Thanks for testing, looks like only works if "-" are in the UUID.
Let us know if you can try to make an NTFS HDD empty folder 11-22-33 then connect to the Zidoo and check if you see all folders. This bug looks to...
@geebolt Please make a new folder and try to delete, for me Zidoo Samba server crash on exFat. Thanks.
@hdmkv Leanback on Fire Developer: @tsynik Homepage: Google Play: No Package name:...
@Ctrl-Alt-Del, try an alternative AppDrawer like are on HiMedia box, download from mediafire and install as normal app. Enjoy the Zidoo player.
AI answer "Directory junction" and "directory symbolic link" are both features in the Windows operating system that allow you to create references...
Use mklink /J when create symbolic link in Windows --> /J Creates a Directory Junction. The Complete Guide to Creating Symbolic Links (aka...
Python problematic characters @_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:
Maybe Zidoo Team need to look on other regex special characters + * ? ^ $ ( ) [ ] { } | \.
Maybe I was not explain clear what is Zidoo subtitles text format AI guessing language. Try download from here a test subtitle file. Subtitle have...
TMDB API get 325 titles for search Spider, same like web search. Spider — The Movie Database (TMDB) ( TMDB not support search with...
First add Videos1 to favorite on Media Center to get login cached. Check the "device"...
After quickly research I see login are cached from HT/MediaCenter so try: GET /ZidooFileControl/getHost?path=/tmp/ramfs/mnt/&type=1005 Will show...
@milay For text subtitles Zidoo has a process trying to identified the language from special characters use on it. On my test, get subtitles what...
@Akhnaten Link is a live use JDownloader 2 or get from mediafire here. @Eleonor Correct FW v6.7.46 look to be in test(alpha) stage before to...
Separate names with a comma.