New version v6.4.68 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000/NEOS /NEO Alpha/NEO X release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    OK, that soundbar is more recent and can also handle Dolby Digital +, so assuming you are using a decent HDMI cable from your Zidoo to the soundbar, it should work fine.
    RAW should work well, assuming it can handle a digital bitstream. Not sure why you are getting audio cutting out on RAW, unless your cable is not good enough. Have you tried swapping to a high quality certified HDMI cable? High bitrate video and audio (like a 4K remux) can push some cheap low quality cables beyond their capacity.
    What happens when you set the Zidoo Audio to Auto?
  2. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    I'm using HDMI cable from Zidoo. Tried to set to Auto in Zidoo Audio, it improve a little but the issue is still there specially when you fast forward or pause the video. It only happens in DD+... TrueHD with Atmos working fine.

    This is my last option... I just added WebDAV in Zidoo File Manager and tried to play movies using Zidoo Player but no luck. WHY ZIDOO? CAN YOU PLEASE ALLOW US TO USE ZIDOO PLAYER WHEN WATCHING MOVIES FROM WebDAV? @mirror PLEASE?
  3. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    If TrueHD works fine and the HDMI cable is ok, then it appears to be more of an actual soundbar issue.
    Have you checked for updated firmware from Samsung?
    If you are able to take your Zidoo to someone with an AVR system, you could possibly prove to yourself where your audio problem lies......
  4. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    I already updated it's firmware. I downloaded some series with dd+ atmos audio and it's working fine using Zidoo Player.

    Please allow us to watch movies & series from WebDAV using Zidoo Player.

    EDIT: Or maybe to be able to add WebDAV as source for movies & shows in HT5.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2024
  5. Laseriano

    Laseriano Member

    Hello everyone ,
    I have a friend who was given a Zidoo Z9x and he left it with me to configure and I run into the problem that when connecting via Samba it doesn't find my Nas and I don't understand since I have a zidoo 5000 and it finds it without a problem.
    Does anyone know how I can solve it?
  6. Steveman69

    Steveman69 New Member

    After update my z10pro wont resume playback if i stop a file even when it shows the playback icon and time. Please help.
  7. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    have you powered it off completely (even pulled the plug) for a few minutes after the update?
    A lot of minor issues can occur after updates, if the Zidoo has not been completely powered off and then re-started......
  8. TonySwash

    TonySwash New Member

    I have a Z9X with a Samsung Q900C. I can listen to all audio formats with the settings as above. The only problem I have had was with the HDPC setting being on.
    Problem solved when turned off.
  9. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Yes, if you mostly playback RIP contents then keep it off.
  10. thivame

    thivame Active Member

    Do you think that one day we might have an option to merge several Sources into one?
  11. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    Is the subtitles always being engaged regardless of setting or flags affecting everyone on this firmware or only a select few?

    Very annoying to have to turn them off manually each time and enough to make someone want to roll back the firmware if that's possible.
  12. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Turn them off in Settings.
  13. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    I need to leave the forced foreign language ones enabled, but I have those all flagged as forced and set that in the forced option of the Zidoo settings, leaving the default option able to be set to off, which I'm sure I had already and tried again last night. I'll double check this tonight.

    It always worked as it should with the settings I had previously and only started happening after the firmware update even though the settings hadn't been changed.
  14. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    What option are you using under the Forced Subtitles section? Auto or?
  15. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    I'll confirm that tonight when I'm home.

    It'll be either on, auto, or first forced subtitle.

    I've reviewed and remuxed all my files to be flagged for forced anytime there's a forced subtitle, so that flag is reliable for me.
  16. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    If the files are MKV you can easily make any internal forced files as default + forced using the header editor of mkvtoolnix. It’s just a tick the box and save, very fast and doesn’t require remuxing. Remuxing of course does nothing to overall quality etc, just slower than editing the header.

    An alternative is to extract the forced subtitle and placing it in the same folder as the movie file, then Zidoo will always use it in preferences to any other.
  17. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    Ya that was more of a lack of elaborating on my part. I've done remuxing of many files depending what's going on with them after I ripped discs or got files elsewhere, but I've also done as you note above to just set the subs as I want if that's all I'm doing. I basically do a full review of anything being added to my server whether I ripped it or got it elsewhere, including scanning it for subs and confirming if there's any applicable forced subtitle track to flag. Subtitlesedit has played in to that as well.

    I think I've got this set to where it works fine now, but it's not how I had it set and the option I was using before does appear broken, which caused my confusion.

    My subtitles in all of my mkv's are never flagged as a default track unless it's a forced foreign language track in English text. I have no use for regular English subs but keep them in the mkv container when present, because why not. I mark the foreign sub tracks as both default and forced. I was using the "Follow Default" in the default subtitles menu and it was only selecting the forced ones since I'd marked them default and I guess that's just how I've been using it. Not sure the option in the forced subs menu mattered as much at that point, but was usually set to auto or select default sub, I think. Now, after the latest firmware update, that "Follow Default" option in the Default Subtitles menu under languages seems to play a subtitle track every time whether there's one flagged as default or not. Auto seems to be the same, but I'm not sure how that's supposed to operate so won't say it's broken like the follow default option.

    Either way, you were right, turning subtitles "Off" in the default subtitles menu, and setting the forced subs to the "follow default flag" or "first forced sub" fixed me up. I think I thought that turning it off in the default menu would mean forced wouldn't play either and that had to be on for the forced settings to take effect, but now I know they're somewhat independent.
  18. oshan

    oshan New Member

    Is this considered a beta firmware version?
    The official firmware for the Z9x is stuck in 2022 as I'm sure everyone knows ^_^
  19. dxer

    dxer New Member

    I own UHD3000 and it didn't show me any new firmware since 2 years I purchase it. So not sure what is this firmware if anyone can explain .
    is this official or what and how to upgrade ?

  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's the latest release and yes, it's official.

    Upgrade by copying the file as is to a location you can access with the UHD3000 - USB drive or network location.

    Open the update app, navigate to, and select the file when prompted.
    dxer likes this.

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