New beta version v1.0.95 for Z9X PRO/Z20 PRO/Z2000 PRO/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by mirror, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    When the stable release ? Beacuse since the uhd 8000 release i have 0 update with my uhd 5000 this is not cool
    devilsown likes this.
  2. DIKKE

    DIKKE Active Member

    Well said
    devilsown likes this.
  3. dr4go

    dr4go Member

    @McBluna Any chance for a new modded version of the Zidoo Poster App of the new v1.1.70 firmware? Thanks in advance, much appreciated.
    Oldpainless likes this.
  4. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    Maybe a new firmware update soon??
  5. Kenshin

    Kenshin Member

    ziddo wants you to buy a new player to boost company profits ..

    It's like a subscription. Zidoo wants you to buy a new player every year

    Zidoo is not a finished player, it is and remains only a beta player
    Funkyone80, Tryner and devilsown like this.
  6. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    Yes ! My uhd 5000 is my last zidoo…
  7. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

    I am doubting we will see anymore firmware updates for this at least anytime soon.
  8. Moyt

    Moyt Member

    No longer a Zidoo owner now. Never heard the likes of Zidoo before, Googling for a stand alone media player last year somehow led me to them, so I took a chance. But never have I felt like I was a beta tester for a product before that was far from finished. After seeing people's frustrations and lack of updates here, espeically after their 8k models were released, I will never trust to buy a Zidoo product again.
    Unless the day comes where people can say it's the most amazing complete media player they have ever owned...

    I'm thinking of giving the latest Dune 8k range a go, but no idea what they are like either. If they're just as bad as Zidoo I might be better off to look into building my own dedicated PC media player of some sort.
    devilsown and Funkyone80 like this.
  9. devilsown

    devilsown New Member

    Yeah i agree, it's not a good way to treat your customers - just dropping a new product after less than a year and forgetting about the people who spent a few hundred bucks on your "old" device...
    I mean if there wouldn't be so many problems i wouldn't care, but the z9x pro is still in beta state...
    Funkyone80 and Moyt like this.
  10. Funkyone80

    Funkyone80 Member

    I sold my Z20 pro and bought R volution PlayerOne 8k and it works more stable than Zidoo (old and new) players and has no only beta updates. Otherwise, there is no ideal and flawless player on the market. Maybe Kaleidescape Strato V Movie Player for $4000 price.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2024
    Moyt and devilsown like this.
  11. Roland

    Roland New Member

    I hope they finally fix the problem with the asynchronous and faltering playback with DTS sound. Playback is running, suddenly asynchronous and jerky, when you stop and play again it runs until the next stutter.
  12. Moyt

    Moyt Member

    For sure there's no perfect device out there, and there never will be. But man just one example, when I'm seeing people having to revert to old firmware to get a device even somewhat tolerable to use, it's horrible to see. I'm not saying Zidoo are like Apple/Google/Samsung where they give insane amount of years to support their products. I mean look at Samsung for example, up to 7 years of updates on their mobile devices.
    Not release a new device every year and then drop the previous devices. Anyways you guys know where I'm coming from. It was $500+ lesson learnt.

    I think the best way to mitigate losses in this situation if I was to carry down this line of madness, is to just stick with the cheapest models whenever a new line of products gets released. Isn't R volution pretty much similar to Dune? Do you rate the R volution better? But yes I'm going to take a gamble with Dune HD Pro 8K Plus next I think. Just still unsure about what the support is like with them, but safe to say I think they run more stable than most its competitors, as things are right now.
    As for the Kaleidescape... money wise I'll give that a pass lol.
    darqman and Funkyone80 like this.
  13. Mikis

    Mikis Member

    Until the R volution will have online database so it is not good. Have had Zappiti then go bankrupt and make the switch R volution and would yearly subscription to online database, therefore I'm make the switch Zidoo and until will have offline database so maybe it'll be OK.
  14. Funkyone80

    Funkyone80 Member

    Dune makes the boxes for R volution 8k so they are hardware identical. R volution has its own GUI (minimalist) and R video app (Zidoo has HT). It works ok, PQ is great. I don't have a personal movie collection. After watching a movie or TV series, I delete it and load a new one. I only use an external usb ssd drive.
    Moyt likes this.
  15. Funkyone80

    Funkyone80 Member

    That's true, but if R video happens to stop working, I'll watch directly from the usb ssd.
    It shows the movie poster that's enough for me, I don't need trailers and other information about the movie.
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Dune don't make boxes - Dune and R_Zappitilution use the same OEM manufacturer and the same software contractors - that's why the firmware and front end are also pretty much the same.
  17. Funkyone80

    Funkyone80 Member

    I have simplified, you are more in detail. PlayerOne 8K not Pro or SE is almost on the outside identical as Dune HD Max 8K has (+ analog and coaxial output, TCXO chip, shielded toroidal transformer), the difference is in software....analog and coaxial output, TCXO chip, shielded toroidal transformer has PlayerOne 8k Pro and SE variant. But the price is higher.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2024
  18. Sergii

    Sergii New Member

    How I can select the folders on my hdd which I don't want to be scanned by Zidoo? For example, I have photos and my videos from traveling or some everyday stuff and Zidoo is spending a lot of time scanning these folders and try to find matching. Can I select only the folders with movies and TV shows to scan and the rest of hdd leave unscanned?
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Folder Filtering in either the Scan or Update box:

  20. Sergii

    Sergii New Member

    Found it. Thank you very much.

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