EDID thread (RTD1619DR players)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. datntien89

    datntien89 New Member

    So the custom EDID part I also choose OFF right?
    Thank you
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, exactly.
  3. danbez

    danbez New Member

    Thanks Mark! What I meant is that any EDID I create with the HDFury website gets limited to BT.709 and using Deltacast, I can see that the ITU-R BT 2020 flags are all unselected . while your EDID works just fine, with BT2020 as well.

    Thanks again!
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I didn't know you could create EDIDs on the HDFury site - can you post a link - just curious...
  5. antjes

    antjes New Member

    You can create different EDIDs
    Look in Google this because when I try to paste the link then forum replies spam


    It is a outstanding tool
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Oh yes, I see - it's a Vertex web interface hosted by HDFury.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Automix just allows you to create an EDID on the fly using the GUI, Custom allows you to use a custom EDID that is either built in or you've created yourself.

    Anything in the HDMI chain has the ability to introduce such latency but I don't have an Integral 2 here to test. Might be worth asking on the HDFury discord server.
  8. danbez

    danbez New Member

    Sorry for the late reply. Here is the website:

    HDFury VERTEX2 (icboss.com)

    Once you are done with the changes, download the RX0 EDID
  9. Jason G

    Jason G Member

    hi Markswift2003 you have helped me in the past and thank you for all of your effort on this forum.i have a bit of an issue with my tv and have tried resetting to no such luck the issue is my tv is a 2020 lg nano90 75in it has hdr10 and dolbyvision.what i am getting on dolbyvision cinema mode on the tv blacks are clipping i have confirmed this with the dolbyvision test patterns if i put the tv in dolbyvison home mode blacks dont clip but colors and skin tones seem off not terrible but off.i used one of the custom edid to limit it to hdr10 and when in film maker mode same dolbyvision movie playing in hdr10 no clipping.i guess i could leave it this way with custom edid enabled but would prefer to use the native hdr format.what are your thoughts on this?any insight is greatly appreciated thanks again
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    This is what's really annoying about televisions - Dolby Vision was originally designed to be a way of replicating the image seen on the PVM in the grading room - the idea being that no matter what display you used, the image would look essentially the same. Indeed the official Dolby documentation used to recommend LG displays as a way of testing this in a consumer environment.

    But I guess it's a bit like THX. It became bastardised over time. First we had LLDV which was a compromise made for Sony because they didn't read the spec properly and buggered up their first few years' batches of televisions and now we have manufacturers adding "Cinema" mode and "Home mode" to Dolby Vision.

    (by the way, there's nothing wrong with LLDV but it just meant that not all BluRay players were able to play Dolby Vision on all Dolby Vision displays - exactly not what Dolby originally set out to do!)

    Short of getting your TV professionally calibrated or buying a colorimeter and having a crack yourself, I have to say what I always say and that's use the mode that looks best to you with the content you watch.

    Test patterns are useful for calibration, but you have to trust you eyes with the content you're watching.

    So stick something on you know well (I generally use the opening scene from Baby Driver) and check with all three options.

    And yes, if HDR10 looks best use that - don't forget when you watch a Dolby Vision movie (unless it's Profile 5) you're watching HDR10 anyway because that's what the base layer is.
    Jason G likes this.
  11. Jason G

    Jason G Member

    thanks for getting back to me i guess ill just stick with what looks best to my eyes.is there a picture quality difference between LLDV and regular dolby vision?also how do you check what dolby vision profile the file is in?
    thanks again
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2023
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Theoretically there should be no difference but since in one case the TV is processing and in the other it's the player and the software/hardware is different there may be differences.

    You can see the profile in the "HDR Format" line using MediaInfo.

    Dolby Vision is denoted by dvhe.xx.yy where xx is the Profile and yy is the Level
    (Level is essentially resolution vs refresh rate so most of the time yy = 06 which means 3840x2160@24 )

    Jason G likes this.
  13. Jason G

    Jason G Member

    thank you
  14. FenceMan

    FenceMan New Member

    I just ordered a Z9X with the intention of feeding my MadVR Envy LLDV from Zidoo. I currently have all of my discs ripped and I stream them from a clone Oppo box (non DV model) and I am told that if I feed my Envy LLDV instead of HDR10 I **should** see improvements in PQ. I assume I would want to use the 10,000 nit EDID from the front page? The objective would be to let Envy do the majority of the tonemapping with a higher quality source to start with (LLDV vs HDR10). No idea if this makes sense but people seem to be doing it?
  15. FenceMan

    FenceMan New Member

    Just quoting you in hopes of getting an answer to my question from above. If I use the BT2020 10,000 nit EDID from the front page there should be no tonemapping done on the Zidoo side and it should be sending the correct colorspace for Envy to start with? Envy is reading it as 2020 so I assume Zidoo has already done any necessary remapping to put the LLDV colors accurately into 2020?

    Apparently this may be moot as my Envy could handle DCI-p3 anyway so do you know if a 10,000 nit DCI-P3 EDID file is availble?
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It’s an interesting idea and worth trying and would allow you to process Dolby Vision content correctly with the Envy as long as the Envy knows it’s BT.2020.

    I can make a 10,000nit P3 EDID but you’ll have to remind me after the 16th as I’m still in the middle of the Indian Ocean and not back in Blighty until then…
  17. FenceMan

    FenceMan New Member

    I think I got one made myself, going to try it out and will post if it works.
  18. FenceMan

    FenceMan New Member

    I was able to edit one of the files here to make DCI-P3 10,000 nit.

    The big question currently (huge argument going on at AVS) is if we use one of the BT.2020 EDID's how do the color primaries go from P3 which is what everyone says DV is to BT.2020? Is there a conversion being done by the player or how do we get from P3 to 2020? There is one person claiming that the entire process of using LLDV is incorrect due to everyone using BT.2020 primaries in the DV block?

    Attached Files:

  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It doesn't matter whether you use BT.2020 or DCI-P3 primaries as long as you match the primaries in the Dolby block with the colour profile used by the display.

    Most LLDV displays use neither and the primaries are dictated by the display performance them matched with a colour profile the display uses in LLDV.

    The whole point of the LLDV hack is to use matching primaries in both the Dolby Block and the display and its just easier to use BT.2020 as that is generally used in the display's HDR10 mode which is easy to invoke.

    P3 works just fine as does pretty much any other sensible combination, although most displays are not agile enough to set primaries manually.

    There's really no reason to use anything other than BT.2020 since it's only a target (that's what HDR10 does).

    Claims that "the entire process ... Is incorrect ..." are entirely wrong and demonstrate a lack of understanding of how LLDV works.
    Letmein likes this.
  20. DTSman

    DTSman New Member

    Hi Mark,

    Do you have an Edid to force SDR BT2020 instead of SDR BT709?

    Indead I want to test VS10 engine with output force to SDR to get a real DTM (like MadVR or Lumagen Pro)

    Also, is it possible to get an Edid which allows LLDV (1000Nits BT2020) for DV content, HDR10+ output for HDR10+ content and force SDR BT2020 output for HDR10 content?
    Here the idea will be to use LLDV for DV, HDR10+ (for display compatible) and otherwise use VS10 output SDR for other static HDR10 content.

    Thanks for your help.

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