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X9s - Wrapper Tutorial for external Player used with KODI 16.1

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Lony, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. freeroc

    freeroc Active Member

    There's no way to un root completely and safely as far as I concerned. Don't root it if it is necessary.
  2. grummel2005

    grummel2005 Well-Known Member

    hmmmm :(
  3. benng

    benng New Member

    Do I need root in order to select the video player in ZDMC?

    Selecting a video by holding the button down, I don't see any option to 'open with' an installed player like bsplayer or mx.
  4. Carlos Lorenzo Diaz

    Carlos Lorenzo Diaz New Member

    Hi Lony,

    ¿where are the files? I are root. I need the playercorefactory and instruction to copy this (what route?)

  5. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Root is not needed to add/edit additional ZDMC files. I was able using a "file manager " app caller X-plore.
    For ZDMC the folder is in "Internal memory", then Android/data/com.zidoo.zdmc/files/.zdmc/userdata/
    Here I put a modified advancedsettings.xml, and here is also playercorefactory.xml
  6. Carlos Lorenzo Diaz

    Carlos Lorenzo Diaz New Member

    PacoRabanne, this is for externar player in Kodi app (no ZDMC).

    Yesterday I copied the playercorefactory.xml file in the folder Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/kodi/userdata/and now I see the Kodi option to play with the system wrapper, but choosing it does nothing! Not play!

    Any idea?
  7. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Sorry. Misanderstood your posts.
    I don't use the wrapper. I use a modded by me playercorefactory.xml to choose the external player I want.
    Read the KODi wiki about this file.
  8. Carlos Lorenzo Diaz

    Carlos Lorenzo Diaz New Member

    Hi PacoRabanne,

    I used the Lony playercorefactory.xml file to choose the external player I want, dvdplayer o wrapper internal. But the wrapper internal don't work. I choose this and nothing.

    You can share your file playercorefactory.xml???
  9. GoldBar

    GoldBar Member

    To PacoRabanne,
    Are you using the external player with ZDMC or with an original installation of Kodi?
    Which external player are you using? ... do you get better performance compare to Zidoo's player?

    I tried to place a playercorefactory.xml file for MX player Free into Android/data/com.zidoo.zdmc/files/.zdmc/userdata/
    But ZDMC won't play it although MX is available for selection as a player.
  10. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    When you will bind another Player as an external Player, you must edit the original Playercorefactory from Zidoo. !!!!!!!!!
  11. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    The Wrapper work with both files of Video Source, DVD.ISO and BD.ISO, but DVD.ISO is buggy, this is a Bug in the Firmware. When you need the DVDPlayer you can press in KODI Menu on your Remote, or yopu write a "Rule" in the Playercorefactory for the format DVD.ISO !!!!!!!!!!
  12. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    For GoldBar: I have to check before any answer. I don't want to give incorrect information. Right now I've restored original configuration to test ZDMC "as is", so I've to make again needed modifications.
    Be patient, I'm "a little" tired in this last weeks, too busy for work, and in the evening I like to relax... using my X9S or my old X6 Pro (until I'll give it to my brother)

    I think the best expert is Lony. Carlos Lorenzo Diaz, ask directly to him.
  13. steveha

    steveha New Member

    Excellent, thanks!
  14. alibaba09

    alibaba09 New Member

    Hi everyone and especially Lony!

    Where can I download the Playercorefactory.xml?

    I can't find a download link. Thanks for Your help!
  15. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    You must built it yourself, or use a Kodi addon to do the job.
    You can find some info about in official Kodi forum and wiki, or on many Kodi related forum sites.
  16. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    In our Filebase, i have placed a selection of Playercorfactory for KODI 16.1 and KODI 17.X in diffrent variants. MXplayer / VLCPlayer and more.

    Regards Lony
  17. spyrogyra

    spyrogyra New Member

    Hi I bought the x9s and it's great. I'm having trouble viewing bluray files.
    The problems are incorrect display 16: 9.sia with the ZDMC reader other external Android players. With MKV file does not happen.
    Is there Android App to fix this problem?
    Thank you
  18. Tukker

    Tukker Member

    Just place a link to all the files needed in this forum of remove this advertisement for selling a not working wrapper.
  19. Lony

    Lony Active Member

    This ist Bullshit, i m not selling a Wrapper, and you don`t need a wrapper solution but behave. reading educates................
  20. Tukker

    Tukker Member

    Ok, then tell us in a tuturial how to make original kodi to play all files with zidoo own player.
    Exectly you cant.
    You provide us with a video in witch you install a 3 euro wrapper and that never will work with zidoo, himedia had different wrapper system.
    If was possible zidoo would have saved itself alot of trouble and negatieve comments and just used itself.

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