We really need a way to select multiple posters and take actions against everything we have selected. For example - when you first import in your library, odds are high you have already watched a good portion of your media. Having to individually touch each movie and tv series via the poster wall to mark it watched is cumbersome and tedious. I am also afraid to invest the effort required to do so, as the changes are unlikely to survive the recreation of a source necessitated by an error or firmware upgrade issue in the future. IMO you need a button on the remote dedicated to tagging posters, then when you press the menu button it presents a list of options that can be applied in mass - things like watched/unwatched status, bookmark clear, file deletion, hide from poster wall, and add to collection are some natural fits. I'm sure there are other mass action items I'm not aware of that could be included as well. If this can't be worked into the posterwall on the box itself, then how about something in the WEB poster wall?
Can we have option to toggle off/on descriptive text under posters and watching areas in the Classification mode GUI? 99.9999% of posters selected by the scrapper already have the name of the movie/tv show on the poster itself. I’m not sure what the fascination is with making sure we cram more text on screen to help identify something that is already clearly identified in the poster itself. Appending “Season X” to a tvshows name in Classification mode interface seems to be another heaping helping of word vomit with little value. sorry for being cranky, but I’m recovering from COVID and spending a lot of time watching movies and shows while I rest. some people may enjoy the extra clarity that the above text provides, but for those that want a less cluttered interface, could we get a simple toggle to hide these things?
I like having the name under the poster. I always pick the original poster when available, which features the name of the movie in its original language, sometimes a language I (or my friends) can't read. And the name under the poster will be the localised one (french in my case) so that's convenient : that way I can learn the localised name of foreign movies, and still enjoy the original art. As usual, people have different ways to use things. But having the choice is good (as long as the options are easy to understand and browse through).
Good point on a reason to have the file name under the title. I hadn't thought of that use case. What I am proposing is a toggle, similar to what we have for the poster wall. People can choose what they want to display that way.
Just a minor request, but please have HT ignore any text that appears in filename with brackets ([]) around it. This is for people who add extra details in their file naming to help identify certain details about the file such as what the quality is or how many audio channels it has, etc. Currently, HT will consider the text within these brackets when trying to do file matching so for example, I have a copy of Servant 3x1....in my naming scheme it looks something like "Servant - 3x01 - Title [1080p WEB-DL][ATVP 5.1 ATMOS]" The details in the brackets are kind of irrelevant for the post, but you can kind of see what Im getting at about the extra details part. HT will get confused with this naming and simply match the file to "Atmos" and it will show up in the library as such. Its not just with Servant, but it will happen with any show that says "atmos" in the brackets if HT gets confused enough. This file format is accepted by Plex ("Optional_Info" on their naming standard guide) which will properly ignore text contained within brackets, maybe Kodi does too but I don't use scraping in Kodi to know whether it does or not.
Is this not redundant now that Zidioo uses MediaInfo and identifies on HT all those details? I name files simply <movie name> <year> <MKV, AVI, ISO etc> Selecting ‘more’ at the bottom of the page shows all the MediaInfo. Not sure what your idea would do?
Its not "redundant" as it has nothing do with mediainfo identification. I feel like I clearly stated the reason for my request and I also linked to Plex's naming standard guide that fully explains what im asking for further clarification. The issue is that HT reads the entire file name when scraping and it presents issues if you have extra details contained in brackets in the file naming. I'm simply asking that HT ignore "optional info" that appears between brackets as Plex does. Also, I feel like it shouldn't need to be said that some of us play around with multiple media playback programs. Why this information is in my file naming is really irrelevant given that it *should* be getting ignored by HT, but its there because I like to tightly control the curation of my media library and have a way to quickly identify items that should be replaced with higher quality files. Either way, its a very minor ask that HT follow the naming standard from Plex. At this point, the Plex naming standard should really be something that is used by every media playback program..and it pretty much already is. .
I do believe that the file name is the most important factor for HT specially when you use different language than English. All you have to do is to write it correctly to avoid unmatching issues.
My file names are written correctly and works perfectly fine with other programs. All I'm asking is for HT to just ignore the information in between the brackets because it looks at that information when its trying to scrape and it shouldn't be. The whole "name your files right and HT wont have matching issues" is untrue. It has plenty issues matching even if the files are named correctly. The devs also know this seeing as they have a whole thread asking people to post their file trees to help polish HT's matching abilities. Plex's file structure guide is pretty solid and should be followed, imo. Zidoo should not be trying to reinvent the wheel by making their own rules when it comes to this stuff. It's unnecessary.
It's a well known issue for devs that MediaInfo system which was implemented in last few fws must be improved.
@Markswift2003, not sure whether you saw my post on AVS Forum. The setting below should be splitted into two: one for TrueHD and one for DTS:HD as some audio devices (sound bars) only support TrueHD but not DTS:HD.
Haha - didn't know that was you on AVS Yes - that would make a lot of sense, however if a device does not support DTS-HD it should automatically play the core DTS anyway - that's why it's there. There isn't an AC3 core for TrueHD as such - it's just a companion track.
Hi everyone, first post on this forum after buying a Z10 Pro - and it's a feature request! Plex allows for 'pre-roll' to be played before the main movie. So by pointing to a handful of files, I can have Pearl & Dean adverts, THX, DTS shorts, and the like play before the main event. Very 'cinema-like'. Any chance of this being implemented? Ta!
No love for this? Just wondering if I’ve posted in the right place, or indeed, this has already been requested, hence no response. Is this the official way of requesting features? Being a noob with all things Zidoo, not sure if I’m asking the question in the right place, or whether there’s a more official method. @Markswift2003 - apologies for tagging you, but reading around, you seem to have the ear of the development team. Has something like this been requested/considered already? Or indeed, can it already be done, and I just haven’t found how yet? TIA
Funnily enough we were talking creating playback scripts in much the same was as Kaleidescape do the other day, so this is certainly something that's being considered. You could actually do something like this at the moment with the HTTP API but that depends on whether you use a control system and how that all hangs together. And of course a bit of programming ability is required as well!
Great Stuff! I often have friends and neighbours round for a film night, and we're all of a similar vintage, so remember well the days of Pearl & Dean 'asteroid' being played before adverts for local curry houses and the like. Playing a few vintage ads before the main event always gets people in the mood for a good flick.