New firmware v1.1.80 for DMP-A6 release

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by mirror, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. Not my experience, playing flawlessly so far
  2. Noerjew

    Noerjew Member

    Same here!
  3. Noerjew

    Noerjew Member

    Hello @mirror, wich Cd writer do you use for testing?
  4. neoitata

    neoitata Member

    After this update, experienced a small cut offs at the beginning of the ssd stored songs.
    IOS user.
    This has not happened with previous version.
    Wildgift likes this.
  5. I’m experiencing small cut offs at the beginning of tracks with Amazon Music only app. Noticeable when playing live albums only.
  6. audio58

    audio58 Active Member

    Mine works with my library on a server and Quboz is ok also. Notice the scanning of new albums I put on the server seem to have become a bit quicker. So far so good!!
  7. audio58

    audio58 Active Member

    I think it's your hardware!! I have a Samsung S7 tablet and a S10 phone and no issues. Try and go through clean memory on those devices, check for updates, virus scan and then restart. The firmware from the DMP -A6 has nothing to do with your devices.
    Mine are older and no issues!!
  8. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    If I read correctly the majority said they did not have this problem before update, so are you saying they're hardware changed and suddenly went bad?
  9. Zar

    Zar New Member

    Cast in the iphone app v.1.0.57 (iPhone 14 Pro) and in the iPad app (iPadAir 5th Gen) with current iOS is very jerky, is slow and not synchronous to the DMP-A6 display. Useful operation not possible.
  10. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    Casting from a dmp-a6 to a samsung note 7 is showing distorted lines on samsung display, not there before update.
  11. Miki222

    Miki222 Member

    Yes. I confirm it after the last update 1.8. it does this to me on two android devices as well.
    Tab S7+ a Samsung Z fold 2 5G.
  12. Miki222

    Miki222 Member

  13. Pitscher

    Pitscher New Member

    Since the update, the albums are played in a continuous loop.
  14. IMG_0047.png IMG_0046.png IMG_0045.png IMG_0044.png IMG_0043.png IMG_0042.png IMG_0041.png
    I’m experiencing some visual issues with the Cast mode. Appart from the random flickering line, I’m having horizontal black lines, sometimes green, that change or eventually disappear if I go out and come back to cast mode like clicking on any other side menu item.

    Not happening every time (couldn't find what is triggering it yet) and only on the iPad app
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
  15. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    You can change the preference. Apparently again not sticking. Seen that before.
  16. Pitscher

    Pitscher New Member

    I have seen that posibility before the update. But now i can`t find it no more.
  17. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Still available within the player menu. Default indeed was cycle again. Lets see if it is kept after a reboot?
  18. Darken

    Darken New Member

    I'm in an transition from Marantz NA 6006 to DMP-A6. I mostly listen internet radio, so I was happy to see the new Internet Radio (BETA) app in the streaming menu. The only thing that I'm missing is the artwork, artist and song display like it's done in Paradise radio app:
    Paradise App showing all info:

    Internet Radio App :
    Are there any chances that this can be added to The internet radio app?
    Topdude likes this.
  19. I second that! :)
    Topdude likes this.
  20. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    You guys have to know that Radio Paradise has, IIRC, three types of streams:
    1. low quality MP3, no metadata
    2. hi quality FLAC, no metadata
    3. hi quality FLAC + metadata

    where metadata includes track info + art.

    It depends on the client application to use the correct stream, and retrieve its metadata, shall it be the case; this is why with its native application you have it all, and with third-party YMMV...

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