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Beta version v6.3.22 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000 released

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. kalifept

    kalifept New Member


    Since this version (6.3.22), The File Manager is much slower than before !

  2. giangi76

    giangi76 Active Member

  3. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    List of bugs I've found. Latest firmware but have been occurring since day 1 for me.
    1. Unit turns off then does not turn back on. Red indicator light seems to flash every few seconds like it's trying to turn back on.
    2. I have to fix the resolution at 1080/24 to make sure the screen appears.
    3. Some times the unit starts up but then freezes for about 30 seconds before working.
    4. 3DBD tag does not show up on posters. But if I select a title from a collection then exit the title the tag is there. But if I leave the collection and go back in then the tag is gone again.
    5. TVDB has improved but when trying it for a TV series it still has issues.
  4. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    I’ve tested the green flash issue with DV content in my setup, it only happens with player-led LLDV. When I change it back to TV-led standard DV it never happens again.
  5. giangi76

    giangi76 Active Member

    I'll need to check again then. Because I'm sure the color glitches appared in both settings (player led and TV led), but maybe I didn't check the green flash
  6. gadgetman

    gadgetman Active Member

    The green flashing never seen that but the colour glitches are bad and need sorting only watched one movie so far. Considering two of us have experienced this is no way isolated. I will repeat you need to watch the whole movie not skipping around, so giving a sample is useless.
  7. Arek

    Arek New Member

    Can anyone explain to me where to start this trailer option, on my z1000 pro I do not have this option or do not know where to activate it.
  8. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    It's the blue icon on the detail view.


    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    At the moment i would not bother as it seems to be not working for many including me . :(
  10. Arek

    Arek New Member

    thank you very much, but I know about this icon. In the video you can see the trailer stop automatically after a few seconds in the background, and I mean that.
  11. giangi76

    giangi76 Active Member

    You are right, with TV led mode there's no green flash, but I instead have a micro stutter exactly at the same moment I usually see the green flash with "player led" mode. So there's definitely something going on that this FW doesn't like with MKV DV
  12. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    I don't remember seeing anywhere that IMDB id search has been added but it has and it's very useful to not have to do it on the PC all the time.
  13. bob

    bob Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    DennisTheMenace, dr4go, tugar and 3 others like this.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Is that one button press while watching Movie ( press inf key button once to display top left ) ?
  15. giangi76

    giangi76 Active Member

  16. Schlafibaer

    Schlafibaer New Member

    Why are only the English trailers shown now?

    Older versions also showed the trailers for the set language here.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Anyone experiencing very slow accessing your drive on media player ( Zidoo Explorer )
    The ring logo spins round and round before accessing drive inf finally circa 5-10 seconds
  18. giangi76

    giangi76 Active Member

    I have this same issue on just one drive acccess (network shared). I already reported this a few days ago

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    ok a bug that needs addressing in next firmware . :)
  20. kergaz

    kergaz New Member

    I checked for online update but didn't find the 6.3.22 update
    Is-there any working link to download it?

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