I’ve just installed the new linear power supply

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Don1023, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. Don1023

    Don1023 New Member

    I received and install the linear power supply for the Eversolo streamer. I have the Master edition and I only use it for streaming. I am not using the Dac. I’m an engineer so the install was mostly and snap. One recommendation I have is for the 4 white bushings you will need to install. I used 4 toothpicks to stick in the holes, where the screws will be installed. This will keep the bushing from moving when you install the power supply . Pull the toothpick oout once the power supply is in position.

    Sound: There was an upgrade in the sound at all frequencies. The bass is less flabby and the treble is more wet sounding. Before the install the treble sounded a bit dry and recessed on my system. That is now gone. There is increased clarity. The sound seems less in your face. I am not sure if there will be any breakin, but this is my impression after immediate install.
  2. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    It sounds so weird to me:
    1. you do not use the DAC
    2. you hear improvement in the sound, for which only the DAC is responsible.

    Using the basic A6 as a streamer only (ignoring its DAC) is already a silly thing. Using the ME ignoring its DAC is basically the most silly thing one could do, as the only improvements of the ME are for the DAC!
  3. EricR

    EricR Member

    1) wrong
    p.s ) correct
  4. Don1023

    Don1023 New Member

    My dac is much better than the Eversolo. Yes there IS a difference in sound streaming only. I had both master and regular Eversolo streamer and there was a clear difference between the 2 streaming. Maybe you are the one that is ill informed.
  5. jonnn

    jonnn New Member

    I'm not sure if its placebo or not but I believe sound is better than Volumio (streamer only, using external DAC). I know it doesnt make sense but sounds better to me.

    If the new PSU works for OP, then enjoy it!

    I'm sure OP is very concerned that you think its silly.
    EricR likes this.
  6. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    There is no such a thing as streaming sound, streaming is data. An improved PSU can improve the noise of the sound, not that of the data. There is no way the electrical noise in the data stream can leak into the sound domain; here we tals about TCP packets: they are either received, or discarded (and asked again, as the protocol works).

    The PSU can improve the behavior of the analog section of the DAC circuitry, BUT ONLY if it powers such section (that is: it powers the DAC of the A6). There is no way the A6's new PSU can improve the sound of an external DAC not connected to it electrically; not involved in any way in powering such unit.

    Please, have a look at ASR in the various threads discussing PS / power cables / interconnects and the like. People there are very literate in electronics, so there is no magic discussions, but all tech and electronic analysis.

    Then, if you still want to argue that changing the PSU on one unit improved the sound of another device, of course you are free to do it; but if I were you I'd be careful with such statements; as people may not understand psycho-acoustics, but certainly understands that if you boil the eggs that are in the pot, those in the fridge won't be affected.
    maddib, mags, snafu and 4 others like this.
  7. jonnn

    jonnn New Member

    Why does it matter to you? Why do you feel the need to ram your opinion down everyone's throat that you disagree with?

    He clearly said that this was his IMPRESSION, just let him enjoy it as well as those who have a differing opinion to you?
  8. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    I don't say HE is silly, not my intention; I it looked like this, I apologise.
    What I do say is that buying a Ferrary, just to put it on display; then drive your Bugatti while trucking the Ferrari on a cart IS SILLY.

    Then, affirming that improving the Ferrari's engine, as a result the Bugatti drives faster is pure nonsense. (but I wrote a post for this, so I won't repeat myself here)
    mags likes this.
  9. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Because he being an engineer should not write such nonsense. This is BS information.
    Had he produced data to confirm his theory, then, that would have been a different story.
    If he just said that the new PSU had improved the quality of the A6's DAC (although still difficult to believe, given how modern DACs work...) would have been more understandable, and at least LOGIC.

    I am sorry, but in front of such a claim from an engineer, I cannot remain silent.

    Anyway, he heard it? Good for him.
    Brainvoyager and Mikeees like this.
  10. EricR

    EricR Member

    You are naive.
  11. JMD

    JMD New Member

    The minute ASR became your singular point of reference your credibility was shot as all they do is measure not listen.
  12. N00brx

    N00brx Member

    I was using a 5 years old iPhone for Apple Music as streamer(direct connect to DAC) and recently upgraded to iPhone 15. There is difference at connection stability but no sound quality difference.

    same when I upgrade my main streamer from Pi4 to A6.
    You may say my system is not up to standard but there is no difference from my listening
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
    Nutul likes this.
  13. Stuj

    Stuj Active Member

    There was a time Audiophiles would stay away from Chinese brands. Thanks Eversolo for bringing out the crazies….
  14. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    They measure.
    Improvement in the bass, or in the treble is measurable: it will show as a variation in the frequency response.
    Improvement in the sound-stage is measurable: it's channel separation and cross-talk.
    Sound clarity is measurable: it's lower intermodulation distortion and lower noise floor.

    They cannot measure the placebo effect. Anyway, if it pleases your ears, it's not me telling you to put the original PSU back in place, and return the new one.

    If you believe that changing the PSU of the streamer can improve the sound of the external DAC down the chain, then be happy and go on.
  15. Desmodromic

    Desmodromic Active Member

    Thank you for your impressions of the new linear power supply. They're very interesting, please ignore the naysayers!

    Most people listen with their ears, not oscilloscopes. I'll be fitting a new power supply just as soon as mine arrives.
    atomic garden, EricR and Jjb067 like this.
  16. Stuj

    Stuj Active Member

    Oh god where did these people come from
    mags and kc001 like this.
  17. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

    wrong? Please elaborate as to why?

    The Master Edition differentiates by including these:

    Accusilicon FEMTOSECOND oscillator

    Balanced pre-amp circuit => OPA1612
    Understanding Op Amp Noise in Audio Circuits

    If you use a separate Digital-to-Analog converter, I am curious:
    a. why did you buy the ME and not the Standard edition?
    b.what exactly does the new PS improve technically in this situation?
  18. JamOne

    JamOne Active Member

    and why is that?
  19. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    There must be a place for everybody on this planet. I know it may be uncomfortable at times, but we can do nothing if educate them, or teach them how to educate themselves.
  20. EricR

    EricR Member

    It should have read "2) wrong"
    And because streamers do sound different. I'm aware the Master improvements are dac related.

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