I’ve just installed the new linear power supply

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Don1023, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    This is some interesting too:

    And this one is the absolute king of voodoo:

  2. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    About network switches, Alpha Audio did a long blind test on this on You Tube, there is also a summary of the results on their website. Some measurements were also performed and they tried to see if these aligned with their listening results. They were reasonably convinced in the end that different network switches did indeed have an audible effect. Worth a look for believers and non-believers alike.
    Amrut likes this.
  3. AndyLu

    AndyLu Member

    I also remember that Alpha Audio concluded in one of these tests (maybe the same test you are referring to?) that a simple Netgear network switch (around 30 euro's) was the best of the bunch. If I find the test I will add the link to this post.


    Here is the link:

    Here a screenshot from that link:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
    Nutul likes this.
  4. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Nope. If it does so, then it corrupts the data. Since the data arrives successfully, no mains/analog noise is transmitted to the dac.
  5. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    That's already 3 videos... tonight I'll have some entertainment while I drink my beer(sssss) :)
    Markswift2003 and Mister L like this.
  6. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    Yes the general recommendation is to put even a basic network switch between your router and streamer, this is always good. More expensive switches could improve matters further depending on the system but perhaps not guaranteed for all. Note that if all that was occurring was zeroes and ones, then this extra simple switch should have no effect. Also they state that power supplies to this intervening switch also affect the audio.
  7. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    For the third video you must be strong and have more than one or two beer... I promise!
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I'd need something a lot stronger to watch a video about how network switches can affect audio quality.
    Jonsc, kc001 and Robert Crawford like this.
  9. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    Another video to watch is the latest on YouTube from Hans Beekhuizen. He installed the LPS-A6 from LHY Audio / Beatechnik into the DMP-A6 master ed and describes what he heard using the DAC output only. He rates it a distinct improvement over the standard SMPS that came with the unit.
  10. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

    What else did you expect him to say? That he threw his money away? :D
    Robert Crawford, Mister L and Nutul like this.
  11. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    OMG. Indeed, need.more.beer.
  12. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    OK back on topic. What is my verdict for the LPS:
    I have the impression that above all the lows are more precise with the Linear PSU. This the most using HDMI with MCH but (maybe) also for DAC output. The difference between DAC Analog out and HDMI out could be also somewhat smaller? This for standard good quality albums including DTS-CD. Did not really try SACD yet. For sure as subjective as hell but I am sure there is no negative impact anywhere.

    I am happy with the investment above all seen the limited amount of money involved. But don't expect a world of difference that is not the case.

    The update comes with a 5V/12V cable replacement made of silver (confirmed). Seen the extreme short length it is must be regarded symbolic.

    Oh yes a small warning: All Zidoo PSU's are full range 100V-240V but the Beatechnik has a classical transformer setup. Ranges must be selected 100V-120V and 200V-240V which are hardwired when leaving the factory. Persons like me moving boxes between continents must take this into account.

    Added to my review.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
    TheGovnah and Jjb067 like this.
  13. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    Another YouTube video on the LHY Audio LPS-A6 power supply upgrade to the DMP-A6 just up from iiWi Reviews. He takes a standard A6, installs the new linear power supply and describes what he hears. He makes the comparison using comparisons with other streamers and DACs that he compared the original A6 with to gauge what shift has occurred. Used as just a streamer, he notes a distinct improvement by comparing to the Volumio Rivo streamer. Then using the internal DAC, he notes again a shift upwards using Topping E70 Velvet comparison. So he concludes that this is indeed an upgrade for both pure streamer and internal DAC use cases.
    Desmodromic likes this.
  14. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

    And he does this from memory? Amazing!! :rolleyes::eek::confused:
  15. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I would not take iiWi into much consideration. So far, every product described has been punchier in the bass, clear and spacious in the highs, and detailed, yet not surgically, in the mids... Meh.
  16. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    Even if it does bring something different, I already love how the A6 sounds now I don’t want it to change.
  17. audio58

    audio58 Active Member

    I'll keep my A-6 the way it was built...sounds good...not spending any more$$ on streaming.
    Robert Crawford likes this.
  18. fofocho

    fofocho Active Member

    I prefer to invest the $300 in a cable break-in machine
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That's hilarious - I never knew such things existed.

    Presumably powered by fairy dust and angel tears.

    I love it that you guys don't fall for this s**t.
    Nutul likes this.
  20. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    I prefer to invest the $300 in Alan Musk`s Space X. Today their rockets explode, but once upon a time they will not explode and I get a lot more money back. You with your cable break-in machine will get nothing. :p

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