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ZDMC Matrix (v20) ?

Discussion in 'ZDMC for Zidoo' started by Iriver, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    Blue Stinger and Ich&Ich like this.
  2. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    Thank you Zidoo!
  3. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    A small request that's been nagging me for years... in the intro splash, please say ZDMC... based on Kodi (vs. base on Kodi). Thanks!
  4. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    Why don’t just disable the ugly splash?

    <advancedsettings version="1.0">

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
    hdmkv, Oldpainless and TK423 like this.
  5. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    Thanks, did so :).
  6. BigPines

    BigPines New Member

    Nice! Where is the source code available?
  7. FrostByte

    FrostByte Member

    It looks like Kodi just released 20.2.
  8. catorcio

    catorcio Member

    I installed ZDMC 20.1. on the Z10 it doesn't work it restarts endlessly , what should I do? Thank you
  9. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    suggest delete and re-install. Maybe re-download the app, just in case your copy was corrupt?
    20.1 has been running fine on my Zidoo since its release :)
  10. catorcio

    catorcio Member

    I tried but it doesn't work, after restart it keeps stopping at this screen[​IMG]
  11. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    Have you manually deleted the ZDMC app and installed it again? Have you done a restart of your Z10?

    If the problem still exist afterwards, maybe 20.1 is not compatible with the old Z10, try if ZDMC 19.4 works.
  12. catorcio

    catorcio Member

    19.4 works for sure, it was what I had installed, I wanted to update it, however the Zidoo is a total disappointment, I will certainly never buy one of their products again!
  13. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    Why is that? You have a old device (which got now its second successor) and you can not expect that everything works with it, furthermore ZDMC is a app which is not supported and advertised anymore.
  14. catorcio

    catorcio Member

    I have other older and cheaper devices that are more up to date and work much better than my Zidoo scrap!
  15. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    that appears to be having difficulty updating your database to v20 (which is what it does the first time it is run). Perhaps you have a database corruption issue that is stopping the upgrade?
    I'd suggest removing all traces of ZDMC/Kodi from your machine and then installing from scratch.
  16. catorcio

    catorcio Member

    tried, nothing to do, it seems to work as a touch any function the usual screen appears and does not start, I'm bored I throw it and use others
  17. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    For some reason, my Z9X won't let me install any apps... It just keeps saying App Not Installed. No matter what version of ZDMC I try to install it won't let me.
  18. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    ...agree with hdmkv! A huuuuge THANK YOU!!! To the Zidoo developers working on this! But seriously? Still not able to write propper english grammar?? On the Start Screen of you Software:(??

    This looks pretty unprofessional, just like writing WINDOOFS on the POST Screen of a Windows OS....
  19. LarryZ

    LarryZ Member

    Phil181, FrostByte and Oldpainless like this.
  20. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

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