Posterwall (HT4.0)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by OlivierQC, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you very much for your reply, TifKag! Is it just me that has no "Delete original video file" menu item on my matched items?
  2. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    Why don't you read the first page, under the header i mentioned press "Clean up matching information"
    coyote2 likes this.
  3. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you for adding that mention to your previous post. Sorry I forgot that from the first page.

    I'm afraid that the animated GIFs frustrated me because (since they loop) it's unclear when they start. I went on to watch all of Oliver's videos because of that issue, but I don't recall this info being in the videos.

    I recommend that Oliver start his GIFs with some sort of "Start of GIF" message. (Without that they weren't comprehensible to me, with that they'd be priceless.)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2022
  4. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    I recommend that one just has to br thankfull for the things USERS do in their spare time for free !
    coyote2 likes this.
  5. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I am thankful, TifKag, and I say so every time. And I try to be helpful myself; I believe my recommendation on how looping GIFs could be more comprehensible to users is an example of me being helpful.

    And it was helpful of you to give me the opportunity be thus helpful by questioning why I hadn't understood the first post in the thread.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2022
  6. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I just move the video file to a another drive, if I want to keep it. Then I delete the folder that contained it. There is a menu item somewhere but it eludes me just where it is
    coyote2 likes this.
  7. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you for your reply, Netmask. To make sure I understood the GIF loop I did a test:
    To delete associated files (artwork, NFO, etc):
    Popup Menu|Clear match info|Clear Match info
    To delete just file and Posterwall entry (if you did #1 you will find it in Unmatched):
    Popup Menu|Clear match info|Delete original file
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Having a semi engineering background, the thought of being able to delete an actual file from with HT horrifies me, so easy to do accidentally by visiting hordes (my situation) or sticky little fingers (not me) !!! Much prefer a separate toolbox for housekeeping at that level. Cleaning up artwork - yes, editing synopsis within HT - yes. Removing the entry from HT - yes. Deleting anything from HT - No.
  9. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I'm glad it's possible since I liked the ease of it on our last box (the PCH A500). And it's not that easy to even find where to do it. And I have an easy time re-d/l-ing files.
    But then the only fingers here are mine.
  10. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I sometimes upgrade a video file, and my first attempt went very poorly.

    I found a better file for a TV episode. I copied it into the series' folder. Since the episode's associated files were named identically to the previous file, I deleted them along with the previous video file, expecting Posterwall to re-add the associated files when it scanned. But it didn't.

    I tried many things. For the episode I removed match info, and unmatched it. I moved it out of Source. Then for the series I removed match info, and unmatched it. I deleted all but the video files. I moved them out of Source. I moved them back to Source. I removed them from Posterwall, moved them out of Source, then back to source. Along the way I tried matching in Unmatched, but I was impatient and confused and didn't match it. I think then I went into Posterwall's Source screen and removed it from Posterwall.

    It's an episode Posterwall had matched itself (of Star Trek New Worlds).

    I'm wondering:

    How should I have gone about replacing an episode's file with another file?

    Can I fix this or have I managed to make it impossible for Posterwall to ever again display this series (by choosing to remove it from Posterwall)?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
  11. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I add the better file straight into the existing folder. You then end up with 2 eps 1 generally marked 1-1 1-2 or A and B. Just make sure the additional file has a slightly different name for obvious reasons. An extra space or dot. You can then safely delete the original file.

    In the case of apparently making it impossible to find, I did that once! I moved all the files out of my NAS and deleted every thing remaining. Then I changed the name slightly. Checking first on the tvdb site. Voila!
    coyote2 likes this.
  12. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Not a problem for me, since I keep full original filenames (so I'll have lineage to compare files).
    A million thanks, Netmask! With this clue, I moved the TV series' folder out of Source, Bulk-Renamed an extra dot before the suffix, moved the folder back into Source, and like magic the series matched! Maybe ten seconds work.

    I feel like I just learned a key lesson in how Posterwall works. (I was ready to watch the whole season in File Manager, lol.) A "Like" feels too little, I'd click a "Donate to Netmask" button!
  13. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Before messing up again, I better ask for advice. Right now I've got one Source:
    A folder on the root of a HDD named "Video" with a sub-folder named "TV". Each time I navigate to a TV series this costs me a click using SMB from my PC. What I'd like to do is move "TV" out of "Video", and rename "Video" to "Movies".
    Is there some way to do this with minimal effort? In other words, after I do something like this, can I expect things I matched manually, and artwork I selected manually, to not need to be manually done over again? (Having it lose my place mid-movie would be OK.)
    Could it be as simple as dragging "TV" out of "Video" (so it's also on the root of a HDD) then adding "TV"as a 2nd source? Then I guess renaming "Video" to "Movies" and deleting the original Source and adding "Movies" as a source.
  14. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    34DF2CE6-578B-4158-B622-443D79A25E29.jpeg I have several sources as Movies and I did have 2 sources for TV, one located in an internal disc and the other on my NAS. Screenshot part of my list.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
    coyote2 likes this.
  15. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I know I can have multiple ones, but will I have work to do after removing mine and re-adding it (in two parts)? Maybe, since it seems like Posterwall never forgets, this is another dumb question of mine.
  16. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Am I wrong that there's no way to add a TV series to a Movie Collection, and no way to add Movies to a TV Collection?
    (One could combine them into a Category, but what I want is for the poster to only appear in a single Collection, instead of having to put a Collection Icon on Posterwall. I wish, since it's not uncommon for a TV series to have movies, or for a movie franchise to spinoff TV series'.

    Speaking of Collections, I do love how many are pre-configured so automatically populate!

    p.s. I notice that when I swap in a new file for a poster, it doesn't rename the associated files to match the new filename.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2022
  17. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I can now answer my question. After removing, splitting and renaming, and re-adding my source as multiple sources, I was greatly relieved to find that everything was preserved. By which I mean I didn't have to re-match anything or re-configure collections. Perhaps the NFO files which the original scan created stores all such info.
  18. John Thorley

    John Thorley Member

    just recently when i have added new episodes they have been put in a different folder on posterwall, but all correct on hard drive in zidoo, anyway to put in one folder on posterwall
  19. stephen0804

    stephen0804 New Member

    I've only just recently purchased a UHD3000, I've added my sources but,
    is there a way to batch mark my movies as watched instead of doing it one by one? I have over 300 movies and don't want to sit there all day marking the ones I've watched.
    I know you can batch match info for tv shows, but There doesn't seem to be an option for batch watched!

    any help would be much appreciated.
  20. PG80

    PG80 New Member

    I select the option in preferences to display IMDB ratings and Rotten Tomatoes ratings but they are not showing anywhere. When I switch back to original source instead of IMDB the TMDB ratings are shown. Is there a solution for this?

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