Hello everybody. First I would like to say that I am sorry to bother and that I have searched on internet but havent found any useful and garanted info. I am currently heavly leaning into buying Zidoo Z9X Pro model. It will be used for local streaming. Problem I am having is that my LG C2 doesnt support DV when watching movies on HDD. I have checked most of movies are in DV profile 7 8 some of those contain BL + EL + RPU if this matters. I am wondering will both of those DV profiles work with Zidoo? It is my first time getting good TV and I really want best experience that I can get. I have also messaged retailer that is having Zidoo products in his store and he tried one movie that I sent him, but he couldn't determine if DV is working since he owns Samsung TV. Any insight is deeply appreciated and thanks for all the help in advance Aleksander
internal app on LG C2 does support DV...files must be in MP4 Zidoo plays all DV fine, you will enjoy with great TV like C2
Hey, Yeah I havent mentioned but I have tried methods mentioned on reddit and I did not succed + it took a lot of time, thats why I want to buy Zidoo so ill have hussle-free experience So just to reconfirm both DV profiles work out of the box? I would also like to thank you for such a fast reply.
yep. all good, DV plays fine with Zidoo Z9X Pro. go through some posts in this forum, recommended settings by Markswift2003, set DV to TV Led and you are golden. http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...r-useful-stuff-for-rtd-1619bpd-players.95967/
Allright. I just ordered Zidoo it comes in 2 days. Thanks for helping me out it was very much appreciated Kind regards, Aleksander
Probably just too late, but did you try installing the Quietvoid Kodi fork on your LG television? It works quite well on my Philips OLED 907, and has a compatibility setting converting FEL 7 to 8.1 (which I needed for my TV to play DV titles). Only thing that didn't work with it on my set was putting through HD audio via EARC, which was the reason for me to buy the Z9X Pro.
Sadly I havent, I got lg c2 2 weeks ago. After failed attempts with DoVi tools, ffmpeg and one program I have given up. Dont want to root tv either because of 5 year warranty
Hey I had the same problem I have LG C2 bought the Zid00 z9x pro its so good. I have played from a USB HDD and also from my NAS unraid setup with plex server and native zidoo player with zidooplexmod. It plays almost everything, I had few hiccups here and there considering it just came out and soon will be fixed. Very happy with my purchase.
Hey i just got the product. Why is TV led better? When i set it to player I get detected output mode YUV 12Bits Bt2020 DV, but when using TV led I have RGB 8bits DV(TV-led) Wouldnt be 12bit better?
http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...-rtd-1619bpd-players.95967/page-2#post-194349 or use the one YOU like. do some testing.
and please use the search top right or go through forum. all the answers are there. enjoy your new player.