Are online trailers working for you or not? **NOW INCLUDES 'POSSIBLE' FIX**

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by blenky, Aug 6, 2024.

  1. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Looking at comments on various threads it appears that online trailers work for some and not others. Could you post here if you CAN or CANNOT play online trailers and what device you have. There may be a common link.

    Seems odd it works for some and not others :confused:

    Don't work for me. I get 'There are no available trailers' immediately I try to play a trailer.
    Bill-Z9X likes this.
  2. woodymogs

    woodymogs Member

    Not working for me on a Z3000 but it does try to play them. I get the on screen info that shows how many trailers are available (eg 1/3). It then attempts to play the first but after around 20 seconds it says it can't be played and moves onto the next until eventually it says none can be played.

    Not sure what's causing the failures (the internet connection is fine at around 400 megs). I've toggled the 'use local trailers first' button but that makes no difference. Funnily enough my Z2000 did exactly the same
  3. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    OK found something strange. If I add a new movie the online trailer works. However for all those were added when I first set up the box don't work. If I do a rematch on a title online trailer works.

    For my original scrape I had 'NFO analysis' set to 'priority'.

    To get trailers to work on all movies I did the following:

    1) Under each device I removed the existing data by selecting 'Clean up'.
    2) Did a rescan of each device setting 'NFO analysis' to 'Do not parse NFO files'

    Now trailers will play! They do seem to start faster. About 10 seconds instead of 20.
    Bill-Z9X likes this.
  4. woodymogs

    woodymogs Member

    That gave me hope, thanks for the info. Unfortunately I can't get it to work but not sure I'm changing the right settings. You mention 'NFO analysis' which I can't locate, the closest I found was under Settings/Preferences 'NFO parse default' which I changed to Do not parse NFO files. Trailers still don't play for me even though I followed the rest of your guidance (ie cleaned up the device, did the rescan).

    At the end of the day it would be nice for the trailers to work but if ultimately I can't resolve this I'm still happy with the player; thanks for your help.
  5. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Sorry this didn't work for you. Thought I had cracked it. It is really odd though.
  6. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    Already with mpn Z9X the cover analyzes done with NFO = no trailer.
    Analyzes done with TMDB = trailers!!
    Conclusion o_O;)
  7. steve m

    steve m Member

    Funny thing happened to me yesterday trailers played :D and prior to yesterday they didn't was getting the spinning wheel of doom , Not sure what happened but happy.
    Now can play trailers in the top right corner which make it look like the animated synopsis page of the R-volution But with all the goodness of the Zidoo like being able to access the actors Bio from the movie synopsis page
    blenky likes this.
  8. JackMikkers

    JackMikkers Member

    No trailers for me, i did a clean up, still no trailers, not automatically (tried several movies and waited about 2 minutes) and not manually
    I didn't do this just yet: "2) Did a rescan of each device setting 'NFO analysis' to 'Do not parse NFO files". I'll have to post about this one later

    Edit: Sorry, i didn't realize this wasn't for the Z9X Pro. Or is this trailer problem cross-platform?
  9. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    On my updated UHD3000, I turned off Use Only Local Trailers, left everything I use the same ie NFO parse Priority, Use local images first, etc
    And all my movies played trailers a few took 20 seconds but most within 5 seconds. so as far as I’m concerned it’s fixed. However I prefer to use my own. But it’s good to know it now works as do subtitles
  10. JCW

    JCW New Member

    I have both the Z9X Pro and the Z9X 8K.
    The Z9X Pro had issues with online trailers until a fix in SW v1.0.85 beta, and it is working fine with the newer versions.
    The Z9X 8K with v1.1.42 - Online Trailers not working... NFO fix did not help :-(
  11. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Its an odd one. Some people have issues some not. The fix worked for me and still working in 1.1.47.
  12. Saberus

    Saberus Member

    Trailers have worked for me since last firmware.. usually within 5 seconds.. been the odd time it took almost 10 sec.
  13. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    perhaps it depends on the movie choices? And youtube blocks certain stuff in certain areas
  14. JCW

    JCW New Member

    The new FW 1.1.47 fixed my Online trailer issue on Z9X 8K :)
    blenky likes this.
  15. KmiZole

    KmiZole New Member

    Hello, I just bought a Z9X 8K.
    Yesterday the trailers worked very well.
    This morning I turn on the player and the trailers no longer work.
    Do you know how I can fix this please?

    vddan likes this.
  16. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I don’t have a definitive answer but I would power off the unit including the power mains and wait 4 or 5 minutes and then turn back on. Possibly an internet issue?
  17. KmiZole

    KmiZole New Member

    I tried but it doesn't work
    I don't know what to do anymore
    please help me :(
  18. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    For me I gave up on internet loaded trailers long ago and download my own. Took a bit of time and effort to catch up but easy now as I had a new movie I simply add the trailer. The irony is internet trailers are working for me on most titles.
  19. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Did you check the security settings of your local network?
  20. KmiZole

    KmiZole New Member

    yes I did it, I even set the security to the lowest level and it didn't change anything.
    I'm going to try by resetting my internet box to factory settings.

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