Now I've had this beautiful dac for about 3 months and it continues to impress... It is also filled with good things, such as ESS sabre 9038pro, Xmos XU316 USB receiver, 8x TI OPA1612A in fully balanced design, and other goodies But how does it compare to the competitors, the only thing I can compare it to is my old SMSL SU-9 dac, and here it can easily be included, the bass is firmer and sharper, a more delicious midrange, and the treble is more well-resolved and is never sharp The only thing I have noticed about the Eversolo Z8 dac is that it may be a bit too bassy for some music tracks, but it could also be that it was missing from the SMSL SU-9 !!? Has anyone else compared the Eversolo Z8 with other dacs, and how has the Eversolo fared in the context?
It is an extremely good, transparent DAC. You may want to have a look at its review by Audio Science Review (cannot post links here, so: audiosciencereview _DOT_ com, then search for Z8 review) Along the line you can also have a look at the review of some Chord DACs (spoiler: you'll not be impressed), and many Topping and SMSL. Those are technical reviews, and can give you an idea of how good indeed the Z8 is. Hope this helps, Al.
Read somewhere that the ESS 9038pro implementation in the Eversolo Z8 dac should be one of the best in all dacs I could never think of buying a Chord dac, it is, first of all, far too expensive and then just too ugly and strange
Looks like so Neither do I, but it's interesting to see that the many affordable DACs reviewd by Amir actually mob the floor with the Chord ones...
I recently purchased the DAC Z-8 to pair up and utilise the preamplifier function with a custom HYPEX NC500 power amplifier for use in a streaming only kitchen cooking setup. Due to indecision with the speakers for said system, I currently have it setup in the multi use lounge system with optical signal from tv and streaming from NODE N130. This is sent via fixed output RCA 0dB to a Music Fidelity M5si and out a pair of Spendor A4 speakers. As this system is predominately for vinyl and tv playback with Tidal 44.1kHz streaming mostly for background music, DAC selection had not had me reaching into thousand dollar units. Anyways Compared to the previous DAC’s SMSL SU10, Su-9pro, M500MK II, Topping D90 and JDS Labs EL DACII +, I have to say this z8 is way more pleasant to listen to with my source material. I really thought the AUD$1400 SU-10 would be the end of my current journey but I just found the upper frequency deliver a little fatiguing. Whilst the Z8 appears to be not quite as resolving across the upper mid and perhaps with the illusion that the very top of the treble is a touch rolled off, I still am pretty content with the sound deliver from my A4 across the entire frequency range, I find the tonal delivery much more suited to my setup and material. As for the projected sound stage both width and depth, I have my speaker placement and interaction with the room fairly sorted for my vinyl playback and to be honest I struggle to remember much difference with the SU-10 . Overall for a AUD $1100 unit the performance and the ease of use for the wife (major consideration) make this a bit of a winner for me. Now the question for me once I move it to the intended purpose in the kitchen system, do I purchase another Z8 or spend twice s much and go with a one box solution DMP A8 ? I will get the silly season out of the way and see what time brings forward
It’s a cracking dac in terms of measurement it is slightly better than the A-6 not that you will be able to hear that difference. Keith
The only problem is it is not using Accusilicon femto clocks for top quality. It uses the same crystals as A6 Standard version.
It is obviously not a problem, it only limits SQ somewhat as it could have been a top design easily. Next to using a Linear PSU.
No limit to Sq, and linear supply is not ‘better’ and can often be far worse, see the Mytek streamer measurements over at ASR. Keith
@Nice Monkey to be honest with you, and you know how much you've helped me and how much I respect you on these forums, you change your view points all the time as of late and you've been absent for quite a while and jumped in. First you weren't sure about the Z8 then after I referred to other reviews you admitted it wasn't bad. Then I introduced you to Amir who is a serious unobjective reviewer of Dacs and you agreed it was the best around. Now you are doing 2 things: - First saying the Clocks could be better and second harping on about Linear PSUs! Seriously you go went and got an Alpha and perhaps you are now regret doing so and are dissing the Z8? At least that's how you seem to be coming across. When was the last time you posted on here? Just saying - suggest you read back through this thread
Yes, I am the first one to admit that I made a mistake as the Z8 is advertised with "High precision, low jitter dual clock oscillators synchronous processing". Took it for granted this was referring to a set of Accusilicon femtoclocks. My mistake. Sorry about that. Was looking to connect a Z8 DAC to my A6 when realized that mistake. Maybe will start using the Neo X like that? The difference is most likely very minimalistic but doing the Eversolo A8 review in A/B comparison with my A6 and Zidoo players we once again could pick out those Accusilicon crystals. Subjective for sure no doubt about that, just my perception and in this case the proud new owner of the Eversolo A8. A bad LPS for sure is inferior to a good SPS. I am for sure not impressed with the hybrid PS used with the Eversolo A8. In general a good LPS works very well with a constant load and a SPS deals good with big(ger) load variations. A DAC has a very nice constant load. No still like my Zidoo Neo X and my Neo Alpa for movies but for music moved to the somewhat lower SQ Eversolo A6. This because of the far further developed music player and the really nice and friendly GUI plus APP control. It is far nicer player which easily for big parts could be ported to the Zidoo Neo players. For which ever reason the Zidoo Neo class players have been frozen in time. My guess Eversolo generates a lot more business and money for them. Above all the Neo Alpha got very few updates as it is a recent player. Zidoo urgently needs to bring an update for those as plenty of the problems and shortcoming have been solved on the Eversolo platform using the same music player basis. Last question: yes still write regularly here: But on the Eversolo Music Streamer products.