Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by stani, Aug 13, 2023.

  1. Bawsross

    Bawsross New Member

    Sorry your answer doesn’t make sense to me. A hard drive enclosure would be “enclosed” and would connect with usb cable, not the sata cable. The enclosure would have its own sata connector, it wouldn’t connect to the box that way.
  2. JohnG

    JohnG Member

    Look for an enclosure (a case) that has an external SATA connector and use a SATA cable to connect the Zidoo to the newly enclosed hard drive. OR...simply buy a NAS from Synology or others and fill it with the hard drive(s) of your choice.
  3. oha

    oha New Member

    Hi ! I use it for music listening also.. if you come across with an update resolving this multichannel audio thingy.. please write here too.. thnx a lot !

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