v6.4.18 Firmware Update

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by nc88keyz, Jul 15, 2022.

  1. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Hi mate sorry if this is obvious but how do you update Google Play? I keep getting a message that Google Play services keeps crashing. Assume I need to do this? The GSF ID has disappeared from About in Settings.
    Cheers Dave
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2022
  2. serg fedorov

    serg fedorov Active Member

    You need to go to the settings of the Play Store - About the application - Play Store version. Click on it. A window will appear with a warning that the Play Store will be updated. Click OK. Wait about 30 minutes. It happens quickly, about 10 minutes. Then, when the Play Market is updated, in the play market itself, open your Google Chrome and update

    If the item About the Program has disappeared, then just reinstall this firmware. Nothing complicated. Download it again and install. I have done this many times, everything goes smoothly.

    Have you registered zidoo with Google?

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2022
  3. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Thanks mate. I discovered the issue was between my chair and the keyboard: I tried installing the non-G version over a previous G version without realising.

    Have now installed the G over the non-G version and everything is back working as usual.

    Sorry, Dave.
  4. serg fedorov

    serg fedorov Active Member

    No problem. Always glad to help.
  5. Sekology

    Sekology Member

    Hi guys, I am on firmware v6.4.18. I have a strange issue, while watching large files (UHD Bluray rips) from Synology ds220+(tried both NFS and Samba shares) I often have choppy, laggy and stuttering during playback. This only happens when Z10 pro conntected via lan cable. I don't have any issue via Wifi. This is strange because I have always thought that physical connection via cable is more stable. It is like a kind of power saving option in ethernet settings somehow getting enabled in random times and causes this delay. I am no expert so I don't know the source of the problem. Do you recommend any setting to stop this behaviour? I just migrated to Zidoo from Shield 2019 pro and it is really frustrating to have this issue again.. (P.S. already tried changing all the cables, so it is not due to the bad connection)
  6. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Well! I'm into my 6th hour of testing MP7 on Firmware version 6.4.18 and to say I'm impressed would be a big understatement. Ok but first I have to say that entering into this session, I was almost fully committed to 2 channel stereo rather than multi channel music. What has prompted me to test is the "Added function of decoding DSD multi-channel into PCM multi-channel". I also wanted to test the SACD toggling between stereo and multi channel. OK so MP7 had cleared my previous scrapings - I haven't played with MP6 for at least a year as I have been using UAPP with my DAC. And in this session I haven't (as yet) tested between MP7 and UAPP - just MP7.

    My 50,000 tracks took appx 1 hour to scrape - a massive improvement on MP6. As my albums are sorted into "Format" folders I shall at some point scrape the individual folders rather than the main volume to ease finding stuff, as pressing return takes you straight back to the main volume rather than the folder of the track playing but nevertheless the folders all showed up and nearly all with posters etc.

    Ok first issue was with Volume Direct Mode - the new firmware had turned this off so no volume. Took me 15 mins to fathom why I got no sound lol! But when I turned it on (to control volume using my Amp) all I can say is WOW! 6-channel audio is definately simply fab - my Tears For Fears Tipping Point Album was off the scale for sound quality :)

    @serg fedorov you are 100% correct! The dynamics seemed to be as good and maybe better than playing with UAPP. A good amost 5 1/2 hours listening (still am) has been a wonderful time spent. It is as if Zidoo have lifted an invisible cloth from my speakers - well done Zidoo!

    I think I've answered your question :)

    OK some observations: -
    • Sometimes at the start of a new track the sound will start high then a second or so later the volume turns down a notch or two. Thought this may be due to normalisation but I cannot find any setting for this. Anyone?
    • Is there any setting for gapless playback?
    • As both I and @Nice Monkey have wondered, I can say it is NOT necessary to turn off USB Audio for HDMI playback.
    • So far not a single fly-out, crash or other such abnormal behaviour other than above.
    • The Audio button on the remote works wonderfully when appropriate.
    So I can most definately recommend version 6.4.18 firmware which has helped a lot into converting me into a 6-channel (as well as a stereo) audiophile.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2022
    fsim2000, muha and serg fedorov like this.
  7. muha

    muha Active Member

    @rozel I second to your observations.
    Don't understand what is a problem with gapless playback that you have? As for settings there is something named "connect continuous tracks" or something like that.
  8. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Well normal domesticity has taken over now - was told something like "6 hours is taking the p**s lol. So I'll check for that tomorrow - cheers!
  9. roirraWedorehT

    roirraWedorehT New Member

    Hi! In Zidoo's Facebook page, not long ago I noticed a user having a similar issue. Another user had experience with this issue and suggested the same thing which solved it for them: A gigabit network switch - just a cheap one is probably okay, between the Synology and the Zidoo.

    I'm not using my Zidoo in this configuration so I can't speak to this issue myself, and I don't remember any other details, but maybe if you the post on Facebook in their group will enlighten things even more.

    I have my Zidoo connect directly to my router via ethernet (Wi-Fi was okay but not for 4K or 4K HDR/DV content) using an SMB share from my self-built Windows PC that is also wired to the router. My routers are Synology, though.
    Sekology likes this.
  10. Sekology

    Sekology Member

    Many thanks for your detailed explanation. I will give it a try and see how it goes. Prior to the latest update, I did not have any issue therefore I thought it might be firmware related. Thank you for your suggestions again, will definetly look into that.
    roirraWedorehT likes this.
  11. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    @muha - just had a good look but cannot find this setting anywhere
  12. crutzulee

    crutzulee Member

    I just migrated from a 2017 SHIELD because recent "updates" turned movie watching into a stuttering, audio dropout mess. I have no interest in this firmware as it appears to offer nothing for those of us that use our Zidoo's exclusively for movies. Beta firmware 6.4.06 has been flawless in this regard, and my SHIELD experience has taught me not to fix what isn't broken...
  13. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    I have a weird issue where no matter what I do, Zack Snyders Justice League Won't update the new file info after changing releases. I first Cleared the data before deleting the old file, Then when the new file Was added it still had the info of the old file. Both files had the same naming. It shouldn't matter after clearing the info for that file, but it did cause it did not work. I then changed the name of the file by adding .Hybrid before the file extension. I'll add that I have done this naming convention many times when renaming files and it has worked. Instead this time after manually matching the movie to The proper one, it decided to change my match to a movie called hybrid. I then went back and manually matched it back to ZSJL. Then even though the file in the sources file page had the image of the correct movie, it was missing entirely from my movies page. It was gone! I tried rematching it from the sources file page which was the only way cause it was gone from everywhere else. Except for the file app. It still would not show up. I then went to the file app and transferred it to another drive. Wich kind of worked cause it now says the right file info, Except the file size, says it's 6Gb in the home theatre app when it's supposed to be 90 something. Everywhere else says the correct file size except the movie info tab. The sources page and the file explorer app say the correct file size. I am also OCD so this is very frustrating.
  14. serg fedorov

    serg fedorov Active Member

    This firmware fixes the problem of correctly outputting AFR and VS0 when running UHD in folders.
    In addition, there are complaints about the dark DV in firmware 06. I also noted this. In this firmware there are no problems with brightness in Dolby Vision.
    Therefore, the 18th firmware still offers improvements for those who only watch movies.
    SilverEye, audit13, Cranks and 3 others like this.
  15. Romil

    Romil New Member

    I have the same issue on 6.4.18 firmware. The preview does not work. I also have an error on Google play.
  16. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    This is a known bug!!

    GARY CAMPBELL New Member

    Uploaded the 6.4.18 on my z1000 pro i love it so much i changed the HDR setting to DV for all HDR and SDR its a lot brighter than HDR on my TV Samsung QLED only trailers don't work.
    serg fedorov likes this.
  18. Normancook

    Normancook New Member

    I noticed that playing multichannel sacd is in 44.1khz. is this a hardware limitation?
  19. serg fedorov

    serg fedorov Active Member

    Yes, unfortunately trailers do not work.
    Perhaps this is the only problem for me today.
    If they make trailers everything will be perfect.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Perhaps reason this firmware not been officially released as still on going work on trailers amongst other bugs . ?

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