Zidoo players still not supporting Seamless Branching a serious problem with UHD

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by Nice Monkey, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Seamless Branching is not applicable to MKV/AVI etc as these exist only of a single file/stream to be played. Hence they produce no problems whatsoever at playback.

    I am curious to hear experiences with Dune players as Dune has build and maintains its own video internal player.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  2. Random_Vibration

    Random_Vibration Active Member

    What android box actually handles seemless branching properly?
  3. c4wiz

    c4wiz New Member

    EXACTLY, when you take a Blu-ray disc or UHD disc with seamless branching (multiple m2ts files in the movie) and wrap it in the mkv container the issue of seamless branching is gone!!!!! there is no loss of video quality or audio quality!!!! the only thing you loose is the stupid warnings and trailers.
  4. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    You will loose all extras and other version cuts where present. I like the real thing.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
  5. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    Buy a real 4K bluray player... That the real thing!
  6. c4wiz

    c4wiz New Member

    so rip both versions of the movie, extras, and trailers if you want.....all you will loose is the seamless branching issue....if you want "THE REAL THING buy a UHD disc player as Sarco stated!!!
  7. nikos_a

    nikos_a Active Member

    With that logic, dump media players down the bin and buy bluray players. We buy media players for a reason and you want what you buy to perform as it should be.
  8. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    You buy media player because it was cheap, less than 200$. People with 4K HDR iso movies collect them for most part illegaly on internet since 4K BluRay for computer are still very very very rare (BluRay disk owner are the sole people to legaly have a digital copy). 4K BluRay player are at least 400$ and going very well over 800$.
    PacoRabanne likes this.
  9. nikos_a

    nikos_a Active Member

    The majority of media players are used with files of movies not owned by the buyers. It is not only the 4k. This is what I meant, "you buy them for a reason". And the problem with seamless branching exists in 1080p BD ISOs. I have a BD, I own many movies but this doesn't mean that a media player should ignore the issue with seamless branching. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter or proper playback. As long as some files are available, the player should be able to play without ANY issues. When you say "buy a bd player for proper playback" it simply cancels the logic of buying a media player at all.
  10. litlgi74

    litlgi74 Member

    I picked up a new Asus BW-16D1HT on eBay for around $50! It rips all of my UHD BDs perfectly to mkv.
  11. ursiel

    ursiel Active Member

    Your solution:

    Rip every disc feature separately, using software like makemkv or similar, that results in a folder full of unnamed random files that make playing them all a chore, trying to figure out which file is the main film, or which file is which episode, or which version of the film is which, or which extras are which, etc.

    The proper solution - make the player work properly for full disc support so you can play the BDMV folder or ISO and the menu works.

    Seriously, menus are created for a reason - to navigate the complex disc structure of modern discs. Without menus, some discs are packed full of dozens of different video clips.
  12. ursiel

    ursiel Active Member

    A $200 media player is not cheap. Sorry you think so. That's the cost of a full disc player these days.

    I buy a media player that claims it supports full ISO and disc menus, I expect that it will do that. The Zidoo doesn't.
  13. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Egreat UHD media players don't have this problem to repeat that statement made before. There may be others?

    Did a long test using Firmware "X9S_OTA_v1.2.32" for Seamless Branching using my reference Avatar EE as the basis. This to verify change: "5. Fixed the original blu-ray audio drop problem of individual special playlists (Seamless Branching )" claim.
    The problem indeed has been reduced with this firmware but it has not been eliminated totally. On multiple points the jumps passed unnoticed but on some there was still a visible glitch. The claim that audio is not lost anymore in fact could be valid as I did not observe audio loss during those glitches. This seems to be also in line with observations made by others.
    Thumbs up for this FW fix and good hopes for a final remedy. :)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
  14. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    After lots of attempts and even more time and effort by Zidoo it finally seems to be solved.:cool:
    The Beta for Z9S FW 2.3.33 finally did it also for 3D ISO's. :p

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