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New firmware v1.0.25 for ZIDOO X6 release(beta)

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by mirror, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    ZIDOO_X6 Pro

    1.Solved the audio out of sync issue when enable passthrough
    2.sloved black screen issus when playback the streaming of kodi Addons

    OTA zip file
    Mediafire mirror:http://www.mediafire.com/download/p2m8p5gahev83gs/ZIDOO_X6_Pro_v1.0.25_ota.zip
    Amazon mirror:http://ota-cloudfront.zidoo.tv/zidoo_x6/ZIDOO_X6_Pro_v1.0.25_ota.zip


    How to upgrade: http://blog.zidoo.tv/2015/02/how-to-upgrade-the-zidoo-x9-firmware/

    This is a Beta version, in order to confirm the passtrough problem, even though Our engineers have made a lot of work of comparison, tested hundreds of video, there is also something we haven't considered yet. Please feedback to us if you found anything.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
    dimtris and hook7 like this.
  2. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    Thank you very much!

    iOS 9.1's AirPlay compatibility was not fixed in last patch/update, so could you please verify if this is fixed on v1.0.25? I'll have to test this later --- especially if this has been fixed :).
  3. gridlock

    gridlock Member

    thank you so much for the extreme effort....

    using spdif passthrough and testing lip sync issue (only) on mkv files with mx player 1.7.40 (my main concern) and your kodi version :
    there's definitely a huge improvement and you obviously did a great job to work out the audio sync issue..... Thank you big time , though you can still notice the sync issue , but in a very minor (as in minor) way.
    i truly believe that your upcoming updates will fix the issue for good since you managed to do so in version 1.0.25 with almost 90 to 95% success...
    keep it up and God bless you all....
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  4. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    It need some times,sorry about that.support IOS 9.1 is a big challenge for us, but we have found the way.
  5. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    Ok, thank you about the status update! I appreciate your efforts to fix this compatibility issue.
  6. gridlock

    gridlock Member

    what is amazing about the zidoo x6 pro (rk3368) (as compared to the rk3288 boxes with any kind of rom, official or customed) is the amazing video playback quality....
    it's obviously a matter of time to work out any reported issue by customers since zidoo development team is so dedicated..... thanks
  7. Movie78

    Movie78 Member Beta test group

    Audio out sync when playback start with Audio playing.

    Audio close to be in sync when your switch the Audio Stream format back and forth..
  8. stefan-ott

    stefan-ott Member

  9. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    I just installed 1.0.25. After installation Kodi's official BBC Player and ITV player addons are not able to stream content efficiently - video stream halts, but sound can be heard (and lipsync is not correct when video is visible). Same happens with other Kodi streaming contents, for example several video-streams will be frozen, but sound can be heard... VERY STRANGE...

    I tried to Rollback ("update") back to v1.0.24 but that's not allowed (notification/error code: cannot install this build over newer build) :(.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  10. DarkCinema

    DarkCinema Member

    I tested my LiveTV stream (using DVBLink) and the transport stream .ts mpeg2 file still is a hit and miss. Either the audio is way out of sync or I get no audio at all. At some point stopping/starting the TV channel resulted in a good perfect audio sync situation.

    Then played some TV Series (1080P/23.976/h264/MKV) and audio was way out of sync, but when I disabled the autorefresh rate on start/stop this video seemed in Sync.
    Then playing a 50hz 1080P h264 MKV file failed again?!
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  11. simple6

    simple6 New Member

    I tested DTS/DD/DTS HD mkv files. Half of the files are now synced. the other half remain out of sync. The problem is that there is no consistent behaviour on this. I may play a file and the syncing to be almost spot on, stop the playback, go out to the menu and then after I resume the playback audio is out of sync again.

    1. Syncing in some files is indeed almost corrected (it needs some .0xx correction).
    2. Many files remain out of sync
    3. Syncing behaviour is not consistent. I may play the file twice, the first time it is ok, the second is out of sync.

    I hope this helps....
    Jeomite likes this.
  12. negher

    negher Member

    Audio synchronization unpredictable in 1.0.25 (passthrough) :):confused::eek::(
  13. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    I have made some additional usability tests within Kodi streaming addons (v.1.0.25):

    There is a visible lipsync mismatch on the USTVnow's CBS channel. USTV's PBS channel's video will frozen's after 10sec from the start but voice can be heard (this happened multiple times). Can you verify this - is this a network/addon issue or does other users have similar experiences?

    Some good news: BBCplayer works better today (tested 720p), so some of those earlier error's could be caused by network issues on the original source or due the VPN-capacity? Just a crosscheck - does your BBCplayer work fine?
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  14. Alex

    Alex New Member

    у меня проблема с веб камерой, пробовал подключать к обоим USB входам. SKYPE использовать не удается. Видео есть, звука нет
  15. gridlock

    gridlock Member

    update ;
    as i mentioned in my previous post , (playing mkv files using mxplayer with spdif passthrough) the video playback clarity and sharpness is truly truly awesome , and the audio sync has improved big time.... however , i noticed some kind of video hiccups or stutter after every 5 seconds of playback (such thing was not even present in the condemned v1.0.24).... it seems that the audio sync issue was somehow improved on the expense of video playback smoothness...
  16. jvanhambelgium

    jvanhambelgium Member Beta test group

    Ok, below some of my initial feedback based on some short late night testing yesterday :

    -> Audio / Video sync greatly improved, BUT there it is somewhat unpredictable. I've tested several MKV's en BR-Folders and most of the time audio/video was OK, when going "fast forward" in the movie then there is some time after the movie resume where there is bad lipsync but this "catches up" after 5-10seconds.

    -> Several DTS/DTS-TrueHD "sync losses" during playback noticed, never seen it before. Sometimes MKV starts in "Stereo" and when I go to "Audio" in KODI and then disable/enable "Passthrough" then receiver makes some clicks and the good Audio track is running. From then on it seems "stable"

    -> DVD ISO no improvement, still 500ms delay on audio / video (Are DVD ISO's so much more "difficult" to handle ? Why the heck is it so problematic ?)

    -> I did not notice any specifc degraded video quality (2D) or something. Picture looking good to my eyes.

    -> No testing performed on 3D stuff, no testing on any KODI addon that does something with streaming or something (don't use any)

    So all in all I see improvement in this area for sure! Keep up the pace coders !
  17. mihaly

    mihaly New Member

    Hi all,

    i am sorry to say that I replaced the Zidoo X6 with my old and hated WDTV. However, the WDTV does play mkv files without audio sync problems. My personal believe is that the team made a huge mistake introducing this too early. As time goes by people will switch and new buyers will look at other products. The only solution is a fix asap, otherwise the product is 'lost'.
    After 3 firmware updates I am done....i will check in the new year to see if this product will ever work as it should.

    All the best,
  18. NickTO

    NickTO New Member

    Can there be hardware VC1 codec support? I have bluray content in VC1 and on this release Kodi picks up ffmpeg as decoder, so it can't play it correctly (about 10fps max).
  19. dferregu

    dferregu Member

    Hi all,

    about the 3D ISO movie, MINIONS tested on firmware 1.0.25 some comments:
    HD 2TB conected from USB 2.0 dock station to ZIDOO USB PORT

    1) With Kodi do not work properly. swiching on 3D but image is like to be double sized! hard to see.
    2) with native player some considerations. On first play it crashed at 00:01:23 of the film, I reset the zidoo... second play...crashed on minute 00:04:21 of the film... started again for 3rt time the film and did not crashed!! so it works fine since the end of the film.
    ¿what to say? works and do not works... I have had to spend 15 minutes reseting the zidoo and starting the movie several times...

    the movie have this spect:

    Disc Title: MINIONS_3D
    Disc Size: 41.761.982.238 bytes
    Protection: AACS
    BD-Java: Yes
    Playlist: 00800.MPLS
    Size: 40.518.309.888 bytes
    Length: 1:30:57.994
    Total Bitrate: 59,39 Mbps
    Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 29823 kbps / 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    Video: MPEG-4 MVC Video / 13860 kbps /
    Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 5262 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)
    Audio: Arabic / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    Audio: Spanish / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    Audio: Catalan / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    Audio: Dutch / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    Audio: Dutch / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    Audio: French / Dolby Digital Plus Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps
    Audio: Hindi / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -7dB / Dolby Surround
    * Audio: French / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    Subtitle: English / 46,192 kbps
    Subtitle: Arabic / 10,362 kbps
    Subtitle: Spanish / 19,838 kbps
    Subtitle: Catalan / 19,150 kbps
    Subtitle: Dutch / 18,782 kbps
    Subtitle: French / 18,342 kbps
    Subtitle: Hindi / 16,822 kbps
    Subtitle: Arabic / 0,491 kbps
    Subtitle: Spanish / 1,011 kbps
    Subtitle: Catalan / 0,940 kbps
    Subtitle: Dutch / 0,644 kbps
    Subtitle: Dutch / 0,505 kbps
    Subtitle: French / 0,785 kbps
    Subtitle: Hindi / 0,757 kbps
  20. aagvain

    aagvain New Member

    I have no issues playing local files using mx player with proper codecs. for kodi, during streaming I was having audio synch issues and black screen stutters. the following kodi settings resolved both

    system,settings, audio output, output config= fixed

    system, video, playback, adj display refresh rate= off

    as of now no issues with either local files or streaming

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