Beta version v1.0.86 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not a lot we can do without replicating it.

    We need a clip (preferably about 2 minutes) which will reliably replicate the problem.
  2. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    me neither..and I switched audio tracks. They play all fine on Denon x4800
    gymnos likes this.
  3. Creator44

    Creator44 Active Member

    Hi @Markswift2003 ,

    I have a Austin Powers 4 mins clip where I can reproduce the VC-1 choppy playback problem when I resume playback.

    To reproduce the problem:
    - In Quick Settings, put bookmark start time to 1 minute
    - In Quick Settings, put bookmark end time to 1 minute
    - Start playing the video from the beginning with the media player
    - Go to 2 minutes in the video and stop playback there
    - Play the video again and it will resume at the 2 minutes mark and play choppy and stay choppy even if you rewind or fast forward

    Here is the link to the file:

    Please tell me if you were able to download the file and reproduce the problem.

    altcoinfanatic and gymnos like this.
  4. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I can reproduce the issue as described by @Creator44
    Creator44 likes this.
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Odd - the first time I tried it, it played flawlessly, but on a second go it did as you say.

    Will pass this on.
  6. Creator44

    Creator44 Active Member

    Cool, keep us posted on the findings on the Zidoo devs side. Thanks!
  7. shurikello

    shurikello New Member

    How to turn off bluetooth?
    The tray icon is nonclickable. In the bluetooth settings there is one button “>”, which instantly goes to an eternal search, bluetooth doesn’t find anything and can’t turn it off either.
    Is this a firmware bug or do I have a box with a buggy bluetooth?

    OMG. They seem to have completely cut out the bluetooth settings in including the on/off toggle switch... I have no words... 0_o
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
    gymnos likes this.
  8. PBEB21

    PBEB21 New Member

    Search and download :

    Bluetooth On_Off_1.0.1_apk
    shurikello and gymnos like this.
  9. shurikello

    shurikello New Member


    Thank you. As an option, i hope it’s temporary. The day before yesterday i bought a box with firmware 1.0.52, and i thought that there was no doubt that they had fixed this bug by 1.0.86.
    But i underestimated Zidoo)))
  10. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    If I may add to the VC-1 problem, my copy of Woodstock stutters right out of the gate. I can pause, rewind, start over skip chapters, doesn't matter. It's just a constant dropped frame extravaganza. I rarely if ever watch it anymore so no big deal, but I just wanted to back up what the other guys are saying.
  11. willy2000

    willy2000 New Member

    Is there any particular resons?
    Any performing issues?
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes - I have no need for it.
  13. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes New Member

    After installing the latest firmware around the first of May I just noticed that Zidoo has dumped hundreds, may thousands, of jpg files on my NAS drives. movie posters and fanart images.
    I never told it to do this, all posters are supposed to go onto the internal HDD. How do I clean this mess up and what can I do to make Zidoo remove all this crap from my NAS? This is very frustrating and should never have happened.
  14. shurikello

    shurikello New Member


    I think they were too clever with manifests and access levels. You specified one save location, it was given "access denied", and the HT began to use the nearest available location to store the poster/other jpg cache.
    I have exactly the opposite story: i can’t access sd/emulated/0 or an external usb drive from the VPN software in order to load the configuration file. I'm stumped. Zidoo file manager sees external devices, but does not see the root folder, and third-party file managers see the root folder, but cannot access external devices. And accordingly, I can’t copy the configuration file to the root folder. This is just stupidity! :mad:
  15. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes New Member

    Appears that what happened was that the name of the internal HDD changed to the actual volume label so the custom path for the poster folder was FUBAR.
    The question now is how to fix this mess that Zidoo created. Re-scanning doesn't do it.
  16. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    Yes, the last two firmware updates also changed the name of the SAMBA server. That was a major pain to fix too.
  17. misichavichus

    misichavichus Active Member

    I also had this happen after the update. I just sorted the files by type and deleted the unnecessary)
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Always have the Poster Folder set to "Custom Folder" and leave the location at the default "storage://"

    cbnbmore likes this.
  19. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes New Member

    I used a PC to do search and delete by file type. Was close to 5000 files scattered across multiple volumes.

    I had it set to "priority custom", won't make that mistake again.
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    All it does is place a hidden .hometheatre directory in each "source" and all files and folders are within that directory - poster/fanart/ClearLogo - not exactly "scattered".

    The behaviour is entirely logical given the settings and the fact the internal volume name changed. That's the real culprit.

    But when this sort of thing happens all you need to do is delete that directory.
    gymnos and andyt1000 like this.

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