The Original splash screen of ZDMC looks pretty boring......not to mention the incorrect spelling;-) Therefore i was looking for the splash.png to replace it with a custom picture but could not find it in the media folder of the ZDMC installation on my Zidoo UHD3000. Has anybody here found the location of the splash.png?
@Reelyator The location is: /data/data/com.zidoo.zdmc/cache/apk/assets/media/splash.jpg But your device needs to be rooted first, which is not really easy or safe with the 1619DR devices. What you can do is: a) open the firmware apk, replace the logo, repack and sign it. But same here, this is not for everybody. b) just disable the splash screen. I do this and there is no skill or risk involved: Create a .txt file on your PC containing: <advancedsettings version="1.0"> <setting>value</setting> <splash>false</splash> <setting>value</setting> </advancedsettings> Save it as advancedsettings.xml Install Total Commander or similar on your Zidoo and just copy this xml file to this path: Android/data/com.zidoo.zdmc/files/.kodi/userdata/
Thank you Franconian! i will try to adjust my advancedsettings.xml accordingly and then use the custom start screen that some skins offer. E. g. Rapier.
That worked pretty well. The ugly ZDMC splash screen is not displayed anymore. Im Rapier you can select custom pictures or videos when starting Kodi.
I did so in ZDMC 20.2 and the splash screen is gone... But now there are long periods of system waiting (or searching?) e.g. after stopping a movie and you want to return to ZDMC. I tried to get rid of that advancedsettings.xml, I even just deleted it in "userdata". But now the behaviour is strange: Deleting that advancedsettings.xml does NOT bring back the splash screen any more. I deleted ZDMC from the system completely and installed a new one (20.2) clean. Instead of showing the splash screen, it's still gone ! I tried several times... no splash screen anymore. Please , how can I return to the original state of ZDMC ?
I don’t think that is the issue of the waiting time. But have you tried setting false to true in the xml?
I can confirm this odd behavior in ZDMC 20.2. It looks like the splash screen has been disabled and nothing I have thought of to try will make it visible. I put images in there in both jpg and png. Renamed them to splash. Configured an advancedsettings.xml with splash set to true. Nothing works. Oh well, at least we aren't stuck looking at that ugly ZDMC splash.