Posterwall (HT4.0)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by OlivierQC, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    I started this thread and poll about keeping HT poster wall showing full collection of movies all the time even if one of sources is disconnected or powered down. Kodi has it since beginning of time.
    Please cast you vote if you like the idea. We need volume to get attention to this important feature.

    Click here to vote and voice your opinion.
    Sampinto89 and fandenivoldsk like this.
  2. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I've got a few Unmatched titles I'm having difficulty matching. In each case "Video Match" doesn't populate.

    For example, I enter the IMDb tt4644822 and Search Results are a TV season. If I click on it, Video Match doesn't populate (I'm using the web interface).

    At TVDb, I see that this one season 8-episode show also is coded as Special with the same running time as my video file and the IMDb entry. So then I renamed the file to add the episode number S00E01 after the title.

    If I change the search button from TMDB to TVDB, the circle spins forever.

    The search box says "IMDB ID / Movie / TV Series". The name of the TV movie/show just gets either no results or "Undefined" results.

    What could I do next, please?
  3. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Go to the actual tvdb website and see what they call it also check in the tmdb website and check there. There might be a slight name difference like the year after the title ie (1998). Dr Who specials are all numbered the way you did as well as many others. Some require the year directly after the title.
    coyote2 likes this.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I have a real problem with the web interface, whilst I can edit movies, if I try to edit TV series the edit window just spins forever and above the number of reviews, top right there always is a huge number.
  5. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    A Zidoo device only uses IMDB to add a rating to a movie. (if that is turned on in the settings)
    All movie info comes from TMDB. (for series you van use TVMAZE or TVDB)
    So, look for the movie on
    If the movie can be found there, it can also be found with the Zidoo.

    When you look at the lower left corner of a movie detail page on the Zidoo, it clearly states where the information came from.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2022
    coyote2 likes this.
  6. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    When watching a TV series, if I finish an episode and PageUp to the next, I find Posterwall doesn't remember I've stopped watching near the beginning of the next. It seems one needs to go some number of minutes into the next episode before it's willing to bookmark to hold one's place. How many minutes in? I guess instead of going N number of minutes in, I could start stopping during the credits of the previous episode, which would clue me into hitting PageUp.
    Netmask likes this.
  7. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you very much for your help, Netmask and TifKag!

    I got it matched.

    Am I right that while the Search Box works with the IMDb tt, it doesn't work with the "TVDB Series ID" or the number that begins the movie's webpage URL at TMDB? Which I guess would mean that for those, I need to use the title.

    When searching for title, does it matter what the filename is? (Unsure, I drove myself a little crazy changing the filename between searches.)

    I eventually figured out I was better off searching for just a distinctive bit of the title. And matched it that way on both my UHD3000 then (after removing it) also the web interface.

    But before that I drove myself a little crazy trying various combinations of title (with & or and) and episode number and year (because I noticed that while the title at IMDb and TVDB uses the word "and", TMDB instead uses "&").

    At first I thought the problem was that what I have is the TV movie version of the TV season. IMDB and TMDB both see it as episodes. And TVDB sees it both ways: Season 1 has episodes, and Season 0 has my TV movie as S00E02. But that got me nowhere until I tried searching a partial title.

    It woulda been faster to just watch it lol, but thankfully this way I learned stuff.
  8. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    Go to "Display Settings -> Bookmarks."
    There you can set the time, the zidoo will use to start counting to remember how far you are in the movie, and when it will mark the movie as watched before you reach the end.

    There you can also set the kind of reminder you wiil see when you start the movie.
    coyote2 likes this.
  9. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Ah, now I understand what those times do! But since my TV episodes often start before the one minute mark, I'm very disappointed that "1 minute" is the shortest time interval. I'd've loved a "Zero minutes" option.
    As such, I guess I'll go with my gimmick of stopping during the credits of the previous episode...hopefully at least one minute from the end, otherwise I guess it won't save my place? Or will it bookmark the start of the next episode?

    I just know that for weeks, I've been confused why it's bookmarking the previous place I stopped in the middle of the previous episode.

    Given how spectacular Posterwall is at matching (even my original d/l filenames), I'm surprised to see it can't just bookmark the exact spot when within a minute of the end/beginning.
  10. kirkinezi

    kirkinezi New Member

    Didn't now where to post this , so excuse me in advanced.
    I want to make a propose to a feature I have in mind...
    When we are in HomeTheater and browse movies to find and watch , I would like to play some music in the background from some folder.I think this elevates the whole experience.Is this possible to do this on some future firmware update ?
    thenextvision likes this.
  11. SerGioTenerife

    SerGioTenerife New Member

    Hello, I don't know what I deleted, that the info doesn't appear during a movie or in the Zidoo controler app. Any idea to help me please?? But in the HT if I get the posters. ‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️ 1658790175689552309183516951548.jpg S20726-00040952.png 16587903110628890133071855166231.jpg
  12. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

    everytime i load a new episode on hard drive posterwall puts a second image with the episode i have just loaded, it has only started doing this in the last few weeks, anyone know what i am doing wrong
  13. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

    i have deleted the series Evil and reloaded it , still puts two poster on posterwall, same image but as differant episodes, can i merge these together
  14. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

    is there only myself having problems with double posters on posterwall
  15. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Can you share a picture how it looks? And also open each poster to see the details.
  16. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

    Not being techie minded how can i get picture of posterwall in this post
  17. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

  18. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

  19. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

    i dont know if these right
  20. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Yep those help. For some reason the episodes 4,5,6 don’t show a source for that information while episode 7 has TMDB as source. So it appears the info comes from two different source so that’s why you have two separate entries. Did you change some of the scraping settings after you already scanned the show?

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