ZDMC release 20.1 (x8/x9s/x10)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by bob, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. nikos_a

    nikos_a Active Member

    It is worse with official Kodi.
  2. harrylaws24

    harrylaws24 New Member

    Fix required to use zdmc to manage the files, such as delete/copy file in zdmc. This was fixed in zdmc_for_x9s_16.4.12.apk
  3. jcetg

    jcetg New Member

    I had to go bak to ZDMC 17.1.

    The reason: it's not possible to select external folder on a USB hard drive to save files from differents add-ons in ZDMC, for example Quasar. I have my X8 rooted but still can't select external hard drive to save files from ZDMC.
  4. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    Root is not enough. You also need xposed framework with sdcard something add-on.
  5. jcetg

    jcetg New Member

    I don't understant why a xposed framework is needed to allow save torrents or files in an external hard drive. This is something that works perfectly in ZDMC 17.1 without xposed neither root.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  6. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    did not work in the pass, may have changed things in firmware, but it was because of android permission system, no app was able to write on HDD without root + some form of firmware edit ( exposed is just only one of the options )
  7. jcetg

    jcetg New Member

    I can assure that I could write on HDD with firmware 1.4.6 version (obviously rooted).

    Apart from that I use the app Flud to download torrents and save them on HDD without problems in firmwares 1.4.6 and 1.4.12. ZDMC 17.4 don't allow it, ZDMC 17.1 yes.
  8. cobric

    cobric Member

    Can you please upload sources of 17.4 to your github?
  9. X8fan

    X8fan Member

    I believe this topic was edited from ZDMC 17.3 to 17.4 a coupe of days ago? Good job releasing a new version but wouldn't it be less confusing if a new thread was started for 17.4?
  10. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

  11. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello Zidoo Team,

    Thank you for the work, i will try this new 17.4

    see you
  12. X8fan

    X8fan Member

    Just tried the 17.4, unfortunately the "Unfortunately ZDMC has stopped" bug persists but it's less than before, which was almost all the time.
  13. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Is that ZDMC 17.4 a yet stable version? Or beta?
  14. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    well, the beta is gone from the title, but we have no patch-notes for it
  15. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Sorry i didn't understand :(
  16. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    no beta in title, patch notes missing, we not know what change !
  17. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Ok thanks, blindly test ;)
  18. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    @HaoSs i take the opportunity to ask you: 1)how can i set an external player in zdmc (i see there is this switch function but no option to specify wich player you can use)2) if I set an external player in zdmc, does it function also with pvr client?
  19. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    1) that switch is only for zidoo media center player, for other player you need to search kodi forum and create a custom xml file
    2) i don't really know, never used PVR
  20. Harrie.Beckers

    Harrie.Beckers New Member

    Does it also worx on the Zidoo x6 pro?

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