Native MultiChannel DSD via HDMI (Like the Eversolo A6) without conversion to PCM?

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by karipu, Aug 9, 2024.

  1. karipu

    karipu Member

    Native MultiChannel DSD via HDMI (Like the Eversolo A6) without conversion to PCM?

    Sound quality?
  2. sg66

    sg66 New Member

    I don't have any multichannel DSD files but it looks like it renders the DSD natively based on the screenshot from the player. The files are stored on my NAS and playback through my Sony A7000es via the HDMI 1.4 output of the UHD8000.

    Attached Files:

  3. gymnos

    gymnos Member

    karipu and sg66 like this.
  4. TheCrow

    TheCrow New Member

    Is this just a feature of the UHD8000?
    Can the Z3000 Pro, with its additional audio only HDMI also do this?
    Can the other 8k models do this too?

    The spec's of the UHD8000 list an XMOS chip but none of the other models specifically list this, so is this an 8000 only feature?
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2024
    karipu likes this.
  5. sg66

    sg66 New Member

    Confirmed. I downloaded a file from the Oppo website. It plays back in MCH mode for the UHD8000 via the hdmi 1.4 output. I can't say what other devices can do so I would suggest contacting Zidoo support directly.

    Attached Files:

    gymnos and karipu like this.
  6. TheCrow

    TheCrow New Member

    Thanks for the info' much appreciated.
    I was hoping someone from Zidoo may respond about the differences between their models.
  7. karipu

    karipu Member

    >Can the Z3000 Pro, with its additional audio only HDMI also do this?
    >Can the other 8k models do this too?

    I too would very much like to know this!

    UHD8000 has ESS9069Q DAC; what DAC other AML S928X players has?
  8. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Yes, about the HDMI audio port Z3000 PRO same as UHD8000, that supports MCH dsd native output.
    gymnos, TheCrow, rozel and 1 other person like this.
  9. TheCrow

    TheCrow New Member

    Great, thanks for that info'.
    It is what I suspected but found it difficult to find confirmation in the spec's.
    I assume the other models don't have the XMOS chip and hence cannot do native MCH DSD output?
  10. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    It's not about XMOS, Z3000 PRO does not have XMOS.
    For models with two HDMI outputs have this function
    gymnos, TheCrow, rozel and 1 other person like this.
  11. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    XMOS is only for the Analog DAC output and used for USB DSAC input clock stabilization there.
    Nothing to do with HDMI DSD. In fact the DOH (DSD over HDMI) chips take care of that specific job.
    gymnos, TheCrow and karipu like this.
  12. TheCrow

    TheCrow New Member

    Thanks for the correction. I am always happy to learn.
    Sounds like the Z3000 Pro fits my needs the best.
  13. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

    Do MCH SACD ISO files play correctly? They do not on the PRO series and that is the only thing holding me back from purchasing a new model.
  14. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    I just tried playing some Multichannel and stereo DSD files through the HDMI output with a Z9X 8K. They get converted to PCM and play fine. I have not tried an ISO because all mine are individual tracks. They also play natively when using the USB output to an external DAC.
    gymnos and Unclejoshc like this.
  15. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

    Thanks another member already confirmed the individual files play correctly as PCM files in all speakers. But a lot of my hi-rez albums are in ISO which was a huge reason I bought the Z2000 in the first place. Only to find out it never worked and doesn't seem likely it will. Not gonna invest another dollar in Zidoo only to find they don't work in the new models either.
    gymnos likes this.
  16. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    FWIW, those multichannel DSD files do not play correctly on my Z2600. I don't have any SACD ISO's so I just can't test that.
    gymnos and Unclejoshc like this.
  17. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    But here it says exactly the opposite. The UHD8000 plays natively 5.1 multichannel DSD files via the HDMI port without doing any conversion to PCM. You need to check if the AVR or preamp has an internal DAC that supports DSD.
  18. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    My AVR can play native DSD files. It does so just fine from an Oppo 203. But the Z9X 8K first converts to PCM if using HDMI. I don't have the 8000.
    gymnos and Unclejoshc like this.
  19. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    I assumed that the Z9X 8K's audio and video transport hardware was the same as the UHD8000's
  20. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    MCH SACD plays fine on Z30 8K ie 6ch pcm 176khz

    If iso has both 2ch and 5.1ch it shows as only 2 ch in Library window
    In the Play window its showing
    DST64 2.82Mhz 2 & 6 Ch 5.64Mbps 1 Bit PCM 176khz
    gymnos, Unclejoshc and geebolt like this.

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