Hey Warren, I know it's a lot and I'm sure you have a lot on your plate but can you just please do an upgrade to: ZIDOO_X6_Pro_v1.0.45 with the XBMC or Kodi update 17.3 and the upgrade from 5.1 to 6.0 on the chip and whatever else your loyal ZIDOO owners have addressed ( within reason of course ) and just make everybody happy and I'm 100% sure they will ALL be quiet cause they'll finally get what they need and want for their boxes. Warren, We all paid a nice piece of change for these Boxes and we ALL feel that we are getting the short end of the stick while you guys are pushing out your X10, X9, and X8 Media Players along now with your "NEW EVERSOLO" ( don't get me wrong I know you have to get them out ) But plz don't forget your loyal customers. I mean I feel like a puppy getting table scraps while the Big Dogs eat c'mon guy plz make us Happy again. Warren, it's a quick fix so to speak and you won't hear or read anymore about this.OK? You enjoy the rest of the week and have a GREAT and SAFE Weekend. Ciao for now Cicci Edit. No need for extra large font. makes it harder to read
Zidoo has just advertised a new box (X7) which is lower end buts gets Android 7.0, compared to the X6 Pro! How's that for third rate treatment? This is pathetic - making customers buy your box, not provide support and then rub salt on their wounds! Am pretty sure the X7 owners will soon get a taste of what we X6 owners are getting when X-<whatever version> gets released and realize their mistake. That is unless, ZIdoo prove me wrong! So go ahead and prove me wrong Zidoo.
Appreciate your genuine request, but it's not worth losing self respect over this. We've learnt our lesson by now, I'd advise selling the box for whatever it's worth, switch the vendor and never look back at this company again. I don't mean to down your hope, but I say this out of the pattern of updates observed from Zidoo. Cheers mate and good luck.
At the advertised x10 products that they are sending to our emails for advertising and us to upgrade to the new product My reply was simple Never zidoo products
Brand New Release from Jokers - X7 It's been a long time, few months without new box model. Replacement for GLORIOUS LONG TIME SUPPORTED - X6 "PRO". @Harlan @spring @mirror where is the X7 "PRO" model?
For a few days now i get a massage "location is turned off for all apps" when i turn on the Zidoo X6 Pro. And i cannot find where i can turn it on. Some one have tha same problem and any ideas how to turn it on ore ged rid of the massage?
My zidoo x6 pro looses videosignal randomly in any app even on homescreen , black screen for a second. doesent happend to often but its not funny.
I was getting the same thing recently, I thought it was some app (like BBC iplayer) that I'd updated/installed.
I just said "OK" to the prompt each time it happened, after about 3 or so times, it stopped happening.
Hi.I just updated ziddo x6 pro to v1.0.45 and now on my screen appears "illegal authorized" every 5sec.I tried everything "flash 5 times"reinstall all updates but just keeps poping this message.I have beelink minimx3 and newer have problems but ziddo "just tired" Can sameone help how to fix this?detailed information. Thanks
Thank's Pal I already wrote them off. we have a lot of other issues to worry about now with all the lawsuits in the UK on TVADDONS and others. They are trying to make it illegal to even own a TV BOX never mind steaming with one. Later friends cicci831
those UK guys are crazy, that will never happen. a TV box is nothing more than a CPU with ram and storage, they plan to ban computers ? addons on the other hand is another story, and that will also never happen, they need to ban the servers that host the content, not the addon itself, that's just a tool, same thing you can do with a browser.
@HaoSs what's with the new ZDMC? Any news from those money grabbers? Or they still working on a time machine?