Windows Symbolic Links with Zidoo

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by TK423, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. TK423

    TK423 New Member

    Is there a way to get the Z1000Pro, specifically Music Player 7, to see Windows symbolic link folders as media sources?

    I have a directory full of symbolically linked music folders but the Zidoo does not see them. Another Windows machine sees the folders and is able to access the files within no problem. Is it possible it's an Android setting to allow the device to see symbolic links?
  2. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  3. TK423

    TK423 New Member

    That worked, thank you!

    What is the actual difference between Symbolic Link and Junction?
  4. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    AI answer
    "Directory junction" and "directory symbolic link" are both features in the Windows operating system that allow you to create references to directories. They serve similar purposes but have some key differences.

    1. Directory Junction:
      • Also known as a "junction point," a directory junction is a feature introduced by Microsoft in NTFS file systems.
      • A directory junction is essentially a reference to a directory on the same local volume or partition.
      • It functions at the file system level and is transparent to applications. They are commonly used to redirect the location of system folders, such as moving the "Documents" folder to a different drive.
      • Directory junctions are only supported on NTFS file systems and cannot reference remote directories or directories on different volumes.
    2. Directory Symbolic Link:
      • A directory symbolic link, introduced in Windows Vista and later versions, is a feature that allows you to create a reference to a directory that can span across volumes and even network locations.
      • It works at the operating system level and is visible to applications. Applications need to have symbolic link awareness to properly handle symbolic links.
      • Directory symbolic links can be used to create aliases for directories, redirect folder locations, or provide compatibility when moving or renaming directories.
      • Symbolic links can reference directories on different volumes, network shares, or even remote locations.
    In summary, directory junctions are limited to referencing directories on the same local volume, while directory symbolic links provide more flexibility by allowing references across volumes and network locations. However, symbolic links require application support, whereas directory junctions work transparently at the file system level.

    In the simple answer "junctions are processed at the server(Windows) and directory symbolic links are processed at the client(Zidoo).",
    source windows - "directory junction" vs "directory symbolic link"

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