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Home Theater 2.0 - Tips/Questions/Tricks

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by manifesto1969, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. skelton

    skelton Member

    With Solo, you can try:

    - Solo
    - A Star Wars Story
    - Solo: A Star Wars Story

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Solo scanned for me first time using X10
  3. vman

    vman Member

  4. vman

    vman Member


    I tried all your suggestions for both movies.
    It still says - can not find such a movie, please input key word again

    Oh well I guess back to the prior firmware
  5. vman

    vman Member

    I decided to do a factory reset first. After doing that, it worked this time, it found both movies.

    Thanks for the help.
  6. godalmighty

    godalmighty Active Member

    since the new firmware come, hope for next new update, HT can do a manually scrap from .nfo we created
    it just for the collections that did not have info on any database like imdb or tmdb
    or for some personal collections
  7. Blade1001

    Blade1001 New Member

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum, and new to Zidoo having just acquired an X9S - though I've been using various other media players (TViX/Netgear/Dune etc) for over 10 years.

    One of my reasons for trying the Zidoo unit was the Home Theatre 2.0 application. In particular I loved the screen shots that I saw, that showed a 4K, or Blu-ray symbol label added to the movie cover art on the movie wall - I've been trying to get these on other media players for years.

    However on setting the unit up, I was really disappointed to find that these labels only show up on the largest two covert art sizes. Once you step down the movie wall to either of the smallest two sizes they disappear! I can possibly understand it on the smallest size to an extent, and the covers are very small, but in a projector set-up such as my own, the second smallest size is definitely the sweet spot for the number of covers for the screen size, and to have the 4k/blu-ray labels missing at this size is a real PITA.

    Whats the best way to lobby/petition/feature request Zidoo to get the labels added for the smaller sizes (and while we are at it, have the rating score user removable in the options!)?

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Think rating score is removable i dont have it shown on mine .
  9. Blade1001

    Blade1001 New Member

    Thanks - can you point me to where I can deselect it - I haven't been able to find anywhere so far, but could easily have missed it within the settings.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Not at media player but im sure its on H.T.v2 ,
    Top right corner select
    Go to 4th option to your right select
    Open and through them options .

    Others will confirm
    Going by memory
  11. godalmighty

    godalmighty Active Member

    in small size poster, i dont think they gonna show label :(
    HT01.PNG HT01a.PNG HT01b.PNG HT01c.PNG HT01d.PNG
  12. Blade1001

    Blade1001 New Member

    No, that's what I mean, they don't show on the smallest two size options and the selection box in settings is greyed out. They really need to add this.

    What is also interesting from your screen grabs is that your labels are a completely different format to mine. This is not my image, but my labels look like this:

  13. godalmighty

    godalmighty Active Member

    in Small and Overspread size, they dont show Labels
    i think its too small to read it if they tag it :(

    for different labeling, maybe it could be the region
  14. Blade1001

    Blade1001 New Member

    I agree the labels would be too small on the 'Overspread' setting, but they would be fine on the 'Small' setting. The resulting cover art on 'small' is plenty large enough on a 120" screen!
  15. godalmighty

    godalmighty Active Member

    not every one have 120" screen
    like me i`m only use 55" lcd tv so it would be too small to read if the lab tag in small size poster :(

    but what zidoo should do is to seriously take care about scrapping from data base escpecially for tv show
    coz when i just add 8eps from mid season 4 Fear the Walking Dead, it cannot get the data and dump in unmatched area
    i have do it one by one episodes with put the imdb id and still it just only can recognize the episode to the season part but not with the info or their poster :(
    so they do not get the plot and the movie fanart :(
  16. Blade1001

    Blade1001 New Member

    Well of course not everyone has a 120” screen but why base the label options on only small screens. If it’s user selectable, then at least it is down to the user to select the labels, which covers all screen sizes.
  17. godalmighty

    godalmighty Active Member

    yeah i got ur point, you want that option still up so if someone have big screen can choose it and have a proper size with it
    and if i choose it so the label is still there even i cannot see it
    but i think maybe all because the wallposter gui is still use 1080p so the resolution cannot fit it
  18. Tony77

    Tony77 Member

    This may not be proper thread, but it applies to goal of hometheatre..
    Lets say Im using the EMBY plugin, which works pretty nicely.. It'd be great IF i could get the files to DIRECT PLAY with zidoo's player.. The functionality is built into the emby app.. in settings there is an option for EXTERNAL PLAYER.. just can't get it to work, but I bet it's an easy fix...?

    combining these two would be the ULTIMATE jukebox.. emby serverside is very mature & can run on almost ANY OS or NAS... takes all that pain in ass stuff off zidoo player shoulders... If we could get direct play to work with the ZIDOO media Player, it should play EVERYTHING just like in mediacenter?
  19. skelton

    skelton Member

    I am having a problem adding my own backdrop images and the problem is that after selecting an image and re-open the info page for the movie title, it`s still blank and no backdrop image appears. Anyone else experiencing the same and is there any solution to this?
  20. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Is it me or HT 2.0 with the new firmware v.2.1.12 is not scraping actors and director. Only movie posters and artwork for all new movies.

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