Zidoo Z9X8K & Z30PRO & Z3000PRO & UHD8000 v1.1.80|v1.1.80G Diff Changelogs

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by Eki Shaw, Dec 20, 2024.

  1. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I checked Jurassic Park 1080p bluray which id VC-1. It started fine and then suddenly the audio went about 2 seconds out. I restart fixed it. However certainly VC-1 remains instable
    JanGraz likes this.
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I'll throw another spanner in the works now too.

    My UHD8000 did the freeze trick today :confused:

    Exactly as people describe - video freezes and audio continues. First time I've seen this since testing started in May this year!!

    So this was a freshly updated UHD8000. I've now factory reset and will be testing it all day tomorrow - but so far nada.

    To be fair, I'm glad I've finally seen this - I've got a dog in the fight now ;)
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Jurassic Park - so it's DTS :D
  4. jehangir kh

    jehangir kh Active Member

    The picture quality is very good, but movies freeze every 10 minutes while the sound continues, which is very irritating.
    I am using the main HDMI for audio on Zidoo. Sometimes, I don’t get any sound, and I have to stop and play again to fix it.

    I am facing two issues.
    vddan and rockmeloman like this.
  5. Solitaire555

    Solitaire555 New Member

    Yes the movies freeze since this new FW ! :mad::mad::mad:
    An urgent correction is required ASAP please !!!!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
    vddan and rockmeloman like this.
  6. AdamZ

    AdamZ New Member

    I (now) also have both issues where 1 - stuttering happens off and on, & 2 - the video freezes and audio continues. I’ve had these issues on multiple videos.
  7. BossFox

    BossFox New Member

    Just wanted to add that I am also seeing freeze and stutter issues with the UHD8000 running 1.1.80. First movie I watched after updating was Silent Night BDMV. Played via blu ray menu and video froze after about 3 minutes but audio continued. Stopped and started movie, and freeze happened again. Exited out and played movie directly from Poster Wall, not via BD menu and had stuttering issues. Exited and played again and this time movie seemed to play fine.

    First time I've ever seen this on the UHD8000. Didn't think it was a coincidence happening immediately after updating to 1.1.80. Do hope this is addressed soon.
    darkeyes909 and rockmeloman like this.
  8. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    Yep I’m seeing the stutters every 10-15 second intervals now too on some DV tv shows, i know it’s already been mentioned, just thought I’d mention it. Switching over to my APTV4K via Infuse Pro and it’s buttery smooth!
  9. ThisIsWhoWeAre

    ThisIsWhoWeAre Active Member

    So I am having some problems with Dolby Vision playback.

    When selecting tv led the image stutters.

    When selecting player led lldv no stutters however occasionally a white screen flash and reapirring dolby vision logo on screen during playback.

    Besides this...when playing Bad Boys 4 in Dolby Vision Dolby True HD with Atmos....music during the movie only comes out of the right channel.

    However when selecting Dolby Digital 5.1 no such problem.

    I have tested this with two other Dolby Vision with Dolby True HD with Atmos files.....no problem here.

    Why should this be with Bad Boys 4 ?
  10. emigrant

    emigrant New Member

    v1.1.80 is really unstable. After an hour into a movie with Dolby Vision, the video froze while the audio kept playing. Simply rewinding the movie by a few seconds fixed the issue, and everything worked fine until the end of the movie.
  11. Akhnaten

    Akhnaten Active Member


    I confirm that this new version of the firmware brings micro video stutters on various files,
    which did not have this problem with v1.1.70

    I have only done tests for the moment with mkv remuxes of films from BR-UHD (DV) iso.

    I am however quite perplexed because I cannot isolate what could be responsible for this.
    It is all the more disturbing since I do not have any technical "variety" in my files :
    95% are mkv remuxes that I make myself from the BR-UHD ISOs.

    They are always made with the same software :
    MkvToolnix (latest version) for BRs, and BR-UHD HDR10
    MakeMkv (latest version) for BR-UHD DV.

    And on the few tests I've done, micro-sutterings seem to occur quite randomly depending on the files concerned.

    - Some titles are played perfectly.

    - Others it's just 2-3 times only on an entire movie.

    - On another test it appeared every 10 min (as it has already been described I think.)

    And on one of the episodes of the Arcane Season 1 series for example (episode 2), it was every 10s...

    Moreover for this episode, I only have the problem with the remux (done with the latest version of MakeMkv), from the BR-UHD iso. When I play the episode directly from the disk iso, there is no suttering problem !

    What is certain is that the films on which I observed the problem, were played without stutterings with v1.1.70
    But I have thought about it, for the moment I do not understand what could be responsible
    and I do not find any particular common point in the appearance of the problem, from one title to another.
  12. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Yes there is something very wrong with DV playback in this release.

    Just played a DV TV episode and it juddered every 10 seconds or so throughout and picture froze (with audio continuing) twice.

    Strange thing is I just went back to same file and it now plays smoothly!
    JanGraz, rockmeloman, vddan and 2 others like this.
  13. abuabudi

    abuabudi New Member

    same issue ..
    rockmeloman and darkeyes909 like this.
  14. razvan.toth

    razvan.toth Member

    Is there a safe method to roll back to the previous firmware? I was happy with that release. Didnt have any problems with shuttering and didnt observ any lipsync problems (maybe it was there but it wasnt so obvious like in this release).
    Another interesting behaviour that i've seen is this, to be nore specific, 2 of them.

    1. When in file explorer and exploring hdd or network sometimes the image starts to blink it stops and if you enter another folder it starts to blink rapidly. Exit the file explorer is stoping this.

    2. Playing local stored music .flac randomly on some songs I've encountered some drop/popping. To be sure that is not from the file, I've rewind the file a few seconds and the drop/popping is not present anymore. Played again the file from the beginning to be sure and it doesnt encountered the same problem. Seen this a lot today. And I ve checked the cables and watched today an atmos and dts hd ma movies without any drop/popping in sound.
  15. emigrant

    emigrant New Member

    We need to keep in mind that we willingly choose to use beta firmware, so we can't complain if something doesn't work properly. A beta version is not expected to work perfectly.
  16. Raj

    Raj Member

    This is more like an alpha. Not tested. :D
    farlucco and vddan like this.
  17. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Ah but Zidoo ONLY release betas. So you pay your money and take your choice.
    rockmeloman, rozel and vddan like this.
  18. Raymond Lim

    Raymond Lim Member

    Yes, I can also confirmed that mkv encoded in DV have stuttering issue for this latest beta release. I have no issue with the last firmware (1.1.70). Can we roll back to the last working beta (1.1.70) as I recalled it is not possible now due to the way the new player update its firmware?
    rockmeloman likes this.
  19. darkeyes909

    darkeyes909 Active Member

    The freeze while audio plays is happening quite frequently to me with DV material. It is not the accessories, it is the firmware.
    rockmeloman, JanGraz and vddan like this.
  20. darkeyes909

    darkeyes909 Active Member

    I had the issue with DV so did a factory reset. I mistakenly thought that fixed it, but it is consistantly happening again today. I find if I "rewind" just a second and then forward it picks up fine.
    rockmeloman likes this.

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