I. Latest Development Progress A. News&Activities January 2025: Released Eversolo DMP-A6 Gen 2 All-in-one Music Streamer January 2025: Released Eversolo DMP-A6 Master Edition Gen 2 All-in-one Music Streamer B. Firmware Update List: 02-12-2024: Eversolo v1.3.80 Change Log | New features include room correction, PEQ presets, automatic input source switching, and new VU display styles 09-01-2025: Eversolo v1.4.01 Change Logs C. New Feature Development Preview Eversolo All Models: (1) Music library added through UPnP, WebDAV protocols Tip: Local music libraries can be added via UPnP and WebDAV protocols. Additionally, the WebDAV protocol supports adding cloud-based music libraries to enrich user listening needs. II. Let's Stay Connected If there is any comments or feedback, please leave a message below. Our development team will regularly respond to your questions. III. How to Quickly Get Technical Support 1. Click the link to access the Eversolo Product Tutorials Summary:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agmpIf7U-sgr1f8kMl0o7-M5EfYR8cGncBGRIo2REqU/edit?tab=t.0 2. Send an email to service@eversolo.com, and our technical support team will respond to your questions as soon as possible.
I am a user who makes good use of the Eversolo control app. However, unlike the eversolo main body, the control app does not have a home button, which is often inconvenient. I can get out of the main screen of the Eversolo console by pressing the home icon in any situation, but with the control app, I have to go back several times to get to the home screen. I need a shoutcut icon in the contorol app that I can go to by pressing the home button in any situation.
Nice work there by Eversolo. I would be happy if these things would be functional for example: - add a new filter for selecting multi-channel albums, - add an existing filter for songs to the albums tab, - make dolby atmos playback available from Tidal, or local albums in this format, - the ability to hide input and output selections that I don't plan to use, - make the WOL function available for A6, Outside of this ... In the appk Eversolo it is no longer possible to add Z6/Z8 for a long time. I wish you success in your work....
OK, what brand and system is your phone? Have you tried connecting the Z6 and Z8 when the A6 is powered off?
... phone: Samsung Galaxy A34 5G or Tablet Samsung Galaxy TAB 9A 5G (both Android). DAC Z8 the last FMW. .... Yes tried ... I've tried everything possible ... currently can't detect DAC with apk Eversolo.... it's discussed in the forum for DAC Z6/Z8. Did you succeed ?
Yes, when my A6 is not powered, it will connect to my Z8. It is not possible to have both powered on at the same time. I don't know if this doesn't work for others.
I would like to have a full stop button in addition to a pause button when playing external CD-ROMs. When paused, the CD continues to spin. It seems like it wouldn't be technically impossible, considering Lindemann does it. And it would be nice to have a forced eject mode to eject a CD that is infinitely loading on a CD-ROM without a physical button.
Hello, Zidoo TECH Supporter! Igor Antonov, the Russian developer of the Album Player audio player, has developed a modified ASIO \ apscream protocol that allows you to transmit a signal from a Windows computer to systems running on Linux. This protocol is very minimalistic and allows you to achieve a wonderful sound. I want to clarify that the apscream protocol is self-sufficient. When using it, there is no need to use an additional player or renderer. The PCM & DSD512 format is supported. Network connection is possible both LAN and Wi-Fi. Download the asioscream. A zip archive containing the driver for streaming on the local network using the scream protocol is available on the Album Player developer's website https://www.albumplayer.ru/english.html or by direct link https://www.albumplayer.ru/asioscream .zip Friends, I highly recommend you to get acquainted with this technology and you may want to implement it into your wonderful players. And I am happy to test this protocol in my system today. Here is the email address of the developer of this technology: igor_a_2000@mail.ru which you can use to contact him. Igor will explain all the features of this technology and will be able to answer your questions. I really hope that you will succeed and that Eversolo users will reach the next, even higher technological level. I am looking forward to your decision. And I really want to test the apscream protocol in my A8. Please make me a firmware with the addition of apscream and its automatic start so that I can send an audio signal from my Win DLNA\UPnP server to Eversolo DMP-A8 using this protocol. And I will start testing it on my system. I am sure that many users in Russia and other countries will be happy to use this protocol. Since Album Player and asioscream are very popular in Russia. We will be very grateful to you. I really hope for your support! Please let us know what you think about this.
What's new 5 Key Technologies of Eversolo DMP-A10--The Technical Breakthrough Journey of the Development Team Check out more details of the article via this link: https://bit.ly/3ZrvHpS
I have one more feature suggestion. If technically possible, I would like to see HQPlayer's NAA supported in Eversolo. Network Audio Adapter (NAA) – Signalyst I think that once HQPlayer NAA works, it will become a more perfect network player.
We asked the developer of Album Player a question and he replied that the apscream he developed has advantages over NAA. I really want to know how things are going with apscream analyzing?
Hello Eversolo Team, I recently learned about Eversolo while searching for an audio device that meets my specific requirements, and I’ve been consistently impressed by the features your devices offer. However, I have a few concerns that have prevented me from making a purchase decision so far. I’m writing to ask if you plan to release—or are considering—a product with the following features in the future: Support for network players such as Roon Multiple coaxial and optical digital inputs (plus HDMI input, AES/EBU) The ability to output simultaneously through multiple digital outputs (regardless of the source) Until recently, I believed that none of the Eversolo models met all these requirements. For example, the A6 and A8 offer multiple digital outputs but do not appear to provide digital output when using coaxial or optical digital inputs. However, I noticed that the A10 might fulfill all these functionalities (please correct me if I am mistaken). The A10 also includes many additional features—which are impressive, but not all necessary for my needs—and thus carries a higher price. I would love to know if you have plans to release a more affordable product that still supports the above functionalities, perhaps in the same price range as the A6. In other words, is there any plan for a future A6 model (or similar) that includes DDC functionality? Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.
Hello, Eki Shaw! Please tell me if Eversolo reacts to the REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN and REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK data embedded in the tags, or if it ignores this information. It makes sense to fill in this data or not. Thank you.
Hi! Thanks for this update. "Optimized the local library re-scan function". Nice, it's faster than before. If I can propose new functions: - sort albums randomly - sort albums by play count (it will be a nice function to show never hearded albums or, at opposite, very prefered ones)