Hello, im having a problem with X20, its happening not every time ,its intermittent fault. When i switch on unit freeze on HELLO screen or when i power off player freeze on BYE . When its on power on i cant do nothing except use power switch on back of player,no access via web browser because system is not fully loaded. when i manage to start up player and after use i want to switch it off it can freeze on bye message in that case i can go via web browser and restart unit, then try switch off. was on firmware 2.1.40, then 2.2.61 , no difference , last 2.282 didn't make any changes.Now its on 2.2.96 and im gutted ,nothing fixed . Unit was at the futeko for repair buy they didn't do anything.they send back unit without fixing it. they said it software problem , but any off new firmware didnt fix player.please help
Install GappsInstaller-rtk-7.1_v1.2.4.apk and next Google Play as strange it may sound it probably helps. It did for me. http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...bsolutely-mandatory-to-be-re-installed.50600/
If it can help it is daily when stopping with the remote control. It is displayed BYE. I then have to turn off the camera with the switch on the back
I have the same problem with v2.2.82 & v2.2.96. It's completely random, Zidoo can freeze on HELLO at launch. And can also freeze on BYE when shutting down. I will do several tests and come back to you.
Thank you for all comments and suggestion, service couldn't find what is causing random stuck , after all I decided to upgrade to X20 pro ,thanks to futeko for all help . Regards
I tested all X20 Firmware Updates one by one. Just root system 1.2.20 is working. All these Firmware Update don't work: 1.2.28, 2.1.40, 2.2.61, 2.2.82, 2.2.96. This problem must be solved. The problem is not hardware but software. To kill Power supply unit of the X20 is the best solution to stop wildly from the back of the case. Can someone forward the problem to the developers?
Hello, i have a X20 pro and after updating to fw 2.2.96 it started to behave the same. In my case it freezes on powering on only, and only by remote. Using front button all is ok (for now). Hopefully situation is not getting worse, meaning that the Zidoo starts not to boot even with front button :-( :-( :-(
From my experience the problem still exists with FW 2.2.96. Not so often during startup but pretty regular (10-30%) during shutdown.
I have the same problem. Freeze on start up. No different if its button in front or remote. I have to take of the electricity plug to the player. Then on next start-up it works fine. quite annoying... Anyone have a solution to this
Try v2.3.10. It has optimization issues. Direct link: http://apidl.zidoo.tv/X20/v2.3.10/ZIDOO_X20_N_v2.3.10_202001140921_ota-package.zip thanks
It's perfect for me, thanks for your help. I tested for several weeks the new firmware 2.3.10 and this update resolved the problem. Bob, I have two minor requests for developers. First is for BD Menu with multiple playlist episodes. Play PL MK X, Y= Play PLaylist X, starting from playlist MarK (chapter) Y (command is time-based) Exemple, if MovieObject.bdmv use this command "Play PL_MK 1, GPR5", it's a problem. The 00001.mpls file is load correctly and .m2ts episodes also but when the first episode is finished, the player stops and remains on pause. I must to select the next chapter for to start the second episode. I find this problem with all Blu-ray with multiple episodes (Exemple: Japanime BD BOX). And the second is for add an anti-aliasing for (.ass) font subtitles. Best Regards.
v2.3.10. I confirm everything that has been written above. "First is for BD Menu with multiple playlist episodes. Play PL MK X, Y= Play PLaylist X, starting from playlist MarK (chapter) Y (command is time-based) Exemple, if MovieObject.bdmv use this command "Play PL_MK 1, GPR5", it's a problem. The 00001.mpls file is load correctly and .m2ts episodes also but when the first episode is finished, the player stops and remains on pause. I must to select the next chapter for to start the second episode. I find this problem with all Blu-ray with multiple episodes" Exemple:The Equalizer (2014) [Full HD Blu-Ray] It doesn't matter if the movie is played from a directory or a file (.iso) I am asking you to correct this in the future thanks
Me too, I have the same problem. Sometimes freeze on start up. Then I have to take of the electricity plug to the player. On next start-up it works fine. Lattest fw 2.3.88. Help please!