ZDMC release 20.1 (x8/x9s/x10)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by bob, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. tosh123

    tosh123 Member

    But on Raspberrys you don't have to use a fork, the regular KODI plays 3D MVC - so it must be in the main
  2. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    It is special Raspberry Pi version of Kodi with 3D MVC support. People that build and sell Raspberry Pi board help with Kodi development for this board to maintain hardware chipset support for video decoding including 3D MVC. It is probably the only true hardware Kodi player out there with 3D MVC outside of special PC MVC fork version. All other boxes that play 3D will use external player like Zidoo.
    HaoSs likes this.
  3. kris1208

    kris1208 New Member

    news of a version that works for movie checkers already seen automatically?
    des nouvelles d'une version qui fonctionne pour les coches de film deja vue en automatique ?
  4. Orthon

    Orthon Member

    If I use ZDMC 17.6.1 to play a wmv file, it will use internal player to process it. But in that case ZDMC cannot provide 24p/30p output. Has anyone ever encountered this issue?
  5. Orthon

    Orthon Member

    Anyone knows about this issue? Is there even any developer looking at this thread?
  6. buchman

    buchman New Member

    I want to add the Extras addon to ZDMC but I cannot find the location of the userdata folder (where I have to create the file advancedsettings.xml). In regular Kodi it is here:
    Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi but on ZDMC I cannot find it. Has anyone installed this addon?
  7. Denethor

    Denethor New Member

    There is a way to make it work on the X6 Pro?
  8. Orthon

    Orthon Member

    Show hidden files, then find a folder with zdmc in between under Android/data, and then go to files/.kodi to place your file.
    buchman likes this.
  9. Rannvijay Singh

    Rannvijay Singh New Member

  10. buchman

    buchman New Member

    Thanks a lot, I'll have a look at that!
  11. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    This is so close to playing 4k hevc smoothly - is it likely to be able to in the future?
  12. DevaWer

    DevaWer New Member

    The Starfury page says that the projected release date for the game is July 3rd. Does anyone have an updated release date yet?

    Corporate Dog
  13. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    what game ?
  14. thewonderer

    thewonderer New Member

    I've been using a ZDMC 17.6 build from Nov 2017 and been pretty pleased with it. The only missing thing is it doesn't show when you've played or partially played a video file. Will this version and update fix this issue? HDR and HDMI Audio throughput all seem good. Haven't seen any stuttering on 1080p content.

    What is the recommended alternative to ZDMC for video / audio playback? VLC?

  15. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    never had problems with partially played videos on this build. if you play more than a few minutes it shows as started.

    Alternative would be zidoo own player ( using home theater 2.0 )
  16. Zwanzig

    Zwanzig Member

    Kodi ZDMC does not transmit .avi videos to the Zidoo internal player. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
  17. tosh123

    tosh123 Member

    If no one knows a solution, use mkvtoolnix and pack the AVI into a MKV container.
  18. Zwanzig

    Zwanzig Member

    tosh123 - thanks for the answer - of course I know about it but I have over 200 movies in .avi and I do not have much time to do all this. :(
  19. Tony77

    Tony77 Member

    If you're interested I often use a program called "VIDEO2MKV".. Will remux (without encode) all video file types in your SELECTED folder & subfolders to mkv.. Doesn't get much simpler than this..


    You could try MkvBUDDY which is its successor that does a few extra things if you choose, but video2mkv is dead simple! (no install required)
  20. Zwanzig

    Zwanzig Member

    Tony77 -
    OK thank you - works :)
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018

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