I haven't seen it listed on Amazon UK yet - some went up on Amazon in the US this week and sold out very quickly.
I'd love to see the Soundcloud app natively integrated. The APK doesn't work since it uses Google services. Current workaround is to Airplay from my phone to the A6 but it would be great to see the app in the future.
Could the volume slider on the phone app be lengthened to full width to allow better granularity when trying for a small volume change? Currently, it's difficult to achieve eg. a 1 or 2 dB change, just with finger control. In addition, a mute toggle control would be useful. Another handy feature to add to the FileExplorer listing would be a vertical alphabetic quick jump icon on the right-hand side. It seems the FileExplorer always starts at the beginning of the listing and when you have many 100's of artists to scroll down to get to who you want eg. starting with 'S' , it gets a bit tedious. Having the ability to just tap on a letter would make it so much easier than needless timely scrolling. Thanks for your consideration.
When using phone App - Music Player option in the top row, it would be nice to have option to hide or show browsing options. I don't use Genres but would love to see FOLDER view. I have huge Network music library and browsing FOLDERS is the easiest way to get me when I need. Maybe in settings have the option to personalize the display view. thanks
As the unit comes without a remote I use this bluetooth remote that comes with usb dongle. The volume and the next/previous, play/pause buttons work great. The remote works as a keyboard I suppose. I would like to have an app that you can assign functions to the buttons for example would be awesome to have buttons for the different inputs. Also would be very useful to select the apps on the home screen with the arrows and "ok" button to enter. Looking forward to the next firmware version! Cheers!
Have the same Riitek MX3 RF remote (It is not a BT remote hence the need for a RF receiver dongle). There are multiple versions with just colored keys or even all keys programable IR (under TV mode). All have a full keyboard on the back and some models have backlit keys. Sold under custom brands and also unbranded. Some have Voice (microphone) others don't. Got a version with Voice control and full programmable. For sure will try it with the RF dongle. Used it in the past with my Egreat media players.
Perhaps, if there's enough room, we can we have our favourite apps on the home screen so that we can straight away launch an app without going into Streamers, etc every time we boot up.
I went to copy music from NAS drive and add to a specific folder on internal SSD. The 'copy/cut' icons are relatively easy to identfy (top left of 'many' options in that screen), however when I found appropriate folder on SSD, it took ages to identfy the 'paste' icon as it was now in the far right corner (I assumed it was a different function, so ignored it). Could these cut/copy/paste icons be in colour, even if all the same, to signify they relate to that line of functionality???
Yes, I inserted it in one of the usb ports and it works. There is even air mouse, that appears on the screen
Click on a song and have "Add to Queue" as an option. Click on an album and have "Add the Queue" as an option. Look at the options Roon has for adding tracks and albums to the current queue and copy all that please. I am not talking about building playlists, that is something else entirely.
Sounds like your remote isn't BT if you had to use the dongle. Good to know dongle work with the A6 though.
I have .165 and only on the track can you add to queue, not the album, hopefully this gets added to next firmware. I do like that you now can press on a track to reorder the queue
It would be nice if, when on an album, we could jump to the artist page ("view artist"), and when on a track, we could jump to the album page ("view album") or to the artist page ("view artist"). I used this on my previous Bluesound Node, and it is really valuable