Why not Emby on Zidoo?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by salora, May 28, 2023.

  1. salora

    salora Member

    gyrene2083 likes this.
  2. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Thanks a ton, I have both lifetime passes of Plex and Emby, and from what I have read Plex just isn't working on the PRO edition, so glad that Emby is.
  3. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    So I installed the Android TV version, and noticed that the volume is low on the zidoo as opposed to my shield. Is there a specific setting I'm missing, that you could think of?
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Don't know anything about Emby and never used it, but the only way volume can be different is if you're outputting PCM and in that case you can either turn the volume up or set Volume Direct Mode <on>.

    If you output bitstreams, the volume (or more correctly gain) is set in the bitstream and the player can have absolutely no influence on it.

    Check Settings/Audio/HDMI Audio. Auto should work to output bitstream and RAW will force it.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  5. salora

    salora Member

    Just as mark says
    But also did you set the external player to be zidoo ´s ?
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  6. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Thank you both, @Markswift2003 I have it setup from your recommended settings and just checked the HDMI is set to Auto. @salora I did select an external player but here's were I might of messed up. I am also helping bowlingbeeg test his Plex2Zidoo, and I think I might have selected that by mistake for Emby. It still worked but the volume is lower than Plex2Zidoo.

    Other than reinstalling Emby is there a way to select a different player?
  7. salora

    salora Member

    Maybe in the emby app go back to select player
    Roll back to internal then select external again?
    Maybe you ´l have the prompt again

    i don’t habe plex2zidoo so if i select external player it select the zidoo player automatically
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  8. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    I reinstalled Emby, and it seems to have selected Zidoo as the external player. I just have to figure out the volume is all. My present setup which is changing, is TV -> 1st Gen Sonos via bitstream cable.

    I will be switching to the Nakamichi Dragon next month, then I could run the HDMI to the Dragon then. But right now I have to figure something out because my shield pro is louder than my zidoo.
  9. Bartimaus

    Bartimaus New Member

    I would like to know that too.
    I have a checkbox to use an external player for playback, but no option to choose which player. And as soon as I start a movie, I get an error message. Missing external player or someting
  10. salora

    salora Member

    Hi it’s hard to say i have the same options than you on both emby for android or emby for android tv. With no option to choose player either.
    Zidoo native player is the only one i have on my uhd3000. And once external’player activated emby would automaticaly choose it.
    Even with an emby server in the cloud ( on a seedbox) it works with the external player
  11. RAMROO

    RAMROO New Member

    Hi …. I have a device zidoo z9x pro ... and I used the method of selecting an external player in the Emby App , but unfortunately it does not work for me, and when I play the video, an error message appears to me. And I try to removed the App and reinstalled it again, but without any results.
  12. Miroga

    Miroga New Member

    I am testing with the emby server installed on zidoo z1000 pro and using it as a server towards my televisions.
    The thing is that in 1080p quality, it works quite well, without stops or strange things, if I use 4k videos, things change and I suffer from stops during playback. All this without transcoding.
    Someone has it as a server to watch on their other devices and it works well with high definitions like 4K.
  13. Ron L

    Ron L New Member

    I'm experimenting with Emby on Zidoo Z9X with the latest beta firmware and it seems to work with everything except ISO files.
    That's whether Emby is set to use its own player or the external (zidoo) player.
    I really want to get ISO working, because I have many backups of my disks in ISO format.
    Does anybody have any idea why that might be happening? (Is this more likely to be a Zidoo or Emby issue?)
    Thanks for your advice...
  14. Ron L

    Ron L New Member

    Is anybody else still running emby on Zidoo?
  15. AlexF6

    AlexF6 New Member

    Yes I run Emby on Zidoo and it is far superior than HT4.0 , Emby can handle large collections over 4000 movies whilst Zidoo cannot display cover art when scrolling thru a collection quickly.
  16. Ron L

    Ron L New Member

    Thanks for replying. Are you using the external Zidoo player or the emby player? If yes, does it work with ISO files and if yes, are you using the latest beta firmware? I cant get make emby play ISO files with the external player on my zidoo with the latest firmware and I'm trying to understand if this is just my issue or something with the latest firmware or emby app...
  17. FlipMode009

    FlipMode009 Member

    what i don't get is why plex does not make an android tv apk anymore that allows external player. they use to have external player on their app that had layout check between phone and tv, but that was mid 2010s. It seems nvida must pay them to not do it.
  18. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    I'm not sure what you all are talking about. I recently signed up for emby lifetime because I'm looking for a Plex alternative. After many years, I'm just growing tired of Plex. And HT4 is a joke with TV series since it will randomly skip several episodes when you've set it up for playing back sequentially.

    Anyway, you guys are saying emby works great on everything except for ext subs. But it most certainly does not. It works better with the emby player, but we lose DTS-HD MA audio. The Zidoo transcodes the audio to core DTS. How you're all OK with that, I guess I just dont understand.

    And if you enable the Zidoo player, it won't lock onto a movie or show. So you'll FF anywhere from 15 - 30 seconds before it finally does. It also randomly starts a movie or show half way through it. There are other issues but these are the biggest and make emby worthless for most everyone else. FYI, both Android and Android TV exhibit these major flaws (official apks from emby).

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