It just says boot... hello... but seems totally blocked. I've been using it for two months.... Any idea ?
I just warn everyone that this issue was due to a firmware downgrade from 2.1.34. If you have a firmware 2.1.1 or later don't try to go back to older firmwares. Chances that your box gets bricked are really high.
Do an emergency flash procedure using an Image file and the reset PIN pressed during power-on. You can find detailed instructions and it most likely will solve your problem.
Thanks for the insight. However I already followed all the kwon ways to restore the box with no luck. You can take a look to this thread (latest pages)
If you use one of those USB Flash files, doesn't that wipe everything and re-load the base F/W (start from scratch)??
It seems a known issue. Devices manufactured after july-2017 come with new firmware in which any downgrade attempt could brick it. I sent it to reflash/repair, and still waiting an answer.