Is anyone from Eversolo looking at this thread? I just wanted to know if I'm putting these in the right place as no-one seems to comment except me
Good suggestions THXjay Not to forget my old complain that in the iPhone/iPad App the background colour must be black and not getting a colour depending on the cover. This is selectable for the A8 unit screen but not for the iOS app. Looks often awful and cheap. More Barbie than High End and makes it diffucult to read some of the text and information
I initially thought the same thing but have actually grown to like the matching background blur Obviously an option would be better for everyone to choose themselves. I think the main thing is just to have an option on most settings, then we can all have it the way we like it.
So many fantastic suggestions here. Thanks @THXjay, for setting up this thread! I too would love to see more support for album-centric browsing. Call me old school, but I still listen to entire albums and would like to be able to brows my collection of over 800 digital albums the same way I search my record collection. Everything should start at the album level and then drill down to the individual tracks. Adding the ability to filter by artist and genera at the album view level would also be helpful.
I find the three dots (...) next to tracks too sensitive (on iPad). 90% of the time when pressing the 3 dots to get to the "Add to Queue" options the track immediately gets selected for playback, cutting off the currently playing track. Very immersion breaking. I am now using another music controller app for the A8 to avoid this issue.
Just in case the eversolo team don't read these forums, I decided to send a direct request to them. Here's what I sent.... Hi, I have the DMP-A6 and love it. I would love to see some improvements to the app as I use that to control the A6 and hardly touch the actual unit. I have a request thread in your forum here I'm not sure if you read the forums so I thought I would ask for some features here as well. The above link would explain what I want as I've included images on the thread. Album browse to be full screen with the left sidebar collapsible. Option to remove text from beneath the album covers. Option to swipe left-to-right for landscape tablet use. Option to upload our own custom Genre icons/images. When clicking a Genre it currently just lists tracks. Can we have the option to browse all albums in that genre, displayed the same as Album view. In the playlist screen, when you tap the album cover it fills the screen hiding the playlist. Can it just fill the left side of the screen and leave the playlists/tracks visible. Please pass on these requests to the relevant team and thanks for your great products. and here's the reply I received... Thanks for your passion and support to Eversolo! We will collect your feedback and forward them to our engineers to evaluate. Have a nice day Best regards, Eki Eversolo
Someone mentioned having a cassette display to go along with the meters as an option. I would love this but my version would be a more realistic view that looks like a real tape deck with the tape playing like this...
Hi all, as a bonus a more functional change can involve also possibility to use PEQ on both or separate L R channels: it would like to be very appreciated for specific situations. As example for my situation my rew measurements reports a certain adjustment needed only for my R channel.... I don't think that's so complicated to implement: at moment no developers responses Cheers